Thursday, February 28, 2019

Short run

Thurs, 2/27-Took off AM.

Wed, 2/26-Went to Y, did an 8:20 mile, then stretched for about 10 min.

Tues, 2/25-Headed to campus this morning, arriving at about 6:30 for brief workout of 3x150 (2:30 rest between efforts) and 3x100 (2:00 rest between efforts).

The 150s were meant to simulate the final 150 of the 400 (21-high), although they wound up being a bit slower (22-mid) on this 20-degree day.

The 100s were supposed to be in 14-mid, 13-mid, and 12-mid. I ran 13-mid, 13-low, 12-high.

Mon, 2/24-took off

Sun, 2/23-Went to Skillman Park for a short run of 2.94 (in 22:20)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

It's nice to meet your acquaintance.

Feb 23, 2019

I took to the Y to warm up and stretch on this 35-degree morning. I then went to Hillsborough HS track to do 12x150 with 2:30 minute rest.  My goal pace was 3@23, 3@22, 3@21, and 3@20. I scarcely managed this with...23-high, 24-low, 22-mid, 22-mid, 23-low, 23-low; 21-mid, 21-mid, 21-low, 20-mid, 20-mid, 19-high. I felt like I hadn't been on the track in a while. Track: It's nice to meet your acquaintance. 


Fri, 2/22-took off

Thurs, 2/21- 3 x (mile + lift). Treadmill. Miles: 8:30, 8:00, 7:30

Wed, 2/20- 3 x (6:00 + lift). Treadmill. Mile paces: 8:30, 8:00, 7:30.

Tues, 2/19-Did a hard workout in the evening b/c tomorrow's meet at Monmouth was postponed to Thursday.

Treadmill: 7 x 300m (or .186M), followed by 600m in same pace. 2:00 rest between 300s; 4:00 rest between 300s and 600.

Even though of the same brand and type, the machines at the Y aren't as sharp as the ones I used in the hotel in Boston. I tried three different machines, which took, on average, about two more seconds to get up to top speed, 14.0. I was hoping these machines reached 15.0. 

Thus, my 300s were 50 seconds, with the 600 in 1:39.  

Mon, 2/18-off

Monday, February 18, 2019


Sun 2/17/19-Run at Skillman Park. 5.65M in 42:12. (7:28/M pace). Started at 7:53, then dropped to 7:39, then dropped to 7:34, then to 7:14, eventually to sub-7:00 for the last stretch (.65M)

Saturday, February 16, 2019

I'd wager a guess

Sat, 2/16-Still in Boston.

Treadmill: 7 x 300m (or .186M), followed by 600m in same pace. 2:00 rest between 300s; 4:00 rest between 300s and 600.

48-49 seconds on the 300s; 1:37 on the 600. And this does include the time it takes to get the treadmill going to full speed, which was 14.0 (~4:17/M pace) for the particular machine I was using. I wish it had a top-end speed of 15.0 (~4:00/M pace), but oh well. The machine took about 35-36 seconds to reach 14.0. I'd wager a guess that I had covered about 200m at this point. I covered the remaining 100m in about 13 seconds.)

Fri, 2/15-In Boston. Easy treadmill 2 x (1 mile + 4:00 stretch/lift). Miles in 8:00 and 7:30.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thurs, 2/14

3 x (6 min on treadmill + 4:00 stretch/lifting)

.68M, .74M, .80M

Wed, 2/13-

Went to Lawrenceville for a 6:30PM.

5x30m fast, no fly start. 90' rest--4.2-4.5 sec
5x150...first 100 @ 800m pace (16'), last 50 a bit faster (7.5')--23.5
8 min rest
300 at below race pace. 45-low

Because I wasn't tired, I kept going with additional 300s.
Took 2:30 rest and did another 300 in 47-low
2:30 rest
another in 48-high
2:30 rest
another in 49-mid
2:30 rest
broken 300....100 in 15-high, 60' rest, 100 in 15-mid, 60' rest, 100 in 15-low

Tues, 2/12

school cancelled.

4 (1M + 4:00 lift/stretch).
Miles were on treadmill...8:30, 8:00, 7:30, 7:00

Mon, 2/11-took off?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

push at the top of the turn

Sun 2/10/19-Recovery run at Skillman Park. 5.58M in 43:05. (7:43/M pace). Started at 8:14, then dropped to 7:52, then dropped to 7:50, then to 7:33, eventually to 7:30 I think ...

Sat, 2/9/19

Rob (and his significant other, Ann), Wayne, and I headed up together, Rob at the wheel. When they arrived at my house at about 8:35, I was ready to roll. 

We arrived at the parking lot at 9:50, in time for a 10:00 meet-up on this rather frigid day in the 30s. Our event, Masters Men's 40-49 and 50+ 4x400 meter relay, was scheduled for 12:29. We organized ourselves, following the usual routine of Chuck divvying out runner's bibs, pins, and wrist tickets. We made our way to the draped arena and hung out for a while, some of us going here and there, to and fro. Knowing the track was scheduled to close for warmups at 11:00, I started my mile warm up at about 10:45. A few laps in I found myself with John Goldthorp, Brock Butler, Chuck Kruelle, and perhaps a couple other teammates. It felt good to warm up a team. I stretched on the infield until we were asked to clear the track areas, which was at about 11:05.

I sat in the stands for a while, deciding we'd head down to the balmy corridor on the second floor at 11:25. I got some good stretching ad striding in, despite the crowded area. We reported to the check-in on the bottom floor as scheduled, 35 minutes before race time. I continued to stretch until we were told to get 100% race ready (uniform on, spikes in hand, nothing else) to head up to the third floor. It was about 12:15 at that point. 

As we waited, knowing the 50s were going to be on the back line and the 40s would be on the front line, my mind played around some with the race plan. Since Rob had mentioned his sore hamstring to me the other day, we switched the order so that he, rather than I, would anchor. I was hoping this would pan out as the best option. I continued visualize how I was going to attack the race. In the gathering area, I started to feel a little oddity in my hamstring. I was like argh!  Then, as I continued to move around and do sprint drills, the feel subsided, and with that release came optimism.  I still knew Southwest-40s would be untouchable, but all the other teams, even Southwest's 50s team, were fair game. 

Then we lined up. Dry mouth kicked in. Thankfully, Rob had water on hand to share. We were called trackside as the Mixed Men's 60+/Women's 40+ finished up. We were up!

Telegraphic style, here are the headlines:

One heat. Alley start, 50s on back line, 40s on front line. Two turn stagger. John Goldthorp was lead off! Lane 10 of 11. To his left were Andrew Hogue of CPTC, Mark Williams of Garmin, and Rawle DeLisle of SW; to his right was Quinn Pack of Mass Velocity. The gun went off...and then the guys were called back. Seems teammate John Curtis jumped the gun a bit. Try #2 was a fair start. As expected, everyone got out aggressively. Big John was in second at the break, while John G was in fifth but gaining. The second lap saw SW extend the lead, but Mark, Andrew, John C., and Getulio Echeandia of SW battling out. A big move by Getulio sealed the deal. Coming down the homestretch, as I had predicted, John G. finished up powerfully and pulled even with John at the handoff. Brock ran an even, seemingly effortless leg. He cut into lead of CPTC and Garmin, handing me the baton with a hair of a lead on them and within 10 meters of Clinton Aurelien. I created some daylight between me and Garmin and CPTC, heading for Clinton. I put my head down a little and found that, at the 100-mark, I was within maybe 4-5 meters of Clinton. I closed the gap a little more by the 200-meter mark. At this point, I was trying to decide what to do. And I decided a few meters too late: I went to make a pass on the outside on the backstretch, but I ran out of real estate. I had to tuck back into lane 1, some of my energy depleted. I should have started my push at the top of the turn rather than on the backstretch. At any rate, Clinton maintained a 2-3-meter lead as we handed off. Nursing a sore hamstring, Rob finished the race in 3:48.64. Although I truly believed we could have run in the mid-3:40s, second place among the 40s teams was pretty good. Our 50s squad finished with silver as well.

Mixed Men's 40s+/50s+ 4x400 meter relays-Millrose (2019)

The results page indicates the following splits for our 40s team:
John G: 56.84 (-1) (hopefully to come down two seconds by Penn)
Brock B: 54.50 -- (hopefully come down a second by Penn or at least remain the same given Boston Marathon training)
Delvin D.: 55.23 -- OK time given hamstring (need to come down a second or so by Penn)
Rob S.: 62.09 (-4) (hopefully come down five seconds by Penn)
...And then there's John C. (Could we be looking at four legs at below 55?)

We watched some more races and then headed to Coogans a bit after 5:00 for an early dinner. We had an awesome time hanging' out. It was great that Carl Stocking and Wayne Foulke came out to support the team, Wayne prepared to step in as alternate for either age group.

Now it's time to turn my attention to Nationals!

Fri, 2/8/19-went to the Y in the early AM for a little pre-race action: Did a 9:00 mile and stretched!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

19.xx on the radar

2/7/19-Took off

Went to Lawrenceville for the workout. I wanted to do 6 x 150. The plan was to do 2@22-range, 2@21-range, and 2@20-range. The rest-walk would be 3:00. 

I managed: 22.7, 22.5, 20.7, 20.6, 20.3, 20.1.

While disappointed that I did not hit 19.xx for the final two efforts, I felt this workout was decent. This is especially true since I didn't really have 19.xx on the radar. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019



Early AM at Y.
6 min on 6.6 speed, stretch for four min
6 min on 7.6 speed, stretch/lift for four min
6 min on 8.6 speed, lift for four min
I will take off tomorrow morning, on account of my plan to head to Lawrenceville tomorrow evening.


Early AM at Y.

Mile on 7.6 speed, stretch for five min
Mile on 8.1 speed, lift for five min
Mile on 8.6 speed, lift for five min

Sunday, February 3, 2019

this is new ground

Sun, 2/3-

Fell ill in the middle of the night and puked! Then I overslept and decided not to meet up with the guys for today's workout at GA.

I stayed back and wound up working out in the afternoon. On tap was an adapted version of the workout Mark Williams posted on FB the other day: "Goal workout this Friday morning was 12x200 at 800 pace (28-30) with 1 minute rest broken into 2 sets of 6 with 4 mins between sets.
Actual was: 28.8, 29.0, 29.3, 29.2, 29.4, 29.9, 29.1, 29.6, 29.2, 29.9, 30.7, 28.0. Had just under 2 mile warmup and just over mile cool down."

I took to the Y to warm up and stretch, even on this 50-degree day. I then went to the local HS track. The idea was to do 12x150 with 1 minute rest, over two sets of six repeats. I'd take 4 minutes between sets. My goal pace was 22. I scarcely managed this with...22-high, 22-low, 22-mid, 22-mid, 22-mid, 23-low; 22-mid, 22-mid, 22-high, 22-mid, 22-high, 21-high.

Sat, 2/2-

Went to the Y with V for 3 x (1 mile + stretch + lift).

Fri, 2/1-

Cold as ever! I ran 4M (from Y to CVS and back) at 5:30 AM in 7-degree weather. 30:28 (avg. 7:37/m pace). I then lifted. 

Thurs, 1/31-

Left work at about 5:20 and headed to Staten Island's Ocean Breeze. I arrived at 6:40...for the 7:30 start to the meet. After standing in line for a while and getting settled, I warmed up a mile and stretched like crazy. The first heat of the mile went off 15-20 minutes late. 

I tried to zone in some in preparation for my 800, but I wasn't exactly feeling things. At any rate, I wound up being in the second heat, which was for those whose 800 meter times hovered between 2:15 and 2:30, I believe.

The gun went off, and I found myself positioned in lane 2. I settled in and put myself in lane 1 by the 100-meter mark. As we were coming up on the first 200, it was evident the race would be slow. I saw 35 seconds! I told myself to just maintain, that this race was going to be nothing special. I moved out into lane 2 and made my way to the second position in this field of about 15 or so. I saw 1:10 as we moved past the 400-meter mark. At about the 500-meter mark, another runner blew right past me and took the lead from the guy in front of me. He drive it all the home. After reaching the 600 in 1:45, I just told myself to finish strong. So, a 2:20.18 it was, my slowest as a masters runner. I didn't expect to run fast, but this is new ground. I can't wait to get better.