Sunday, December 29, 2024
I felt a pull
Saturday, December 28, 2024
a late decision
Sunday, December 22, 2024
followed the red brick-paved pathway!
Sun, 12/22/24-
On this 14-degree morning (7-degree real-feel temp!), I went to the partially snow-covered field and track and quickly discovered I might be alone today. After a couple of minutes, John (who lives nearby) showed up. I warmed up close to a mile and stretched into the science building. John accompanied me. We decided we would do some 150s...wearing trainers. Given my condition, I figured they would be modest. Boy, was I right! They were more like strides than sprints! The first was in 27. The second was in 26. Then I saw from a distance that Chuck Shields had come out. Evidently, he had just finished doing hills on Valley Green Rd. John and I did two more 150s, in 25 and 24, after which I suggested we check out the brick-paved hill on a complement to Chuck's efforts. We jogged to the brick-paved path. I figured we'd do 4. I cut the last 10m off, just beyond the tennis pavilion, as it was icy. Chuck did the first one with us. My runs were 37, 36, 35, and 34. Although my knee was still problematic, I felt decent about this effort. (Adding back in the last 10m, and these times would be about 39, 38, 37, and 36, not bad.) I'm glad we followed the red brick-paved pathway!
Saturday, December 21, 2024
had to brace myself
Friday, December 13, 2024
my hamstring had other plans
Fri, 12/13/24-
I intended to hit the track today, but my hamstring had other plans. En route to the fitness center, I could feel my lower hamstring and the back of my knee tugging. Instead of track work, I stretched and lifted a little.
Resting up
Thurs, 12/12/24-took off. Hamstring and back of knee issues.
Wed, 12/11/24--took off. Resting up lower hamstring and back of knee.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
in favor of the balance
12/10/24-I set out to do 2x100, 2x200, 2x300, 2x200, and 2x100. The rest would be "walk what you run," which meant about 2:00 after the 100s, 3:00 after the 200s, 4:00 after the 300s. Having completed this workout on this day last year (and the year before!), my target paces were 15, 32, 51, respectively. Wearing a knee/lower hamstring sleeve on my left leg, I hit the target (15-mid, 15-low, 33-low, 31-mid). I tackled what would be my only 300 in 50-low. I saw that I was running late, having left the house at 6:15am, and decided to skip the second 300 in favor of the balance of 200s and 100s. I did these in 32-low, 31-mid, 14-high, 14-mid.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
I missed the mark
Sun, 12/8/24-
After taking four days off, I tried my luck at a track workout with the crew. On John's call, he, Andrew, and I did 200, 150, 200, 150, 200, with the 200s in 30 and the 150s in 22. By most measures, this workout plan was pretty modest. However, I missed the mark a bit due to my nagging hamstring and lack of speed. I managed 31, 23, 30, 23, and 32. The rest between each effort was 2:30.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
the flesh behind my knee
Sat, 12/7/24-took off
Fri, 12/6/24-took off
Thurs, 12/5/24-took off
Wed, 12/4/24-took off
Tues, 12/3/24-hills. I wound up doing 6 rather than 8 because the flesh behind my knee was bothering me. The times all hovered around 38 sec.
Mon, 12/2/24-1.2M to the fitness center, stretched, lifted, drilled, and then made my way back (1.15M) home.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
My speed was missing
Sun, 12/1-Left the Ritz Carlton and headed to the track.
Did 3x200, 3x150, and 3x100 with Chuck, Federiko, and Guy.
The goal paces were 34 for the 200, 24 for the 150s, and 15 for the 100s.
I felt slow as molasses today, managing a hard-fought 36, 34, and 34 for the 200w, 24s for the 150s, and 15s for the 100s.
My speed was missing; Chuck and Federiko had theirs with them.
Sat, 11/30-Went to the gym at Ritz Carlton. Treadmill action. Did mile in 9:00, stretched for 4-5 min, did another mile in 8:40, stretched for 4-5 min, did another mile in 8:20, lifted for 4-5 min.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Skipped the turkey trot
Thurs, 11/28/24-.Turkey Day. Skipped the turkey trot. Jogged 55M (4:40) to the fitness center. Stretched, did a few drills, and lifted. Ran .55M (4:20) back home.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
just yet
Wed, 11/27/24-At 11:30am, I tried my luck at 6x200 with a 2:00 rest between efforts. Although my knee, the back of my knee, and my left hamstring were tender, I did okay. I posted 34-low, 34-low, 34-low in flats. Put on some spikes. I then hit 33-high, 32-high, and 33-low. No speed in these legs just yet.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Tues, 11/26/24-30th Wedding Anniversary!
I ran 2.52 miles (21:00) to the fitness center, stretched and lifted some weights, and then ran another 1.00 miles (7:55) home.
Mon, 11/25/24-4.5M (35:25)
Saturday, November 23, 2024
sleeting a bit.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Overcoming the Wall: Lessons from After the Fall for Runners
Wed, 11/20/24-7M (55:00).
I walked into a pre-kindergarten classroom the other day, and the teacher gave an endorsement of a book she had just read to the children. She handed it to me and said I should buy it. I read it on the spot and then went home and did just that—I bought it.
Remember Humpty Dumpty? What happens to him after his infamous fall? Dan Santat’s After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again offers a poignant and inspiring answer. This beautifully illustrated picture book reimagines the classic nursery rhyme as a story of resilience, courage, and transformation.
As runners, we all hit the proverbial wall—whether struggling through the last 100 meters of a 400-meter dash or bouncing back from an injury. Dan Santat’s After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again offers a fresh perspective on approaching these challenges with resilience and courage.
In the story, Humpty Dumpty’s fall isn’t the end—it’s the beginning of his journey to rebuild. Fear holds him back, but he confronts his struggles step by step. For runners, this mirrors the journey of pushing through setbacks, whether it’s the fear of re-injury, the frustration of lost fitness, or the daunting task of tackling new goals.
The key takeaway? Recovery and growth aren’t about returning to who we were before the fall—they’re about transforming into something stronger. Like Humpty, we grow with each small victory, whether it’s lacing up after a tough race, embracing cross-training, or running that first pain-free mile.
The story’s ultimate twist—Humpty’s transformation into a bird—is a powerful metaphor for runners. The challenges we face and the fears we conquer often unlock something unexpected: freedom, strength, and a new perspective on what we can achieve.
Santat’s heartfelt narrative and stunning illustrations make After the Fall more than just a children’s book—it’s a universal tale about overcoming life’s challenges and discovering unexpected strength. It’s a perfect read for anyone—child or adult—navigating their own journey of recovery and resilience.
This inspiring story reminds us all: sometimes, the hardest climbs lead to the greatest transformations. So, next time you feel like you’ve hit a wall, remember: every climb, every step forward, brings you closer to soaring.
Santat, Dan. After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again. Roaring Brook Press, 2017.
Adapted into "Overcoming the Wall: Lessons from After the Fall for Runners" with assistance from OpenAI’s ChatGPT, November 20, 2024.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
a work assignment!
Tues, 11/19/24-Had to take off the morning in order to complete a work assignment!
Monday, November 18, 2024
feels better, though.
Potential workouts for next Sunday...
-Pick-up reps: 8x400 (#s1,3,4,6,7 in current mile race pace; #s 2,5,8 in 800m date race pace; 3 min rest). Faster 400s in 70; slower ones in 78.)
-Sit 'n kick reps: 5 x (400 in 800m current race pace, 2-min rest, 200 in 600m current race pace, followed by a 1200m jog in 9:00). 400 in 70; 200 in 34
Mon, 11/18/24- Running behind, I managed only 6.2M (49:15; 7:57/M pace). My stomach feels better, though.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
lo and behold
Sun, 11/17/24. Even though I had considered doing 300s, I had no definitive plans. But, lo and behold, the distance crew had 300s on the mind! This was not the first time they chose a workout I had thought about doing. It won't be the last, either. I got a bit of a late start, missing the entire first set of five. I hopped into the second set and managed 61, 60, 61, 59, and 60. We walked about 90 sec between efforts and took about 3:00 between sets. My second set, Keith's third, came in at 59, 58, 57, 56, 54. Keith managed 15 (!), Federico got in 12 or 13, and Allison and Bob did about 10 or 11. I did 10. I finished up the workout by doing the final 100m or Andrew's 250m 400m-race pace run. It felt pretty good.
Sat, 11/16/24-Drove to the Delaware Raritan Canal trail, my familiar if well-worn site when I'm in NJ. What a lovely day! I did a simple 4.25M (2.12M out and 2.12M back). I hit the turnaround point at 17:00, and I managed 16:00 en route to my car. Out...8:01/M pace; back...7:33/M pace. Total: 7:47/M pace.
Friday, November 15, 2024
My stomach is still queasy!
Monday, November 11, 2024
Italian Stallion
Thursday, November 7, 2024
I wonder what that figure means!
Thurs, 11/7/24-Continued my taper for the Rocky Run this Saturday. Looping two+ times around Springfield, Cherokee, St. Martins, and W. Moreland and then heading to campus, I did an easy 2.8M (23:10), followed by some stretching in the fitness center, then 1.2M (9:19) en route to Jennings.
Wed, 11/6/24-Running in the aftermath, I cut my run to just five miles in 39:39. I wonder what that figure means!
Tues, 11/5/24-Running with a bit of anxiety and speculation, I ran to the fitness center (3.8M in 30:10). I then managed a brief lifting session. I trotted back home (1.2M in 9:10).
Monday, November 4, 2024
uptick in my pace
Sunday, November 3, 2024
musings and volunteer work
Sun, 11/3/24-still at Swarthmore. Made my way to the track just before 7am for a solo session. On tap? 5x1000 at a target pace of 3:55, with a 2:00 rest period. The workout, as written, called for 5-6 x1000, but I had time for just five.
Actuals: 4:00 (3:15), 3:52 (3:08), 3:54 (3:09), 3:50 (3:04), 3:44 (3:00).
When I review my efforts from just two years ago, the pace I hit today was rather modest. However, I averaged more than 10 seconds faster per effort when I ran with Keith on this day in 2022.
Sat, 11/2/24-took off; musings and volunteer work at Swarthmore--Garnet Weekend, Council on Presidential Initiatives; SBAN
Fri, 11/1/24-7M (55:10)
Thurs, 10/31/24-3.8+ (30:45) en route to the fitness center; short lifting session; 1.2M (9:15)
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
struck by a vehicle
Wed, 10/30/24-
6M (48:30). I cut my run short today after being struck by a vehicle at the intersection of E. Mermaid and Winston. So much the headlamp and street lights! I was coming down E. Mermaid, and there were two cars approaching from opposite sides of Winston. I assumed both would stop as I entered the intersection. Once stopped; the other blew right through the stop sign. Thank goodness I saw him in time to be able to speed up and jump into the air so that the car didn't catch my legs or knees. Instead I landed awkwardly on his hood and kind of bounced off. He got out of his car, and the driver of the other car stalled a bit. The offender was clearly shaken up, as I scolded him, lightly I might add, before he apologized for doing a "California roll" (through the stop sign). Realizing I was shaken up, I gathered myself and ran another 4 8min/mi pace.
Tues, 10/29/24-
Oddly, my watch read 3.87M, not the usual range of 3.77-3.82M! (31:10), en route to the fitness center. 1.2M back home (9:30)
Monday, October 28, 2024
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Fairly easy workout
Friday, October 25, 2024
my knee failed me
Fri, 10/25/24-
7M (55:40). Started out at 8:25 and then dropped to under 8:00. The last .25M was tough, as my knee failed me.
Thurs, 10/24/24
Took off
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
sluggish this morning
Wed, 10/23/24--
Felt sluggish this morning. 3.8M (31:25) to fitness center. Lifted a little. 1.2M (9:30) cooldown run back home.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024
run back
Mon, 10/21/24-Same 'ole: 3.8M (30:45) to fitness center. Lifted a little. 1.2M (9:15) cooldown run back home.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Sun, 10/20/24-
Didn't know what was in store today following yesterday's 5K, but we eventually settled on 3 min on/3 min off, 2 min on/2 min off, 1 min on/1 min off. We did two ourselves 2 min between sets.
First 3:00: I covered 800m
First 2:00: I covered 570m
First 1:00: I covered 305m
Second 3:00: I covered 810m
Second 2:00: I covered 265m
Second 1:00: I covered 300m
I could've done a third set, but I opted against it. My hamstring was bothering me. With that being the case, why did I stupidly hop into the first of four 100m runs Andrew and Chuck did, even if they were only in 15/16 sec?
Saturday, October 19, 2024
I'll take that!
Friday, October 18, 2024
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Better but not altogether great
Thurs, 10/17/24-
Today's easy run was better but not altogether great. Went 3.45M (28:30) to fitness center, lifted per my routine, and then took a .75M (6:00) route back home.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Knee is ouch!
Wed, 10/16/24-
5M (41:15). Cut the run short. Knee is ouch! Besides, I have a 5K scheduled for Saturday.
Tues, 10/15/24
Same 'ole: 3.8M (31:20) to fitness center. Lifted a little. 1.2M (9:20) cooldown run back home.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Garmin seemed to fail me.
Mon, 10/14/24-
Sunday, October 13, 2024
had I not
Sun, 10/13/24-
A number of us joined in for the workout that I called: 3-4 x 1200 at about 5K race pace, with 3:00 recovery between efforts. Some of us wound up running "partials".
I figured I'd run about 4:30 or so.
The first effort woke me up: 22/45/1:32/3:03/4:34
The second effort felt pretty easy: 21/43/1:30/4:30
200m into the third effort, I decided the third effort would be my last for the day: 20/42/1:25/2:51/4:15
I would've been able to do a fourth had I not gone hard on the third.
After a few minutes' rest, a few of us did 3x200 in 40 sec.
Sat, 10/12/24-Forbidden Drive. Easy 4M....34:00 (9:00, 8:45, 8:15, 8:00)
Friday, October 11, 2024
bum knee
Fri, 10/11/24-took off. Knee is fragile.
Thurs, 10/10/24-7M run, most of it with a bum knee. Took it pretty easy (56:50).
Wed, 10/9/24-3.8M (31:00) to fitness center, then stretched & lifted (12 min), then 1.2M (9:30) back home.
Tues, 10/8/24--7M (55:00)
Mon, 10/7/24-3.8M (31:20) to fitness center, then stretched & lifted (12 min), then 1.2M (9:20) back home.
Monday, October 7, 2024
plague me
Could've done another set!
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Maybe for Sunday
Maybe for Sunday, 10/6/24
Workout Options (pretty much for 19:30 5K):
6x1000m at 4:10 (60 sec rest)
5-6x1000m at 3:55 (2 min rest)
4 x (800m run in 3:00, 100m jog in 60 sec, 300m run in 60 sec, 400m jog in 4:00)
5 x (800m run in 3:05, 100m jog in 60 sec, 300m run in 65 sec, 400m jog in 4:00)
5x1200 in 5:00 (75 sec rest)
4-5x1200 in 4:40 (2 min rest)
3-4x1200 in 4:32 (3 min rest)
1600m in 6:15 (6 min rest), 1200m in 4:40 (4 min rest), 6x400 in 1:28 (1 min rest)
2 x (3x1000m). Set 1 in 4:10s with 1 min rest; set 2 in 3:55s with 2 min rest.
20-25 min tempo run at 6:50-6:55/mile
Possible races:
Oct 12, Sat, 10AMAbingTHON 5K
Abington HS, PA
Oct 19, Sat 9AM Shore XC League
Holmdel Park, Holmdel, NJ
Oct 26, Sat. 8:30 Phoenixville Run
Nov 3, Sun 3PMCCeXCiTe Series 5K
Pennypacker Park, Cherry Hill, NJ
Nov 16, Sat 8:30AMAlumni XC Run 5K
Holmdel Park, Holmdel, NJ
Nov 28, Thu 9AM Face to Face Turkey Trot 5MForbidden Drive, Fairmount Park
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Informal runner's pentathlon
Wednesday, 10/2/24-took off
Tuesday, 10/1/24-3M in and around Great Valley Corporate Park. 24:00
Monday, 9/30/24-4.5M in and around Great Valley Corporate Park. 36:30.
Sunday, 9/29/24-Informal runner's pentathlon with team. The line-up was 1600, 100, 800, 200, 400, with a 10 min break between each effort.
For my part...
1600...5:40 (1:23/2:50/...5:40)
800...2:35 (76/79)
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
8x2:00 became 9x2:00, although I wanted the full shebang of 10x2:00
Wed, 9/25/24-
On tap today was 9 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min jog recovery between efforts. (8x2:00 became 9x2:00, although I wanted the full shebang of 10x2:00) My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile. At this pace, I should have covered about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)
#1: 550 meters
#2: 550
#3: 550
#4: 560-565
#5: 560-565
#6: 560-565
#7: 575-580
#8: 575-580
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Sunday, September 22, 2024
last two miles
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Something was up
Wed, 9/18/24-3.85M (31:20) to fitness center; 1.15M (9:00) back home. Something was up with my watch, which seemed sluggish and off.
Tues, 9/17/24-7M (55:50)-slightly different route.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024
610 meters
On tap today was 6 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min walking recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile. At this pace, I was hoping to cover about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)
#1: 555 meters
#2: 560 meters
#3: 550m
#4: 560m
#5: 565m
#6: 565m
#7: 565m
#8: 610 meters
Newcomer John partnered with me. Andrew did 3x1K with Bob (and Alison), then joined John and me on the last four efforts.
Sunday, July 23, 2018-Let the transition begin
On tap today was 8 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min jog recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile. At this pace, I should have covered about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)
#1: 550 meters
#2: 555 meters
#3: 560
#4: 560
#5: 570
#6: 570
#7: 560
#8: 600 meters
For additional perspective, here 9/26/17-
#1: 590 meters in 2:00
#2: 595 meters in 2:00
#3: 590 meters in 2:00
#4: 590 meters in 2:00
#5: 585 meters in 2:00
#6: 580 meters in 2:00
#7: 600 meters in 2:00
#8: 600 meters in 1:55 (I could have kept going to cover another 20 meters of so to get to 2:00)
And here is Tues, 9/19/17-
#1: Ran an entire 600m in 2:04. I was wondering whether I should do 600s or stick with 2:00. I chose to stick with 2:00 so that I could do the workout as designed, but also make my way to being about to do 2-min 600s with a 2:00 jog recovery comfortably. 2:00 600s is much faster than my goal pace. My goal is 17:30, which is 5:38/mile. At this pace, I should have covered 571 meters per repeat.
#2: 585 meters in 2:00
#3: 580 meters in 2:00
#4: 580 meters in 2:00
#5: 575 meters in 2:00
#6: 575 meters in 2:00
#7: 580 meters in 2:00
#8: 600 meters in 1:57 (I could have kept going to cover another 10 meters of so to get to 2:00)
Possibilities for today
6x800 (goal pace: 2:52-2:56) with 2:00 rest
8x2:00 (5k race pace) with 2:00 rest. Running for 2:00 at 18 min 5K pace would equal 555m.
(~42 sec/200)
Saturday, September 14, 2024
I managed 35M this week, down from last week's 40M.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
tie my shoelace
Tues, 9/10/24-Ran 3.85M (32:50) to fitness center. Super brief upper body lifting only. Ran 1.15M (9:25) back home. (5M)
Mon, 9/9/24-Ran 3.5M (29:10) in early AM, knowing I would work out with the XC team. I met up with the team at 4:00. On the docket was a pre-race workout. After dynamic stretching drills, we were instructed to do about 20-25 minutes of running on the track at about 65-70%. Running comfortably, I covered the first mile with a crew in 7:40 or so. With Coach Sal telling everyone not to cluster but to run your own pace, I pulled away, covering the next two miles in 14:00. I managed 3M in 21:45. We did running drills, stretched, then cooled down a lap. (6.75M)
Sun, 9/8/24-4x1200 with 2:30 between efforts, per Chuck's call. He mentioned 95s/lap as the goal. After the first 200m, I realized I should go a bit harder.
First effort: 91/3:03/4:36
Second effort: 89/3:00/4:33
Third effort: 88/2:56/4:24 (adjusted time after stopping to tie my shoelace)
Fourth effort: 85/2:53/4:16
(4.25M, including warm up and cooldown)
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Forbidden Drive
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Thoughts for this Sunday
Thoughts for this Sunday:
8 x 2:00 with a 2:30 jog rest. Hopefully, the 2:00 runs will yield close between 575m-600m.
400--39s/200 for 78s
800--43s/200 for 2:52
1000--44s/200 for 3:43
1600--45s/200 for 6:00
600--41s/200 for 2:04
400--38s/200 for 76s
I may hit 40M this week.
Thurs, 9/5/24-Same as Tuesday. I covered 3.85M (31:00) en route to the fitness center. This was unintentionally more than a minute faster than on Tuesday. With a modest 8:45 first mile, I felt good. The next two miles were sub-8:00. I covered the adjusted 1.15M route back home in 9:00, twenty seconds faster than Tuesday. (5M...40:00...8:00/mile pace).
The last five days:
Sunday: 4M (track workout)
Monday: 7M
Tues: 5M + lifting
Wednesday: 7M
Thurdsay: 5M + lifting
...29 miles this week thus far, or about 6M/day on average
With 7M planned for tomorrow and 4M planned for Saturday, I may hit 40M this week.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
I held steady
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Haven't done that in a while.
Tues, 9/3/24-
On account of adding the "horseshoe" (Glenngarry Rd.) that connects to Gravers Lane/Cherokee St. to my usual loop, I covered 3.85M (32:20) en route to the fitness center. With a generous 9:00 first mile, I was feeling good through this easy run. Leaving the fitness center, I took the brick path between the fields, heading towards Steel Pavilion. I made a right towards Phila Cricket Club and looped around behind the baseball diamond, ending up on Willow Grove and adding about .2M to my usual route home. I covered the 1.15M in 9:20. (5M...41:40...8:20/mile pace).
Between yesterday and today, I've managed 12M. Haven't done that in a while. I think I'll try for a 35-mile week.
Sunday: 3-4M (track workout)
Monday: 7M
Tues: 5M + lifting
Wednesday: 3-4M
Thurdsay: 7M
Friday: 5M + lifting
Sat: 5M
Monday, September 2, 2024
Today it was refreshing.
Monday, 9/2/24
Drove to the Delaware Raritan Canal trail, which had been a familiar if well-worn site when I was living full-time in NJ. Today it was refreshing. I managed 7M (58:00), out 3.5M and back. Easy enough pace at about 8:18/mile. First mile was about 9:00.
Do you remember...September?
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
I went home wounded.
Aug 28, 2024-
On this hot and humid morning, my workout was, well, a failure. I felt sluggish getting out of bed, perhaps on account of the party from the afternoon and evening before. When I got to the track, I saw a group of 3-4 women doing 800m a pace I could only hope for: 2:48-2:52 by my watch. And I think they took only 90 sec or two minutes' rest. Wow! As I stretched, I remembered that I had assigned myself 4x1200, but I could tell my heart (and body) wasn't into that effort today. After some modest stretching, I hopped on the track perhaps 20m behind the women, who had begun what was probably their third or fourth 800m. I felt so sluggish and flat and fat! I wound up doing just 4x400 in 85 seconds or so. I went home wounded.
August 27, 2024-
Ran 6M...47:45.
Monday, August 26, 2024
making our way around
Mon, Aug. 26, 2024
Took off. Too much to do for, well, work.
Sun, Aug. 25, 2024
Modest workout of 5x600m at date 5K pace (90 sec rest) with the bunch. Chuck, Kate, John, and I jumped into the workout Bob, Chuck Shields, and Andrew were doing. Their last two were our first two. We would then finish up the set of five as a smaller group.
Times: 2:21, 2:21, 2:21, 2:20, 2:16.
After the 600s, I did 4x100m with Andrew and Chuck. We aimed for 15 sec, making our way around the track with each successive 100m.
I've decided that I a
Saturday, August 24, 2024
a little
Sat, 8/24/24-
Took it easy with a 2M run on the road and track (17:15), followed by a little stretching on the field, and 1M run back home (8:15).
Fri, 8/23/24-
3.45M in 27:45. Lifted. .55M (4:05) en route home.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
time for only 5
Thurs, Aug 22, 2024-
6M (27:25). Felt good.
Wed, Aug 21, 2024-
The plan was 6x800 in 3:00 with a 3:00 rest between each, but I had time for only 5.
2:59, 2:59, 2:58, 2:59; 3:00
Tues, Aug 20, 2024-
3.45M in 28:15. Seemed slow!
Lifted at fitness center
Ran home .55M in 4:15.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Sunday, August 18, 2024
It wasn't crushing.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Cut a mile off
Thurs, 8/15/24-
Running late. Cut a mile off of my 4.5M route. Managed 3.5M in 27:15.
Wed, 8/14/24-
The workout was 8 x (a modest 90 sec 400, followed 90 sec rest).
The first four were mainly 89s; the second four were 87s, with the last one in a smooth 85s.
Tues, 8/13/24-
3.45M to the fitness center (27:15). Lifted. .55M back home (4:10)
Mon, 8/12/24-
A sluggish 4.5M in 37:55.