Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boy was it dark this morning.

Wednesday, 9/30/09--Ran to Penn Oaks (25:00) and back (23:59); 6.6 MILES. Lifted for only 15 minutes b/c I was running late. Boy was it dark this morning. Tomorrow: 7.9 with the boys in town.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

but, for what it's worth

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009--The "Henderson-Kelly" workout today was 3 x 2000 with a 400 jog-rest in-between each repeat. I ran the first 1600 with my group in 5:57 and then peeled off. The group finished the 2000 and then decided to do an alternative workout: 2 sets of 800-600-400-200 with 45 seconds (jog) intervals and a 4-minute jog-rest between sets. I ran the 800 in 2:40, the 600 in 2:07, skipped the 400 (a little confusion), and ran the 200 in :37. The next set: 800 in 2:42, 600 in 2:05, 400 in 1:19, and the 200 in :34. By the time I got to the 400, I was about 20 seconds behind the group, so I wound up running solo. I cooled down .5 mile, having warmed up 1.2 miles. Total: about 5.4 miles.

Not pleased with this workout, but, for what it's worth, at least I got to run something shorter than 800.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing special

Monday, 9/27/09--Easy 5.9 in 45:40. 2.2 Rustin loop, followed by (2) 1.85 loops. Nothing special, but it was a run.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A "long" run

Sunday, 9/27/09--Ran 33:50 over 4.4 miles. 17:40 1st loop; 16:10 second loop.

TOTAL FOR MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY: 38.2 (including 1 junk mile I did at my son's XC meeting running here and there)

Saturday, 9/26/09-- I did a "long" run of 10 miles, my farthest run ever. Why the quotes? I realize that my long run is not particularly long for most bonafide distance runners. I ran just under 8 minutes (39:45) for the first 5 mile. I sped up the second 5/loop and ended with 1:16:20. My second 5 must've been at about 7:20/mile pace.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I could have gone harder

Thursday, 9/24/09
On tap this morning was my usual 7.9 mile run with a few other guys. A brisk pace was intact for the first half of the run, as we hit the 4-mile mark in 29:10. Justin, who seemed to be the pace maker, peeled off soon after the 4-mile mark. As a result of this and the awful humidity and 70-degree weather, we all slowed significantly. The second half of the run (3.9) was 31:15; we finished at 60:25. The monster hill we crawled up and the final hill we jogged, not pushed. Oh well. half--about 7:17 pace; 2nd half--about 8 minutes. At least I knew I could have gone harder and still been okay.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am wondering/wandering

Wednesday, 9/23/09
This morning I ran an easy 4.8 miles in 37:30, or 7:48/mile. Did .6 around my blocked and headed through the 4.4 Westborne/Oakborne loop. I am wandering, wondering whether I should increase my mileage or keep my mileage the same and increase intensity. I have Kevin Kelly, on the hand, telling me about his high mileage athletes and their amazing times with little or no speed or interval work (all base work). I have Kevin Forde, on the other hand, blogging about his shorter mileage weeks where he is able to run 1000 repeats in 3:10-3:20 with a few minutes' rests, sub 17:30 5K time trials, etc. Where do I go from here?

For the next 3-5 weeks, I was thinking of:
Mon--5 miles
Tues--interval workout to equal 5.5 miles
Wed--5 miles
Thursday--approx 8 miles
Friday--biking/yoga/light lifting
Saturday--10 miles
Sunday--approx 6.5


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

glad I did

Tuesday, 9/22/09: Made my to Henderson for 3-4 x 1 mile @ 10K pace with 200 meter jog rest. I feel off the top group pace early, as those out front were running my current 5K pace. I was determined to stick with the workout, and I am glad I did. I ran 6:09, 6:10, 6:15, and for my last one I hopped back in with the group. I ran their last 1200 in 4:14. Total: 5.5 miles

Monday, 9/21/09: Started out with what I thought would be a tempo run. Looked at time for first mile and realized it was not to be. Wound up doing 4.6 at about 7:45/mile pace.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Time to run

Monday, 9/21/09--As it turns out, I ran 18:38 for the 5K on Saturday, which was a bit slower than I had thought. Oh well. Yesterday I ran to Penn Oaks in 25:40, lifted, and ran back in 24:40. It was a nice recovery run on a nice day. Gotta go. Time to run.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fat chance, she tells me

Sunday, September 20, 2009.

Yesterday I did a 5K in downtown West Chester called Half-Way to St. Pat's. The race proceeds would benefit the oncology department at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). My kids joined me in the race, along with about 75 other runners and walkers. It was great to see me line up with my young daughter and now high school age son! From the get-go, I felt pretty good, reminding myself to stay relaxed while in third place. My son was right alongside me. Scott Burns, the leader, increased his lead with every stride it appeared. At the mile mark, I realized that my son and I had cut into the lead of the runner in second place. By the half-way mark, I passed him, as did my son. At the two mile mark, I heard my son's shoes clapping the pavement, as he pulled alongside me. I was thinking how great it was to see him keep up and make a go for taking down his old man. I surged for a couple of seconds, thinking he would go with me, but he didn't. I told myself to stay relaxed and focused during the last mile. The sound of footsteps faded until the last 1K, when I heard what I thought was the guy who was originally in second place. As it turned out, it was another guy, tall and lanky, who pulled alongside me with a 1/4 mile to go. He seemed determined. The pace quickened, and before you knew it we were in a full blown sprint. Buoyed by cheers from John Manion, with whom I run on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings, who said, "Don't let him break you," I stayed the course, literally, and out kicked him to the line. I am not sure exactly what I ran, but will find out shortly. I think it was 18:30 or so, or 5:59 per mile. I was more impressed with me son, who finished in 18:59, and my daughter, who ran her first 5K in 26:27. Amazing day for our family. We went to the awards ceremony and post-race party for some food. Now if only I could get my wife out running! Fat chance, she tells me.

Today--recovery run. I'm looking to head out to the Penn Oaks within the next hour and back. I will likely take it easy with 8 minute/mile pace. About 31 miles for the week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A little help from my Yoga

Friday, 9/18--Looks like I may have a Friday routine after a week of all running: yoga. The last couple of Fridays, I've opted for a little--and I do mean a little--Exercise TV yoga, which entials 12 minutes of core strength exercises. It's short and moderately intense. I like it. Hmm--perhaps I could do it more than once a week. Before-bedtime activity? Saturday mornings?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Refreshed when we finished

Thursday, 9/17/09--This morning I headed to the West Chester Country Club in the drizzle. Like last Thursday, the drizzle faded as the run progressed. The coolness remained, though. There were four of us, and one peeled off at the 4.5 mile mark, another at the 5.25 mile mark. Like last week, I was hoping that the run would have felt easier. Overall, I was not spent, but I wish I could get to the point where these runs are, well, run-of-the mill. I saw 30:00 at the 4-mile mark, about 15 seconds slower than last week's pace at the 4-mile point. I finished up at 60:10, which was a minute slower than last week's run and two-and-a-half minutes slower than when I ran alone, ironically. Sean and I held a full-blown conversation over the last 2.5 miles and slowed down a lot it appears. I guess our overall pace was about 7:37. The good thing is I felt refreshed when we finished, not spent.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nothing special

Wednesday, 9/16/09--had a late start. Simply did 30 minutes easy, about 3.70 miles. Nothing special. Tomorrow will be 57:00 or so over 7.9 miles.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

But I made it through

Tuesday, 9/15/09--Mom's birthday. Got to remember to call her later. Well, per my routine, I met up with the Henderson crew for some intervals. Today's assignment was 5-6x1000 at a bit over 5K pace, I think. We'd have 200 meters jog-rest in-between. I warmed up .9 mile and stretched a bit, though I could have stretched more. I ran with Rachel, John and Joe, who left us in his tracks after the first 1000. The first 1000 was 3:43 I believe; his was probably 3:39. The second was 3:39; third, 3:37; fourth, 3:35; and fifth 3:33. I had planned to do only 5, but Rachel "The Beast" cajoled me into a 6th, well sort of. I told her I'd catch her on the last 600, which I did. The entire 1000 for her was 3:30, having come across the 400 in 1:25. That means I ran the 600 in 2:05. Overall, this was a tough workout, but I made it through. I stayed the course and was able to keep up with Rachel. Not to be sexist and all, but it's humbling to run with women as good as Rachel, who at age 29 recently ran under 18 minutes for the 5K. And just to think--I remember coaching girls in the mid-90's who ran against her. I cooled down .6 mile. Total: 5.5 miles
Tuesday, 9/15/09--Mom's birthday. Got to remember to call later. Well, per my routine, I met up with the Henderson crew for some intervals. Today's assignment was

Monday, September 14, 2009

Easy like Monday morning

Monday, 9/14/09--Rather than do a tempo run, which I feel like I sort of did yesterday on the way home from Penn Oaks, I figured I'd save my legs. I opted for an easy 27:30 (3.1) and a little yoga.

Sunday, 9/13/09--Penn Oaks run. Out in 24:40; back in 23:40. 6.6. 30.5 miles for the week, Monday through Sunday.

Saturday, September 12--Ran 1.0 mile to Goose Creek Park. Stretch. Had my mind set on doing a 3.15 mile fartlek. Like last time, I did 30 jog/30 run and was able to do 6 laps in about 21:15. I did not feel quite as strong as last week's but I'll take it. 3.15

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cats and Dogs

Friday, 9/11--Similar to last Friday, I opted for a little--and I do mean a little--yoga instead via Exercise TV. I was running awfully late and it was raining cats and dogs! Same selection as last week--12 minutes of core strength exercises.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I was not spent

Thursday, 9/10/09--This morning it was off to the West Chester Country Club in the drizzle. It was not so bad, though, especially since the rain tapered as the run progressed. There were only three of us, one of whom peeled off at the 4.5 mile mark. I had imagined that today's run would feel easier and perhaps be a bit faster than last week's since, unlike last Thursday's run, I was running with others. I had a good start, feeling the coolness of the morning on my arms. I saw 29:45 at the 4-mile mark, 35 seconds slower than last week's pace at the 4-mile point. I finished up at 59:10, which was 90 seconds slower than last week's 57:40. Admittedly, I took the last mile slower--especially the hills--as I did not want to pull away from the comrade running with me. I didn't set out to race this course, only to try to run at 7:20 or so pace. Today my pace was a bit slower than last week's 7:18 at 7:29. At least today I felt more refreshed than tired when I finished; I was not spent.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today I biked to Penn Oaks, did a quick lifting workout, and biked back...all in 50 minutes: 16 there, 20 inside, 14 back. It was a little dark on the way there, but otherwise fine. Tomorrow: in town for the near 8-miler.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All by myself

Today's workout at Henderson was 6-8x800 at 10K pace with a 200 meter jog-rest. I warmed up 1.1 mile. None of the people from my group were there, so I ran alone. Actually, one person--Joe Breslin--did show up but when we were stretching. He wound up hopping in at some point and blazing by me, but I can't be sure he did all 8. Anyway, I ran the 8 800s by my lonesome and did ok. I was surely seconds off where I wanted to be, but that's the way it goes. #1: 3:13, #2: 3:06, #3: 3:05, #4: 3:03, #5 3:03, #6 3:02, #7 3:01, #8: 2:47. Overall, I felt pretty good. I cooled down .5. Total: 6.5 miles.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Felt pretty good today

This morning I did a tempo run. Ran .6 to the beginning of the XC course and did a 3-minute stretch. I then began the run. I remember hitting 6:50 at the 1600m mark and I think 10:50 at the end of the first loop. I finished the 3.1(.15) in 20:55 and did a 7-minute cool down (.85) en route home. Felt pretty good today. I'd like to bring my tempo run on this course down to 20 minutes. 4.6 miles.

Good news for him

Sunday, 9/6--I ran to Penn Oaks with my son. Our intention was to run the standard 7:30/mile pace. For some reason, I've come to dislike the route, I think in part because for whatever reason even running a pedestrian pace on this course takes more out of me than it should. Hit first mile 7:52, second mile in 15:50, third mile in 23:00, parking lot in 25:15 (my son, 25:25). After a brief period of upper body work, I headed back for home. Again, the pace would be 7:30. Hit mile 1 in 7:25, mile 2--??, with one mile to go 17:15, home at 24:25. My son--24:30. Good news for him--I think this was his best Penn Oaks run. 6.6 miles. About 28.4 miles for the week, Monday through Sunday.

Saturday, 9/5--I scheduled myself for a fartlek today. Like the last time, I jogged .6 mile to the start of the XC course at Rustin. This time, though, I stopped for a few minutes to stretch. My pattern would be 30 seconds jogging, 30 seconds running. My hope was to jog at about 8-minute/mile pace and to run at 6-minute/mile pace, which would amount to a 7-minute/mile pace for the 3.1 (3.15, really) course. I was able to accomplish this. I ran the double-loop course, fartlek-style in 21:40. The first loop of 1.5(55) was in about 11:00, and the second loop was in 10:40. I then jogged .85 home, for a total of 4.6 miles.

Friday, 9/4--Today, I decided to forgo a workout and opt for a little--and I do mean a little--yoga instead via Exercise TV. The slection I made was a mere 12 minutes long and dealt primarily with core strength exercises. I'd do it again, though, particularly on an "I took the day off" day or when I am running awfully late.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

But it's alright with me

Thursday, 9/3/09--This morning I made my way to the West Chester Country Club, only to get there to see no one but cars. I figured the crew had already left. In fact, I thought I had caught of glimpse of them as I turned onto High Street. I parked my car and thought that I'd just get started with the hope that I'd catch up with them as I had done a couple of months ago when I was late. I also knew, though, that there was a possibility that they had taken an alternate route and not the usual one. I had a good start, realizing that I was running a bit faster than I had on this course in a while. I felt the coolness of the morning on my arms. There were times during the run when I tried to talk myself out of the full 7.9. There were times when my legs felt heavy and arms felt flaccid. But I was not going to be deterred running alone for the distance in the shadows of West Chester. I saw 29:10 at the 4-mile mark and realized I had maintained a good pace. While my run up the huge hill at the beginning of mile 7 was slow, I stuck with it, owing to the end in sight. As I climbed Ashbridge I passed two women running, one of whom was Anna May's mother, and took it home in 57:40, which is faster than the 57:55 I ran on 3/26/09 and the 58-something I ran on 4/2/09. And these runs were with a group. Admittedly, I don't set out to race these courses, as I typically do not run far and fast, and I don't believe a 7:18 pace is lighting the world on fire. But it's alright with me! Now if I can use this day to kick-start consistently good work I'd be forever grateful.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Head case

Wednesday, 9/2/09--.6 to the start of Rustin's XC course in 5:20. Did the course in 25:00, then continued on my way to Ashley and then home (an additional .85) in 36:30. Total: about 4.6 miles.

Yesterday I took off, thinking that I would try my luck at a 5K over at the Westtown School, the last in a summer series. I warmed up a mile, stretched some, and chatted it up with a few folks.

I felt okay when the race began, hanging alongside Jim, one of the Tuesday morning guys. I was doing just fine, hitting about under 6 minutes for the first mile. But then I began to panic and engage in negative self-talk. Before I knew it I had lost all confidence that I could finish the race to the standard I had set for myself. And that's when it happened: I stopped...right around the 1.5 mile mark in 8:51.98, a time/numbers that will undoubtedly haunt me. I am officially a head case. The worst thing a runner can become accustomed to doing is stopping...during a workout and especially during a meet. And now I've done both! How hopeless am I?

Total 2.5