Wednesday, January 5, 2022

a hills workout on this icy morning


Drove to Mountain Park for a hills workout on this icy morning. I arrived just before 7:00 given the early morning darkness and my caution about coyotes lurching in the woods where the hill is! By the time I warmed up and stretched, I didn't start my hills until 7:20, when there was plenty of daylight. Turns out I would've been fine arriving at 6:30, warming up and stretching, and starting my hills at 6:50.

At any rate, these hills were tough. It's been a while since I've done them. Also, the path of shredded wood chips and bark was slick. Nonetheless, I trekked onward. Having scouted the territory yesterday, I knew that the hill extended up .1M or so, then bent left for another .05M or so. The path then turned downward and back towards the start, to form a .31M loop. Perfect.

I managed

.155M in 65 sec/.155M in 1:20 downhill...2:25

The rest averaged

.155M in 75 sec/.155M in 1:25 downhill...2:40

I did a total of 7 hills (6.5 loops...2 miles) in 17:00

My goal is to try to get down to 16:00. A key challenge is the slipperiness of the hill and the fact that it'll be snow-covered in no time!



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