Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Change of plans

UPDATE: I did the Sit 'n Kick workout. I warmed up 1.25 miles, stretched for close to 10 minutes and began. My runs were: 66 (32/34) and 32; 67 (32/35) and 32; 64 (31/33) and 32; 64 and 32; and 64 and 31. I definitely missed on the frist two, realizing too much on the second 200. Overall this was a pretty good workout, especially consiering it was about 32 degrees and I ran in flats, not spikes like last year. Also, the 1200 slow jog-rest was 10 minutes, not 11 like last year.
I cooled down 1.1 mile. Total: 6 plus.

Wednesday, 12/30/09--

I did not run this morning, but I am planning to workout after work since I am taking the afternoon off. On Wednesday 12/31/08, I did Sit 'n Kick Reps. The goal was 5x (400m @ 65 . . . rest 60-sec . . . 200m @ 30) jog 1200m btw sets. I did: 65, 33; 65, 33; 64, 33, 65, 32; 64, 32. 1200 meter, 11-min jog in-between...for a 5.9 mile total.

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