Sunday, September 15, 2024

610 meters


On tap today was 6 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min walking recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile.  At this pace, I was hoping to cover about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)
#1: 555 meters

#2: 560 meters  

#3: 550m

#4: 560m

#5: 565m 

#6: 565m 

#7: 565m 

#8: 610 meters 

Newcomer John partnered with me. Andrew did 3x1K with Bob (and Alison), then joined John and me on the last four efforts.


Sunday, July 23, 2018-Let the transition begin

On tap today was 6 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min jog recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile.  At this pace, I should have covered about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)

#1: 550 meters

#2: 555 meters  

#3: 560 

#4: 560

#5: 570  

#6: 570 

#7: 560 

#8: 600 meters 

For additional perspective, here 9/26/17-

#1: 590 meters in 2:00

#2: 595 meters in 2:00

#3: 590 meters in 2:00

#4: 590 meters in 2:00

#5: 585 meters in 2:00

#6: 580 meters in 2:00

#7: 600 meters in 2:00

#8: 600 meters in 1:55 (I could have kept going to cover another 20 meters of so to get to 2:00)

And here is Tues, 9/19/17-

#1: Ran an entire 600m in 2:04.  I was wondering whether I should do 600s or stick with 2:00.  I chose to stick with 2:00 so that I could do the workout as designed, but also make my way to being about to do 2-min 600s with a 2:00 jog recovery comfortably.  2:00 600s is much faster than my goal pace.  My goal is 17:30, which is 5:38/mile.  At this pace, I should have covered 571 meters per repeat.

#2: 585 meters in 2:00

#3: 580 meters in 2:00

#4: 580 meters in 2:00

#5: 575 meters in 2:00

#6: 575 meters in 2:00

#7: 580 meters in 2:00

#8: 600 meters in 1:57 (I could have kept going to cover another 10 meters of so to get to 2:00)

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