Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I went home wounded.

Aug 28, 2024-

On this hot and humid morning, my workout was, well, a failure. I felt sluggish getting out of bed, perhaps on account of the party from the afternoon and evening before. When I got to the track, I saw a group of 3-4 women doing 800m a pace I could only hope for: 2:48-2:52 by my watch. And I think they took only 90 sec or two minutes' rest. Wow! As I stretched, I remembered that I had assigned myself 4x1200, but I could tell my heart (and body) wasn't into that effort today. After some modest stretching, I hopped on the track perhaps 20m behind the women, who had begun what was probably their third or fourth 800m. I felt so sluggish and flat and fat! I wound up doing just 4x400 in 85 seconds or so. I went home wounded.

August 27, 2024-

Ran 6M...47:45.

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