Friday, August 28, 2009

This week has been a blur

This week has been a blur. At least the good thing is I ran 60.4 miles in the last two weeks, 25.6 in the last 7 days and 34.8 the 7 days before. I will start clocking my miles again.

Friday, 8/28/09--Michael Jackson's b-day! RIP, K of P. I was running late and ran 1 2.2 loop in 17:30.

Thursday, 8/27/09--I confused the day and did not have enough time to make it to WC Country Club to meet the guys for the 7.9 mile run. So, instead I ran two 1.85 loops for a simple 3.7 in 29:30. Same feeling as yesterday.

Wednesday, 8/26/09--I ran to Penn Oaks to lift and ran back for 6.6. Pace was easy (26:30 there, 25:30 on the way back). As a result, I should have felt better.

Tuesday, 8/25/09--Went to Henderson where a 3-mile tempo run awaited me. Given that I had just completed one yesterday, I was not enthused. Perhaps that's why I bombed! I warmed up 1.1 mile. I ran the first mile in 6:20, then stopped at the 1.5mile mark at 9:30. I waited a few minutes, then ran a 6:00 mile. I felt sluggish and couldn't keep up. I cooled down a mile. Total: 4.6 miles.

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