Sunday, August 11, 2024

Today I proceeded with humility and deference to the past.

Sun, 8/11/24-

En route to SCH from the mountain house, I decided I'd try 6x600 with 3 min rest. Proceeding with the utmost humility, I figured I'd start at 45sec/200 pace, leading to 2:15. I'd then drop 1 sec/200 for each successive effort, landing at 2:00 for the final 600.

Effort 1: 43, 88, 2:14
Effort 2: 43, 86, 2:12
Effort 3: 41, 84, 2:09
Effort 4: 39, 82, 2:06
Effort 5: 39, 81, 2:03
Effort 6: 38, 77, 1:57 

I was on target for across the board, with the last effort at faster than workout goal pace.

It is amazing to know that ten years ago I started with a 2:00 600m, then chopped down my time by 2-3 seconds each additional effort. Today I proceeded with humility and deference to the past.

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