Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am ready to crack 2:05

Sunday, 2/26--

Widener U. I decided to make my way to Chester, PA to take a shot at the 800m, a 5-lapper on Widener's track. I got there at 9:45, early enough to have a good warm-up and stretch. I wouldn't run until a little over an hour later.

I had decided well in advance of the meet that I would try to stick to 25 seconds per lap, which would take me to 2:05. Wishful thinking on this track, I know. It's nice to wish, though. Given that I was seeded first with a mark of 2:10, I knew that 2:05 would likely be out of reach.

When the gun went off, I shot out and established presence. I wore my watch so that I could try to monitor my pace. I saw :24 at lap 1, :49 at lap 2--:25, 1:15 at lap 3--:26. (I heard about "63 at the quarter.) I did not catch my time at lap 4, but I knew I had slowed down. That didn't matter, as I felt smooth...the whole way. I ran the last lap with a bit of relaxed confidence, as I ended in 2:10, from what Cherly Bellaire told me. I had won by 10 seconds, I think.

I broke into a jog and cooled down. I was pleased. I think I could have gone 2:07-2:08 on a better track today...even if I were 10 seconds in the lead. That said, I am ready to crack 2:05. I have some work to do, though, between now and the Mid-Atlantic Championships.

This is utterly ridiculous

Wow! This is utterly ridiculous. I've come to write in my blog once a week now. That's how busy I've been. And even when I do write, my entries are telegraphic at best.

Here's the week in review:

Sunday, 2/26--I will likely make my way to the masters/open meet at Widener U in order to post a pre-Mid-Atlatic Championship meet 800.

Saturday, 2/25--took off

Friday, 2/24--took off

Thursday, 2/23--early AM brief workout, of course. I had planned to do slightly modified negative split reps:
2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m) @ :32+15 (=:47 300m) . . . 66+15 (=1:21 500m) . . . 48+15 (=63 400m) 3-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets.

...modified b/c the last 100 is supposed to be 14 seconds, not 15, and the rest is supposed to be 2 minutes, not 3.

Because I was running late, I changed the workout, dropping each repeat by 100 meters. 2x (200m-400-300 w/neg-split last 100m) @ :15+15 (=:30 300m) . . . 48+15 (=63 400m) .... 32+15 (=47 300m) 3-min (200m walk) btw reps and 5 min (300m walk) btw sets.

I managed 30, 65, 48; 30, 64, 48.

Wednesday, 2/22--from driveway to XC course--3 loops on the XC course to back home. 4.8M at about 7:15 pace

Tuesday, 2/21--hills in the Borough. 16:15.

Monday, 2/20--Rustin Run loop plus. About 5M.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Ran to the YMCA. 28:40
Ran back home 27:30.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I got myself in gear

It's been a week since I touched base. Life has been a bit crazy lately. Hopefully, things will settle down so that I can post more regularly.

Saturday, 2/18--Sit 'n Kick workout, modified with the substitution of the 200 for the 150. Workout: 400m, 1 min rest, 150m, 1200 meter jog (5 sets).

Goal: 400m in 64 sec, 150m in 22 sec,

Set 1: 65, 23
Set 2: 65, 24
Set 3: 65, 22
Set 4: 64, 22
Set 5: 63, 21

After a slower that desired start, I got myself in gear and finished well.

Friday, 2/17--4.7 miles.

Thursday, 2/16--took the day off

Wednesday, 2/15--6.6 miles

Tuesday, 2/14--hills in Borough. 16:00 total time.

Monday, 2/13--4.4 miles

Sunday, 2/12--took the day off. Sharp foot pains.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm still in awe.


Had a good trip up there with Craig, Bruce, and Brian.
Hung out at Starbucks for a while.
Met up with the rest of the team at 3:30.
Hung around to watch some races, including our Sprint Medley Relay.
Had some discussion about our 4x400 40+ lineup.
Bruce courageously decided he was not 100% to run due to a nagging injury, so Craig stepped in.
Warmed up: Nick, Craig, Ray and me.
Was stretched out well and ready to race.
Start of the race...
Nick got out well and brought the stick to Craig in second in 55-56 seconds.
Craig hung tough and held off the charging runners behind him until he was within the final meters of the handoff.
Ray passed the guy in front of him and made short work of the final 200.
I got the baton in no-man's land; the team in front led by 80 meters.
I felt smooth across the first 200 and felt myself stall with 100 to go. I think my last 100 was in 15 sucky seconds! From one account I ran in the 55-second range (Arrgghh). Hopefully, that means 54.9. Either way, I had hoped to run a second faster. Oh well.

We ran 3:43.

Masters 4x400 video 2012

The day was great, though. I got a chance to see some great races/stars: Lagat, Shannon Rowbury, Jenny Simpson, Morgan Uceny, Maggie Vessey, LaTavia Thomas, Phoebe Wright, Sanya Richards, Natasha Hastings, Mary Wineberg, the Barber twins, Shalonda Solomon, Debbie Ferguson, Bianca Knight, and others. I even saw Maurice Green.

The highlight came with American records--Lagat's, a collegian's and a high schooler's...all in the 5000. Amazing! And Sanya Richards' 400 of 50.89 was brilliant.

I'm still in awe...but boy does my right big toe kill.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let's see what I remember.

It's been a while since I've written. Let's see what I remember.

Thursday--went to the Y. Ran 1 mile (7:00), lifted a little, then ran 6:45 mile.

Wednesday--Ran 150s and 100s. Goal was to do 6: 2 150s at 24, 2 @ 22, 2 @ 20; 2 100s @ 15, 2 @ 14, and 2 @ 13. My runs: 24, 23, 22, 22, 20, 20; 15, 14, 14, 13, 13, 12.

Tuesday--Ran 4.7M


Sunday--200s 32,32,31,31,30,30,29,29,28,28,27

Saturday--went to work out and bagged it

Friday--took off, I think

Thursday, February 2, 2012

but it was okay.

2/2/12--a little speedwork, the same thing I did last Thursday, except this time I was at it at 5:45 AM. Wound up going to Westtown's track. The plan was 200s--2@32, 2@30, 2@28; 150s--2@24, 2@22, 2@20; and 100s--2@14, 2@13, 2@12...with 2:30 in-between each repeat.

Runs: 32,32;31,29; 28,29; 25,25; 22,22; 21,20. Like before, I didn't have time for the 100s. The workout was not quite as strong as last week's, but it was okay.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need to drop my pace

Wednesday, 2/1--Rustin neighborhood run. To Goose Creek Park (1.0), 3 loops around the park (1.5), to Russell (.5), and through the school property (1.7)=4.7 in 33:45. I need to drop my pace and still not have it feel hard.

Tuesday, 1/31--hills in the Borough. Did better and felt better. Stayed in touch with top group for hills 1 through 5. Fell off pace and then rebounded, catching Manion on for hills 8. I finished up in 16:08.