Tuesday, September 10, 2024

tie my shoelace

Tues, 9/10/24-Ran 3.85M (32:50) to fitness center. Super brief upper body lifting only. Ran 1.15M (9:25) back home. (5M)

Mon, 9/9/24-Ran 3.5M (29:10) in early AM, knowing I would work out with the XC team. I met up with the team at 4:00. On the docket was a pre-race workout. After dynamic stretching drills, we were instructed to do about 20-25 minutes of running on the track at about 65-70%. Running comfortably, I covered the first mile with a crew in 7:40 or so. With Coach Sal telling everyone not to cluster but to run your own pace, I pulled away, covering the next two miles in 14:00. I managed 3M in 21:45. We did running drills, stretched, then cooled down a lap. (6.75M)

Sun, 9/8/24-4x1200 with 2:30 between efforts, per Chuck's call. He mentioned 95s/lap as the goal. After the first 200m, I realized I should go a bit harder. 

First effort: 91/3:03/4:36

Second effort: 89/3:00/4:33

Third effort: 88/2:56/4:24 (adjusted time after stopping to tie my shoelace)

Fourth effort: 85/2:53/4:16

(4.25M, including warm up and cooldown)

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