Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Change of plans

UPDATE: I did the Sit 'n Kick workout. I warmed up 1.25 miles, stretched for close to 10 minutes and began. My runs were: 66 (32/34) and 32; 67 (32/35) and 32; 64 (31/33) and 32; 64 and 32; and 64 and 31. I definitely missed on the frist two, realizing too much on the second 200. Overall this was a pretty good workout, especially consiering it was about 32 degrees and I ran in flats, not spikes like last year. Also, the 1200 slow jog-rest was 10 minutes, not 11 like last year.
I cooled down 1.1 mile. Total: 6 plus.

Wednesday, 12/30/09--

I did not run this morning, but I am planning to workout after work since I am taking the afternoon off. On Wednesday 12/31/08, I did Sit 'n Kick Reps. The goal was 5x (400m @ 65 . . . rest 60-sec . . . 200m @ 30) jog 1200m btw sets. I did: 65, 33; 65, 33; 64, 33, 65, 32; 64, 32. 1200 meter, 11-min jog in-between...for a 5.9 mile total.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

World Record

Tuesday, 12/29/09--run in Borough. Ran 5.25. 29:20 at 4 mile mark. Nice, easy pace of about 7:35.

Monday, 12/28/09--
Recovery run. Easy 6.6 in 51:00 (18:00, 17:00, 16:00). DJ did most of it with me.

A note of gratitude from Chuck Shields:


Thanks for your help.. Bet you can't wait to turn 40... when is that anyway? Looking at two sets of splits and adjusting to the official FAT, we have Scott 2:01.4, Bob 2:02.8, Kevin 2:05.8, Nick 1:57.4. We found out on the way home (Ray looked on the internet) that the Ameican record was also the WORLD record ! How about that! My guess is Phil was about .3 behind Scott. But you may have a better recollection of that than me. You and Bob were almost a dead heat, maybe a tenth sec or less. So if Phil is , say, 2:01.7, that would put you at 2:02.5. What ever lead Scott had on Phil, you pretty much made up, so I would say mid 2:02 is pretty accurate. Thanks again, great effort !

Monday, December 28, 2009

Congrats, Comrades

Sunday, 12/27/09--The Armory. What a great, but long day. We left at 10:40 to meet some of the crew in Trevose at 11:30 so that we could follow them to NYC. Encountered our share of traffic. Got there, thinking we were late, but soon realized they were an hour behind. The hour eventually became 2 hours. Of course I did two rounds of warming up and admittedly was a little concerned about my left hamstring, which was rather sore and a little knotted. I applied icy hot, massaged it really well, stretched it constantly and eventually borrowed "The Stick" from Kevin. This seemed to help. He was taken aback when I said I used a rolling pin at home. Even though it is the one my daughter uses for art, he said he hadn't planned to eat at my house anytime soon! Could you blame him?

Here is the cut and dried summary: My club team, Greater Philadelphia, went to The Armory to attempt to break the American Club record of 8:15.29 in the 4x800 for 40-49 year old age group. We had two relays, an A and a B. I was on the B team, whose job was to push the A team. (I think we had a no-show on the B team and had to pick up a "random" masters runner who had just finished running the 1500!) Anyway, the A team killed two American records, the age-group club record and the overall club record when we went 8:07+. I know the approximate splits, but am waiting for something more definitive. The B team's first two legs held close and steady with the A team. Chuck wanted to front-end the race so we could push them. Our first leg was run by Phil Reilly from the TNT Track Club. He ran against Scott Landis, a rematch from last year when GP went up against TNT. This time, however, it was Scott who outran Phil and put the A team in first. I ran second leg on the B team against Bob, and I was clocked at 2:02 (29,59,1:30,2:02)! Can you believe it? It's not like I've been doing tons of speed work. In fact, I figured that I'd run about 2:10, given my fitness level. But I hung in there with Bob, not giving much to chance. 

Race video: (provided by Nick Damalas, Jan. 2023) (A review of the video indicates the following splits: 28.2, 30.4 (58.6), 31.1 (1:29.7), 32.5 (2:02.2) (58.6/63.6)). There is something magical about that track! It's fast and furious! I just have to see whether my son was accurate. Even if he was off by a second or two, this will have been my fastest time since college...not that I ran the 800 much then. I figure that I can discern my time from Bob's, Scott's or Phil's ran. I remember seeing the clock after I handed off to Chuck, who ran third. The fourth guy was run by someone whom we "picked up" from the crowd and had just completed the 1500. The B team ran 8:48 and change. The let down will come next week when I run the open 800 on Swarthmore's slow track and without the excitement of a relay or atmosphere of The Armory. Oh well. That's life.

Time for my recovery run!

Saturday, 12/26/09--I wound up going to Penn Oaks to avoid the steady rain. I ran a mile on the treadmill for warm up purposes and stretched really well. I cooled down a mile afterwards.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

sharpen myself

Saturday, 12/26/09--It's raining right now. I am trying to figure out what I am going to do to sharpen myself for tomorrow's trip to the NYC Armory for the 4x800.

Friday, 12/25/09--Merry Christmas. Took off.

Thursday, 12/24/09--ran 7.9 in WC Borough with a few guys. Easier pace. 30:15 at 4 miles, and 60:45 at 7.9. Didn't push the hill or last quarter.

Wednesday, 12/23/09--mile warm up. 5-150, 25-second equivalent runs on street behind Rustin stadium. Cooled down .6 mile. 2 miles.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Roads were icy and slushy

Tuesday, 12/22/09--
Met group of about 8 at the WCCC. Roads were icy and slushy. Ran 5 miles @ easy pace of 7:45.

I'm anticipating that the roads may still be icy tomorrow, so I may wind up going to Penn Oaks to do treadmill intervals again. We'll see.

I probably won't see the track until some time next week!

Monday, December 21, 2009

All snowed in.

Monday, 12/21/09--back at Penn Oaks. .5 warm up. tried to simulate hills. Used the 7:30-8:00 per mile settings. Increased incline to 10.0 every 4 minutes for a minute. Did this for 2.2 miles. Cooled down .5. 3.2 miles

Sunday, 12/20/09--still snowed in. Went to Penn Oaks. Made the most of the treadmill. Warmed up 1 mile. Did 800,800,400,800,800. 800s were in 2:30-range (used the 4:57 pace setting.) 400 was in 1:15. Lifted in-between each for 5-7 minute rest period. Cooled down 1.0. 4.25 miles

Saturday, 12/19/09--snowed in. 15 inches. a little yoga and dumbbell action.

Friday, 12/18/09--took off.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My fingers were icy

Thursday, 12/17/09
like last week
headed into town
got there late
but not as late as last week
folks had already left several minutes before
began my run thinking perhaps I'd catch them
kept running
hit 4-mile mark in 28:35 (28:15 last week)
caught one guy at about 7.25-mile mark
slowed down so as not to be a show off
jogged big hill
hit top of hill in 53:05 (52:55 last week)
think I woul have hit 52:55 had I not slowed down
this means I ran the 4-7.5 faster than I did last week
jogged, waiting for other runner
finished up 7.9 in 56:45 (56:15 last week)
am sure I lost at least 30 seconds slowing down and waiting for comrade
felt good-second strongest run on this route
especially running by myself
being late is not so bad but
it was 24 degrees and my fingers were icy.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I can no longer be sure

Wednesday, 12/16/09--

Was going to go to Westtown to do some more 200s, but as usual I was running behind. I wound up doing some hills, however slight, on the street behind Rustin's stadium. .18 mile=about 300m. I ran 8 of these hills, jogging back down in-between in 2 minutes. My runs were: 53,56,55,54,53,54,54,51. On 11/25/09, I ran between 50-55 seconds, but according to my notes the runs were shorter by from anywhere between 10 and 15 meters. On 3/5/09, I managed: 50, 50, 49, 49, 49, 49, 47, but these were downhill. After each repeat, I jogged 300 to the start. I wonder where I am. I can no longer be sure I am ahead of the game. I need to replicate a workout from last year exactly. I need to see where I am, as I have only a few more interval workouts before my debut at the NYC Armory on the 27th. For benchmarking, I will do what I did on 1/17/09 or 2/15/09.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unlike last year

Tuesday, 12/15/09--

Got a later start than I wanted as I had to send an early morning email. I wound up doing 4.6 in 34:20. I felt good...until a dog threatened me and I had to change my route.

On tap for tomorrow: 200s. I plan to do a repeat of my Thursday, 1/15/09, workout: 9-200s with a 200 meter/2-min rest between each and a 400 meter/4-min jog between sets. 1st set--33, 32, 32; 2nd set--30, 30, 32; 3rd set--29, 30, 30. There was nothing special about the workout, but I'd like to see where I am compared to last year this time. Unlike last year where I did interval workouts in spikes, this year I've been running in flats only. If I can do this exact workout--as is, including the generous breaks--then I'm in decent shape going forward, no pun intended. This would mean set 1 should be 32, set 2 should be 31 and set 3 should be 30.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I guess I need more speedwork.

Monday, 12/14/09--I had initially planned to do some hills, but then I decided to head to Westtown School for some 200s. I thought I'd have time to do 10, but I did only 9, as I was running late. I felt a little flat--33,34,33,34,33,33,33,33,33--but at least I was consistent. I jogged 200 in-between each; on average the break was 1:30. I can no longer be sure that I am ahead of where I was last year. This time last year (12/18/08) I did 8 x 200 at Penncrest: 32, 33, 32, 31, 31, 30, 30, 29 with a 300 meter jog in-between. I apparently took 400 meter jog after 5th one. This morning I took less rest but ran significantly slower. I guess I need more speedwork.

Total for the day: 4.1 miles

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Yup, I bagged my meet

Sunday, 12/13/09

"Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day!"--a line I used to sing to my kids when they could appreciate it! Anyway, today was r-a-i-n-y! I was supposed to run in my first meet today, but I bagged it. I was too tired and dehydrated from our annual holiday party. Between 5-10 we had over 50 people walk through our doors! We spent the day preparing and the late evening cleaning up. We had a great time, though. So much food.... Yup, I bagged my meet and drove to the gym instead. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill (22:45), stretched a little, lifted for 20 minutes, then ran another 3 miles (20:45). The last half-mile was in 2:45 minutes. Felt good! 6 miles Hills tomorrow??

Saturday, 12/12/09--Took off the day. Went to my son's first indoor track meet at Haverford. Spent afternoon getting ready four our annual holiday party/open house.

Friday, December 11, 2009

being late is not so bad

Friday, 12/11/09
jogged .7
stretched for maybe a minute
did 2 300s strides on road behind Rustin stadium--52 sec
jogged back after each
jogged back home .5
2 miles
I take back what I said yesterday about being late

Thursday, 12/10/09
headed into town
got there late
they had already left several minutes before, it seemed
began my run thinking perhaps I'd catch them
kept running
hit 4-mile mark in 28:15
did ok on big hill
hit top of hill in 52:55
finished up 7.9 in 56:15
felt good-strongest run on this route
especially running by myself
being late is not so bad

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's pouring

Wednesday, 12/9/09--It's pouring!!

Tuesday, 12/8/09--running a little behind. Did 5 miles.
4:02 -.5 mile
8:03 -1.0
15:40 -2.0
17:15 -2.2
20:45 -2.7
31:30 -4.2
33:05 -4.4
37:10 -5.0

Monday, December 7, 2009

I may grow to love this

Monday, December 7, 2009--Shiloh hills 300 meters-->hovered around :59 average with last of 6 hills at :57. I felt pretty strong. I may grow to love this Monday morning workout. I figure come January my hills day will become my Tuesday workout (and will be in town), as Kevin and crew will reconvene at that time.

Sunday, December 6, 2009--Penn Oaks. 3.3 there in 24:58; 3.3 back in 23:28.

Total for week: 29.4

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I really struggled

Saturday, December 5, 2009--I went to Westtown School's track and wound up doing 8x300 with the goal pace for #s 1,3,4,6, and 7 :52 and the goal pace for #s 2,5, and 8 48 seconds. 2-min rest-walk of 100 meters in-between. This workout was tougher for me than it should've been. I really struggled. What does that say? My runs were 52, 48, 52, 52, 48, 53, 52, 50. I'll have to see if this compares favorably to last year's equivalent workout at this time. (Warmed up 1.35 and cooled down .85; my leg started to twitch for some reason. Total: 3.7 miles) Today I am off to Penn Oaks. Report later.

Friday, December 4, 2009

For tomorrow I'm thinking about

Friday, 12/4/09: Woke up late. Tired, 2.2 miles--untimed, but likely 17:00.

For tomorrow I'm thinking about doing one of these workouts:

Russian intervals--> 3x (3x300m @ 48 w/walk 100m at 60-sec) Jog 800m between sets

Pick-up reps--> 8x 400m @ 72 w/2:00-sec Int and #s 2,5,8 @ 65

Pick-up reps--> 8x 300m @ 52 w/90-sec Int and #s 2,5,8 @ 48

Neg-split reps--> 2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m) @ :33+15 (=:48 300m) . . . 69+15 (=1:24 500m) . . . 49+15 (=65 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets

We'll see.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We'll see.

December 3, 2009: Was supposed to do 7.9. Took the morning off. Overslept. Dead tired. Mentally exhausted as well. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. May do light run, so that I can run hard on Saturday. We'll see.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beginning of hills

Wednesday, December 2, 2009: Was tired this morning since I went to bed late. Decided to try my luck at some hills. Warmed up 1.2. Stretched near school sign. Jogged down to Street Road and began my hills. The hill is .185 mi (or about 300 m). Ran up; jogged down. Wound up doing 6, each about 1 minute. The beginning of hills season felt pretty good. Cooled down 1.2 miles.
Total: about 5.0 miles.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009: Went to Henderson for last Kevin Kelly interval workout (on track) for the year. Warmed up 1.3 miles. Similar to last year, the track was a little icy, so we ran the perimeter of the turf field. The workout was run 2 laps, jog 1 lap, run 1 lap, jog a lap--4 sets. Two laps=approx 600 meters; 1 lap=300 meters. I hopped in after the first set, choosing to do 3 sets and not to time the repeats. I felt good, keeping up with Joe, Kevin and Rachel. In fact, I held back a little. To be honest, though, the short recovery is still tough for me. Cooled down 1.2. Total: 5.3 miles

Monday, November 30, 2009

My legs were like lead

November 30, 2009: 3 Rustin loops
4:10 half-mile
8:15 mile
16:15 2 mile
17:50 2.19 (1 loop)
21:25 2.69
25:20 3.19
33:20 4.19
34:55 4.37 (2 loops)
38:40 4.87
42:18 5.37
49:38 6.37
51:09 6.55 miles (3 loops)

My legs were like lead. This run was yucky. Yikes!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The marathon

Sunday, November 29, 2009--ran to Penn Oaks, after getting back from Westchester County, NY. 6.6 miles: (3.3 in 24:40 en route to PO, 23:38 en route home)

Saturday, November 28, 2009--warmed up 1.1 miles. The workout: the marathon-->18 200s. Came into the workout with sore, dead legs, but I made it through. After a rough start, I decided to chunk my runs into 6 sets of 3: 36,35,34,33,32,31. 36, 37, 35; 34, 35, 34; 34, 34, 33; 33, 33, 32; 32, 31, 32; 32, 31, 31. I walked 200 meters somewhat swiftly for a 2:00 break. Cooled down 1.1 miles. Total: 4.5 miles.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Quick run-down

Saturday, 11/28--Even I am a little sore, I am thinking about 4x(4x200m) @ 35-34-33-32 w/2:00-1:45-1:30-1:15 sec interval by set (w/no additional recovery between sets!!)

Friday, 11/27--6.2 (foot bothering me). Used combination of Rustin XC course--2 loops--and road. Hospital for finger.

Thursday, 11/26 (Thanksgiving and anniversary)--played football in Havertown. Injured finger.

Wednesday, 11/25--5.2 in 40:15. Used combination of Rustin XC course--1 loop--and road.

Tuesday, 11/24--2.2 miles (overslept)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Late start

Monday, 11/23/09--Got a late start. Was supposed to workout at Henderson, as tomorrow's workout was switched to today. Wound up doing only a relaxed 2.2 in 17:39. Perhaps tomorrow I will go to Westtown and do an interval workout or begin hill work. We'll see.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sit 'N Kick

November 21, 2009

I had set out to do Sit 'n Kick Reps at 5x (400m @ 68 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 32) jog 1200m btw sets. This would be the start of an affair towards 5x (400m @ 65 . . . rest :30 . . . 200m @ 28) jog 1200m btw sets. 6.8 miles

Actual: I made my way to the Westtown track. It was about 55 degrees. I warmed up 1mile, stretched pretty well, and did some drills. I wound up doing 150s instead of the 200s. My runs were 67/25; 66/24; 65/24; 65/25; 64/27. I kept to 30 seconds between the 400s and 150s. My 1200 jog rest was just under 10 minutes. The last time I did such a workout was March 14th: 65, 21; 63, 20; 60, 22; 63, 21; 61; 21. That day, I rested 1:00 minute between 400s and 150s and jogged 1200m btw sets. Cooled down 1200 m. 6.25 miles. Before then, I did this workout was 2/28: except I did 4 and gave myself a 2-min rest period: 64/21; 64/21; 63, 21; 61, 21.

I'd say the workout at Westtown was a success. I'd like to try to do the whole workout with "full" integrity.

Today, I will run to Penn Oaks and lift. Perhaps a report later.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I was left to do roughly the last 3 miles alone

Thursday, 11/19/09--a bit of a late start but made it to the Borough in time. Same 7.9 loop, but the pace was slower. John Manion was back and nursing his plantar fasciitis. We were joined by Pete about 1.5 miles into the run. We took it a little easier, it seemed. John peeled off at the 3.75 mark. We hit the 4 mile mark in 30:20(7:35/mile pace) Someone else turned off at the 4.15 mark. Pete turned off at the 5 mile mark. So I was left to do roughly the last 3 miles alone. I finished up at 59:30, which means the last 3.9 miles was in 29:10, or about 7:28/mile. The average pace of the run was 7:32/mile. Overall, I felt good.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Archives: Ain't We Lucky We Got 'Em

Wednesday, 11/18/09--I drove to Westtown School's track for my first real "speed" workout. Notice the quotes; I use the word "speed" loosely. I did a 1.1 mile warm up and stretched before tackling a 8x200 with a 200 meter jog rest in-between each. I had planned to do 10x200, but I got a late start. This workout felt pretty good, particularly since I ran in regular flats, the same shoes I use for road mileage. My times were 32,32,33,33,33,32,32,30 (32 sec avg). My rest wound up being 2:00.

The Archives
Looking back at last year, on Thursday, 12/4/08, I did 9 x 200: 33,34,33,32,32,32,31,31,31 (avg 32 sec) with a 300 meter jog rest in-between and a 400 meter jog after the 5th one. Even though the average times are the same and I did one less 200 than last year, I would rate today's workout higher and for a few reasons: 1) relative to last year's, it's earlier in the season, 2) the rest between repeats for today's workout was shorter, 3) I used flats, and 4) there was no 400 meter jog after the 5th repeat.

On Thursday, 12/18/08, I did 8x200 in 32,33,32,31,31,30,30,29 with a 300 meter jog/3-min rest and a 400 meter jog after the 5th one. Even though the average in this case was 31 sec, I would rate today's workout as being on par with this one. The number of repeats was the same, but last year's workout offered greater recovery between repeats. Also, I wore flats today, unlike last year.

Perhaps I am a month ahead of where I was this time last year. My workout this past Tuesday--and other Tuesdays for the matter--have made me doubt this possibility. I will learn more over the next few weeks leading up to the first meet in December. I will try to sneak in similar workouts as those from December 2008 for comparison.

Caveat: The truth is that none of these workouts are that impressive, but they are useful for comparison sake.

For my next interval workout--this Saturday or Sunday, depending on the weather--I plan to do one of my staple 800 meter workouts. That will give me some good information about my fitness for the 800.

Today's total: 1.1 warm-up; 1 mile worth of 200s, 1 mile worth of recovery, .9 cool down. 4 miles

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boy have I got some work to do.

Tuesday, 11/17/09--
Went to Henderson. 1.15 warm up The workout was faster than 5K pace 1200, 200 jog-rest, 400, 400 jr (3-4 sets). Because my hamstrings were a bit tight and sore, I skipped the first set and continued stretching, epecially since I had gotten there late and was still warming up while others began to stretch. I hopped into the 2nd set.
200 jr
400 jr
1200--4:18 (I started 25 meters behind the group on this one and tried to keep that distance or close it, but I couldn't hold on. The distance doubled after the 600 meter mark.)
200 jr
800--2:43 (I actually thought the group opted to do 3 but knew differently when I saw them begin. I just waited until they came around and I hopped it.)
.85 cool down

5.15 total

Boy have I got some work to do. I will have to check again to see where I was this time last year.

Monday, November 16, 2009

51 weeks ago

Monday, 11/16/09--

5 miles (2 Rustin loops and 1 Plumly)
4:05 Half
8:10 Mile
15:55 2 mile
17:30 2.2 (1 loop)
21:10 2.7
25:00 3.2 (7:30)
32:20 (14:50) 4.2 (7:20)
33:45 (16:15) 4.4 (2 loops)
38:00 5.0 (4:15)

Pacing 7:36/mile--5 MILES

Felt good. Pretty easy.

Sunday, 11/15/09--
51 weeks ago this was my plan for the day's workout:
1 . Warm up: 1 mile cross country run
2. Flexibility exercises
3. 600 400 200 400 600 Speed 35 sec pace/rest 5 minutes
4. 6 x 100 strides Speed medium/rest 1 minute
5. Cool down: 1 mile cross country run

I wound up going to Swarthmore that day for the workout. I did a 1-mile warm up and stretched inside field house. Outside I did: 600 (36, 36, 38=1:50); 400 (34, 34=68); 200 (33); 400 (33, 35=68); 600 (34, 34, 36=1:44). I went back inside for 4 x 60 (straightaway). By the end of the workout, I felt that the next time my 200 pacing should be :34.

Well, 51 weeks later I did the same workout. There were peripheral differences, though. Last year, I had done only a mile on the treadmill and lifted a little at Penn Oaks the day before. This year, I had done a very solid run to Penn Oaks and back (lifting in-between). Also, unlike last year's 1-mile warm-up, this year I ran over 2 miles to get to Westtown's track. On a positive note, the weather was much better at about 60 degrees this year; last year it was cooler.

This year:
2-mile warm-up
600 (35, 37, 38=1:51); walk 400 meters (4:45)
400 (34, 36=69); walk 400 meters (4:45)
200 (33); walk 400 meters (4:45)
400 (33, 35=68); walk 400 meters (4:45)
600 (33, 35, 37=1:45); walk 200 meters
2-mile cool down


Too bad for me I turned my ankle after I left the track. That's what I get for trying to avoid seeing someone.

Rest of week plan:
Tues--Henderson. Tempo run or intervals
Wed--5-7 miles
Thursday--7.9 miles in town
Saturday--depending on the weather, 10x200 (or some other interval workout) probably at Westtown
Sunday--Penn Oaks run/lift 6.6 miles

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Felt good, strong.

Saturday, 11/14/09--
Penn Oaks run, 3.3 miles each way. 24:38 en route there; 23:20 en route back home.

16:40 (2.3)

Felt good, strong. 6.6 miles

Friday, November 13, 2009

Whoever said Friday the 13th should be special?

Friday, 11/13/09--Just did a little yoga--core strength style, which can be tough. Whoever said Friday the 13th should be special?

Thursday, 11/12/09--Borough run. I had an anemic 7.9-mile run this morning. The run was made annoying by my having to stop twice to tie my shoes and by the fact that I felt off kilter, a little weaker than usual. I also had quite the gas bubble in my abdomen! I even punked out on the big hill and stopped for a moment to gain my composure. Since I had stopped my watch a couple of times for these antics and when I had to wait for traffic, my time was thrown off by the time I got the the 4-mile mark; I had forgotten to restart if at one point. To make matters worse, I ran the last 3.3 miles solo. What a fiasco!

33.8 for the week

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Felt good. Nice run.

Wednesday, 11/11/09--

4:00 Half
8:10 Mile
15:55 2 mile
17:30 2.19 (1 loop)
21:10 2.69
25:00 3.19
32:20 4.19
33:55 4.37 (2 loops)
37:20 4.87
40:28 5.37
47:18 6.37
48:42 6.55 miles (3 loops)

Felt good. Nice run.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Overall disappointed with my effort

Tuesday, 11/10/09. Henderson. Workout was 3x1 mile in slightly faster than 5K pace, with 400 m JR. Stretched extra and missed the first mile. Hopped into the second one and ran 5:40. Started next one, stopped at 600m mark. Rested a minute or two, then finished mile in 5:38. Overall disappointed with my effort.

Monday, 11/9/09--3 Rustin loops. 6.5 miles in 49:00, about 7:35 pace. 1st loop pace: 8:05;2nd loop pace--7:35; 3rd loop pace--7:05. Tight hamstrings.

Sunday, 11/8/09--3.5 miles light. Running late. Tight hamstrings.

Saturday, 11/7/09--Was on Swarthmore College's campus this weekend for a meeting of the Alumni Council. During an extended break, I did 4x400 (400 jog-rest in-between), 4x200 (with 200 meter jog rest), 4x100 (walk back). The 400s were 70 spot-on. The 200s were 31 spot-on. The 100s were 14, with the exception of the last one, which was 15. Decent workout.

For comparison, here is one of my first winter season workouts, which took place on 11/22/08 at Swarthmore.

1 . Warm up: 1 mile cross country run
2. Flexibility exercises
3. 600 400 200 400 600 Speed 35 sec pace/rest 5 minutes
4. 6 x 100 strides Speed medium/rest 1 minute
5. Cool down: 1 mile cross country run

1 mile warm up and stretch—inside field house
Outside: 600 (36, 36, 38=1:50); 400 (34, 34=64); 200 (33); 400 (33, 35=68); 600 (34, 34, 36=1:44). Back inside—4 x 60 (straightaway).

I think this year's workout compares favorably, especially since I did not take a straight 5-minute rest between intervals.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh yoga

Friday, 11/6/09--Oh yoga! Those core, abdominal exercises can be tough. Whoever said yoga was for the weak is dead wrong.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Though rather pedestrian; it felt like a jog

Thursday, 11/5/09--another late start but made it to the Borough in time. Same 7.9 loop, but the pace was slower. We hit the 4 mile mark in 30:00 (7:30/mile pace) and finished up at 60:15, which means the last 3.9 miles was in 30:15, or about 7:45/mile. We took the last mile particularly easy. It felt like a jog. The average pace of the run was 7:37/mile.

Wednesday, 11/4/09--got a late start and wound up doing 5.7 in 45:00: 2.2, plus back around the block and up the hill and to the XC course (.9). I did nearly 1 full loop of the course (1.4), but then looked at the late time and headed past the school caf and loading dock and onto the paved trail again (.2). I took this back to the neighborhood on Ashley, onto the Stable, and up Plumly (1.0). This run was pretty good, though rather pedestrian.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Work I have ahead of me

Tuesday, 11/3/09
Today I went to Henderson, albeit a little later than usual. My warm-up was the standard 1.1 mile. The workout was 5x1000, but I opted to run with Dailey, who wanted to do 10x200 w/ a 50 meter jog in-between each, followed by 800 run-100m jog--400 run-200m jog--800 run--100m jog--400 run. Cooled down .9 mile. The 200s ranged between 38-40, with a 39 sec avg. The 800s were 2:50 and 2:51. The first 400 was 1:20; the second was 1:77. Overall, I felt pretty good, strong at times even. This workout was a nice way to mark the transition into the winter season. It was also good and back to see how much work I have ahead of me to get down into 800 meter shape. Total for the day: 5.1 miles

Brainstorm of new schedule, beginning 11/3/09:
Monday--5-6.6 miles (probably around the neighborhood)
Tuesday--5-6 miles (intervals Henderson; this will eventually become a hills workout)
Wednesday--5-6.6 miles (perhaps do a PO run, depending on what I did on Monday)
Thursday--5-7.9 miles in the Borough or intervals on the track (perhaps alternate by week)
Saturday--5-6.6 miles--intervals on the track or PO run, depending on weather or meet schedule
Sunday--5-6.6 miles--intervals on the track or PO run, depending on what I did Saturday or meet schedule

Total weekly mileage: 30-40 miles

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tight back

Monday, 11/2/09--It just occurred to me that today could've been a Penn Oaks run. Again, though, I was running late and only managed to get in about 3.7(75) in just under 30 minutes. My back is still tight. Hope I'm good for tomorrow.

Sunday, 11/1/09--Another November! I did a recovery run, but my back was tight and sore. Warming down after yesterday's race could've made all the difference! Anyway, today I did 5 miles in 38:00. I was running late and did not have time to run to the gym.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Saturday, October 31st--Halloween and the CHS Hall of Fame 5K run. Well, it's not really a 5K, as in 3.1 miles. It's 3.2 miles. Each year, I measure the course and come up with between 3.19 and 3.21 miles. I have "lobbied" to "the man" to have the course start .1 miles farther down the road, but to no avail. Therefore, I have been left to struggle my way through an extra .1. Today that extra .1 almost cost me the victory.

My son and I got to the school pretty early (about 8:15 for the 9 AM start) on a wet, pretty mild morning (60 degrees). We were already registered, so we hit the restroom, checked in, chatted it up with some folks and pinned our race numbers into place. We warmed up by running a loop, the first .9 miles of the course. We stretched for about 20 minutes in the concourse area in-between the interior and exterior sets of doors. By the time we returned to the holding area, participants had been called to make their way to the starting line. I swapped out my running flats for racing flats. We made our way to the start, where I handed my bag off to my wife and daughter. After a couple of minutes of announcements and reminders, including one about wet leaves, we took off, but not without some confusion at the start. The starter said there'd be 3 commands, but he gave only two--to your mark, go. This led people to stop and then start again, stuttering, I guess. Anyway, I went out with a few XC kids (JV, perhaps, who, like my son, competed at the District meet the day before). By the time I reached the 1-mile mark at 5:35/5:40, two of us were running neck-and-neck. The lanky kid had a monster stride, allowing him to get distance on me going downhill. What he made up on me going downhill, I made up on him going uphill. (Maybe that's why my back is killing me. I panicked a little when i felt it at the mile marking; the pounding was a nuisance.) At the halfway mark, 1.6, I saw that I was at 9:10. (I was at 8:45 at the bottom of the hill, so I am guessing I hit 9:10 or so at the top.) That was where I began to pull away, not because I was going faster, but because the younger seemed to lose a step as we hit the hill top. I did stride a bit at the top of the hill, which probably helped. I did not look at my watch at the two mile marked. I was just thankful to be in the lead. I started to panic, though, with about a half-mile to go. I could feel that my strength was waning and that someone not too far behind was going to exploit it. At about the 3-mile mark, I heard 17-something, but I also heard the footsteps of someone making up distance on me with every stride. As I made my last right turn, I could see the finish line/bus circle in sight. A quick look over my right shoulder revealed that the guy behind was within a few meters. I pushed the last .1, with a panic look on my face, knowing that I had hit 3.1 already and had .1 to go. I drove my arms up the incline into the bus circle and outleaned a 35-year old! My 3.2 time: 18:46; my 3.1 time: 18:09.

Mileage for the week: 19.8

Now it's time to begin thinking about the indoor season.

Friday, October 30th--took the day off completely. These leisure days have been good to me, I suppose.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'll be lucky

Thursday, 10/29/09--1.9 easy, very easy. I've been doing so little running that I'll be lucky to hit 20 miles this week!
Saturday--5 (mile warm-up, 5K+, .8 mile cool down)
20.8 miles

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We'll see

Wednesday, 10/28/09--I wound up running last night. I dropped my son off for studying and had 40 minutes to spare. I drove to CHS's track in the mist and drizzle and gave a quick workout a shot. I warmed up a mile, stretched for 5 minutes or so and did 3x800 with 200 meter jog-rest. I was supposed to run these in 5K race pace, but that didn't really happen. 3:00, 2:57 and 2:55 were my runs. I guess the last came close to race pace. It was weird running 7 at night. My legs simply did not feel the same. This morning it was still raining; I did nothing. I am thinking about an evening run, though, or I might just take off the day completely and do 5 of the 8 miles with my crew tomorrow. We'll see. On second thought, I'll probably do 3.5-4 miles this evening and take off tomorrow and Friday in preparation for the 5K on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I bagged my workout

Tuesday, 10/27/09--This morning seemed awful, so I bagged my workout and did a little yoga. I am think about running this evening if the weather gets better.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Monday, 10/26/09--overslept a bit; late start. Did an easy 4 miler in 34:00. Legs felt wobbly. Hoping for better tomorrow...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The last ten miler for a while...I think

Today, 10/25/09--I am about to get ready to do my Penn Oaks run and lift combo. Prediction: easy 25:30 there and an easy 24:30 back. Aha--update. I wound up running 24:40 on the way to PO and 23:26 on the way back. I felt pretty good--how I would had I run 25:30 and 24:30. Hopefully, this is a good sign. Total for the week: 38.4, down from last week by a few miles.

Saturday, 10/24/09--Today, I did what has become my customary Saturday 10-miler, the last in my series of least for now. It is unlikely that I will continue to do these longer runs since I am moving into the indoor track season where I will be running primarily 800s. I will probably replace the 10 miler with an interval workout. Anyway, today my legs felt a little heavier here and there throughout the run, but I did pretty well. I hit the 4-mile mark in 30:50 (7:42/mile pace). I hit mile five in 38:20 (7:30), mile six in 45:20 (7:00), mile seven in 52:30 (7:10), mile eight 59:40 (7:10), mile nine in 66:30 (6:50), and mile ten in 73:30 (7:00). I hope these few ten milers will pay off when I run a 5K next weekend, on Halloween! Hopefully, the run won't be a scary one (pun intended). I'd love to run sub-18:00, but the course is kind of slow (more about this as I get closer to the race).

My possible new routine:
Monday--5.5 miles
Tuesday--distance intervals on track (may forgo distance intervals for shorter intervals); hills to start in December
Wednesday--5.5 miles
Thursday--long run in town
Saturday--shorter track intervals
Sunday--Penn Oaks

Friday, October 23, 2009

Little core strength

Friday, 10/22/09--Home. Little core strength yoga.

Thursday, 10/21/09--Borough run. Ran usual 7.9. Hit 4 mile mark in 28:55; finished route in 58:30. First 4 miles--7:14 pace; rest of route 7:35 pace. Overall pace--7:25 pace.

Wednesday, 10/20/09--Rustin. Same as last week: Ran 5.5 in 43:30; easy pace of 7:55 pace.

Tuesday, 10/19/09--Henderson. Today I was disappointed with my workout. I had every intention of keeping up with Rachel and Kevin, but I fell off the pace as we neared the 2-mile mark. The first mile was 6:12. I wound up stopping at the two-mile mark at 12:20, so the second mile was 6:08. I did not run the third mile. I rejoined them for my fourth mile, which I ran in 5:52.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not bad

Monday, 10-19-09--Oops. I forgot that I needed to drop off my car, so my usual Monday run had to be shelved. I wound up dropping my car off at Stillman and then running home from there: 3.4 miles in 26:00. It was a chilly 38 degrees.

Sunday, 10-18-09--Penn Oaks run. Legs felt pretty good, considering yesterday's 10-mile run. On the way there-25:05; on the way back--23:59. These times were 1 minute faster, each way, than last week's times. 6.6 miles. TOTAL FOR WEEK, Monday through Sunday-->41.3 miles. This is the fourth over-40 mile week.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tomorrow my legs won't feel like jello.

October 17, 2009--Today, I did another long run: 10 miles in the rain. And, oh, what fun it was! Just kidding! I don't really enjoy running in the rain, but I have made a commitment to doing 5 10-milers, the fourth of which was today. I used a different route from the last one at least. I hit the 4-mile mark at 30:40, which meant I was running about 7:40/mile pace. The last 6 miles averaged 7:08 pace. This faster average pace is attributed, at least in part, to a sub-7:00 final mile. I finished up in 73:30, which is about 7:21/mile pace. I felt pretty good overall, considering the route was hilly. Hills are good for you, but I don't really like them. I trust that tomorrow my legs won't feel like jello.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh yeah, Daley has returned

Thursday, 10/15/09--Went into the borough for my 7.9. We were joined by a few women, a first. Like last week, it was in the mid to upper 40s. I felt pretty relaxed and unpressed most of the time. We came through the 4 mile mark at 29:20, 30 seconds slower than last week. This was 7:17/mile pace. We finished up at 58:00, 5 seconds slower than last week. So, about 7:21/mile was the pace for the remaining 3. miles. The run was pretty even. I did a decent hill, stronger than the last few. I pushed the las stretch just to open my stride a bit. Felt good overall. Oh yeah, Daley has returned. We may ditch next Tuesday's workout in favor of something shorter. 24.8 miles thus far this week. With Saturday's 10 and Sunday's 6.6, I should be over 41.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Easy run.

Wednesday, 10/14/09--5.5 mile neighborhood run: 3 loops (1.85, 1.80, 1.85) in 15:25, 14:30, 14:20 for 44:20. Easy run.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I did okay

Tuesday, 10/13/09--
Went to Henderson for 6-8 x 800 workout, 200 meter jog-rest. 5.9 miles, including warm up and cool down. Kevin, Rachel and I wound up doing 6, although I did not realize at the time that the two of them would be stopping after 6. To be honest, I had planned to do 6, skip #7 and hop into the 8th one. Joe Breslin, I believe, did all 8. He was with us, but seemed to do more after we had all finished. Anyway, my runs were: 3:01, 2:58, 2:53, 2:52, 2:51, 2:50. The average was 2:54. Here are previous 6x800 workouts:

Tuesday, 9/8/09
#1: 3:13, #2: 3:06, #3: 3:05, #4: 3:03, #5 3:03, #6 3:02, #7 3:01, #8: 2:47. Ran by myself b/c there were none from my group there. I was surely seconds off where I wanted to be, but that's the way it goes.

Tuesday, 5/12/09
6x800 w/ 400m non-stop jog in-between: 2:59, 2:56; 2:52; 2:48; 2:48; 2:48. we were supposed to start at 3:00 and then work our way down.

Tuesday, 3/24/09--Henderson. Cold--28 degrees!
6x800 w/ 400m non-stop jog in-between: 3:00, 2:56; 2:52; 2:48; 2:48; 2:40.

All things considered, I think today's workout compares well, not necessarily favorably, to the ones above. Notice that the ones above, including 6x800, offered a 400 meter JR. Of course the weather was tough on 3/24/09, though.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oh boy.

Monday, 10/12/09--5.5 mile neighborhood run: 3 loops (1.85, 1.80, 1.85) in 15:30, 15:00, 14:30 for 45:00. Legs were a little heavy. Arms a little weak. Oh boy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

just when I was getting the hang of it...

Sunday, 10/11/09--Penn Oaks run. Tired legs. On the way there-26:00; on the way back--25:00. 6.6 miles. TOTAL FOR WEEK, Monday through Sunday-->41.8 miles.

Saturday, 10/10/09--Ten miler. Hit the 5 mile mark at 38:15 (about 7:40/mile pace); finished at 74:15 (about 7:15/mile pace).

Friday, 10/9/09--Yoga day. I'm bummed, though, that my go-to yoga routine was taken down from On Demand. And just when I was getting the hang of it...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not bad overall

Thursday, 10/8/09--Same ole: went into town to do my 7.9 with Sean, John, Justin, Joe and another guy whose name escapes me. It's amazing that you can run with the same people week-in and week-out and never know they're names or what they're really about! That's scary. Anyway, it was about 48 degrees. I felt pretty relaxed and unpressed most of the time. We came through the 4 mile mark at 28:50. This was 7:12/mile pace. We finished up at 57:55. So, about 7:28/mile was the pace for the remaining 3.9 miles. We actually took the last mile easy. The hill was pedestrian to say the least. Not bad overall.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Easy does it

Wednesday, 10-7-09--Today I did an easy 5.9 miles in 47:50. Loop around the block 5:00, 1.85 #1-->15:00, #2-->14:13, #3-->13:32. About 8:10/mile pace.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I wasn't dead after the tempo run

Tuesday, 10/6/09--Went to Henderson where a 4-mile tempo run awaited me. Warmed up 1.15. We were to drop 5-10 seconds each successive mile. I opted to run with the second tiered group today, figuring that I would not be as successful with the first. Admittedly, my last tempo run on the track stunk. I wound up running the first mile in 6:20, then stopped at the 1.5mile mark at 9:30. I waited a few minutes, then ran a 6:00 mile. That day, I felt sluggish and couldn't keep up. Well, today I was better. I started a few seconds after the second group started, not knowing if I was going to do the workout. The first mile--6:31, mile 2--6:25, mile 3--6:18, mile 4--6:10. Altogether I ran the 4 miles in about 25:25, 6:21+/mile pace. Kevin and Rachel ran together and, from what Kevin said, ran 6:15, 6:10, 6:02 and 5:51 (about 6:05/mile pace). They averaged 16-17 seconds per mile faster than I did. I've got to get back into the type of shape. I have to say, though, that I think I could have gone faster, maybe by 5-8 seconds per mile. I wasn't dead after the tempo run. Cooled down .85. Total today: 6 miles

Monday, October 5, 2009

Like I said, nice 'n easy

Monday, 10/5/09--Ran 3 1.85 mile loops for a total of about 5.5 miles in 44:20. Easy pace: 15:35, 30:00 (14:30), 44:20 (14:20). This was just over 8:00/mile pace. Like I said, nice 'n easy. Tomorrow: interval work at Henderson. Let's see if I can have a banner, breakthrough workout.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, 10/4/09--I made my way to Penn Oaks earlier this afternoon to lift. On the way I ran 7:37, 15:15, 22:38 and 24:49 at 3.3. On the way home, I ran 7:10, 16:50 at the 2.3 mile mark, and 23:30 at 3.3 (6.6 miles)

My total for the week, Monday through Sunday: 42.4 miles, a career high!

Saturday, 10/3/09--Long run #2. I have committed to doing 10-mile runs on Saturday for 4-5 straight weeks to push my weekly mileage up to 40. The first 5 were in 40:00, or 8:00/mile pace, the second 5 in 36:40, or 7:20/mile pace. Overall, the pace was about 7:40/mile. I was fairly pleased, although there were times during the run that felt harder than last week's.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Felt good. Getting better at it.

Friday, 10/2/09--Yoga time. Same drill. Felt good. Getting better at it.

Thursday, 10/1/09--I went into town to do my customary 7.9 with the guys: Sean, John, Justin, and a couple of others. It was colder today...about 43 degrees and I had no gloves, while everyone else did. About every mile, I'd stuff my hands in my jacket pocket for a minute to get them a little warm. I felt myself pushing the pace as early as the half mile mark. I just pushed up the hill and got my knees up a bit. We came through the 4 mile mark at 28:40. This was 7:10/mile pace. We finished up at 57:30. So, 7:24/mile was the pace for the remaining 3.9 miles. We actually took the last 1.9 easier. We were pretty slow going up the big hill. I suspect miles 5 and 6 were at 7:19 pace and that miles 7 and 8 were at 7:29 pace. Overall, one of the better 7.9 runs I've done.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boy was it dark this morning.

Wednesday, 9/30/09--Ran to Penn Oaks (25:00) and back (23:59); 6.6 MILES. Lifted for only 15 minutes b/c I was running late. Boy was it dark this morning. Tomorrow: 7.9 with the boys in town.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

but, for what it's worth

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009--The "Henderson-Kelly" workout today was 3 x 2000 with a 400 jog-rest in-between each repeat. I ran the first 1600 with my group in 5:57 and then peeled off. The group finished the 2000 and then decided to do an alternative workout: 2 sets of 800-600-400-200 with 45 seconds (jog) intervals and a 4-minute jog-rest between sets. I ran the 800 in 2:40, the 600 in 2:07, skipped the 400 (a little confusion), and ran the 200 in :37. The next set: 800 in 2:42, 600 in 2:05, 400 in 1:19, and the 200 in :34. By the time I got to the 400, I was about 20 seconds behind the group, so I wound up running solo. I cooled down .5 mile, having warmed up 1.2 miles. Total: about 5.4 miles.

Not pleased with this workout, but, for what it's worth, at least I got to run something shorter than 800.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing special

Monday, 9/27/09--Easy 5.9 in 45:40. 2.2 Rustin loop, followed by (2) 1.85 loops. Nothing special, but it was a run.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A "long" run

Sunday, 9/27/09--Ran 33:50 over 4.4 miles. 17:40 1st loop; 16:10 second loop.

TOTAL FOR MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY: 38.2 (including 1 junk mile I did at my son's XC meeting running here and there)

Saturday, 9/26/09-- I did a "long" run of 10 miles, my farthest run ever. Why the quotes? I realize that my long run is not particularly long for most bonafide distance runners. I ran just under 8 minutes (39:45) for the first 5 mile. I sped up the second 5/loop and ended with 1:16:20. My second 5 must've been at about 7:20/mile pace.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I could have gone harder

Thursday, 9/24/09
On tap this morning was my usual 7.9 mile run with a few other guys. A brisk pace was intact for the first half of the run, as we hit the 4-mile mark in 29:10. Justin, who seemed to be the pace maker, peeled off soon after the 4-mile mark. As a result of this and the awful humidity and 70-degree weather, we all slowed significantly. The second half of the run (3.9) was 31:15; we finished at 60:25. The monster hill we crawled up and the final hill we jogged, not pushed. Oh well. half--about 7:17 pace; 2nd half--about 8 minutes. At least I knew I could have gone harder and still been okay.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am wondering/wandering

Wednesday, 9/23/09
This morning I ran an easy 4.8 miles in 37:30, or 7:48/mile. Did .6 around my blocked and headed through the 4.4 Westborne/Oakborne loop. I am wandering, wondering whether I should increase my mileage or keep my mileage the same and increase intensity. I have Kevin Kelly, on the hand, telling me about his high mileage athletes and their amazing times with little or no speed or interval work (all base work). I have Kevin Forde, on the other hand, blogging about his shorter mileage weeks where he is able to run 1000 repeats in 3:10-3:20 with a few minutes' rests, sub 17:30 5K time trials, etc. Where do I go from here?

For the next 3-5 weeks, I was thinking of:
Mon--5 miles
Tues--interval workout to equal 5.5 miles
Wed--5 miles
Thursday--approx 8 miles
Friday--biking/yoga/light lifting
Saturday--10 miles
Sunday--approx 6.5


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

glad I did

Tuesday, 9/22/09: Made my to Henderson for 3-4 x 1 mile @ 10K pace with 200 meter jog rest. I feel off the top group pace early, as those out front were running my current 5K pace. I was determined to stick with the workout, and I am glad I did. I ran 6:09, 6:10, 6:15, and for my last one I hopped back in with the group. I ran their last 1200 in 4:14. Total: 5.5 miles

Monday, 9/21/09: Started out with what I thought would be a tempo run. Looked at time for first mile and realized it was not to be. Wound up doing 4.6 at about 7:45/mile pace.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Time to run

Monday, 9/21/09--As it turns out, I ran 18:38 for the 5K on Saturday, which was a bit slower than I had thought. Oh well. Yesterday I ran to Penn Oaks in 25:40, lifted, and ran back in 24:40. It was a nice recovery run on a nice day. Gotta go. Time to run.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fat chance, she tells me

Sunday, September 20, 2009.

Yesterday I did a 5K in downtown West Chester called Half-Way to St. Pat's. The race proceeds would benefit the oncology department at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). My kids joined me in the race, along with about 75 other runners and walkers. It was great to see me line up with my young daughter and now high school age son! From the get-go, I felt pretty good, reminding myself to stay relaxed while in third place. My son was right alongside me. Scott Burns, the leader, increased his lead with every stride it appeared. At the mile mark, I realized that my son and I had cut into the lead of the runner in second place. By the half-way mark, I passed him, as did my son. At the two mile mark, I heard my son's shoes clapping the pavement, as he pulled alongside me. I was thinking how great it was to see him keep up and make a go for taking down his old man. I surged for a couple of seconds, thinking he would go with me, but he didn't. I told myself to stay relaxed and focused during the last mile. The sound of footsteps faded until the last 1K, when I heard what I thought was the guy who was originally in second place. As it turned out, it was another guy, tall and lanky, who pulled alongside me with a 1/4 mile to go. He seemed determined. The pace quickened, and before you knew it we were in a full blown sprint. Buoyed by cheers from John Manion, with whom I run on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings, who said, "Don't let him break you," I stayed the course, literally, and out kicked him to the line. I am not sure exactly what I ran, but will find out shortly. I think it was 18:30 or so, or 5:59 per mile. I was more impressed with me son, who finished in 18:59, and my daughter, who ran her first 5K in 26:27. Amazing day for our family. We went to the awards ceremony and post-race party for some food. Now if only I could get my wife out running! Fat chance, she tells me.

Today--recovery run. I'm looking to head out to the Penn Oaks within the next hour and back. I will likely take it easy with 8 minute/mile pace. About 31 miles for the week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A little help from my Yoga

Friday, 9/18--Looks like I may have a Friday routine after a week of all running: yoga. The last couple of Fridays, I've opted for a little--and I do mean a little--Exercise TV yoga, which entials 12 minutes of core strength exercises. It's short and moderately intense. I like it. Hmm--perhaps I could do it more than once a week. Before-bedtime activity? Saturday mornings?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Refreshed when we finished

Thursday, 9/17/09--This morning I headed to the West Chester Country Club in the drizzle. Like last Thursday, the drizzle faded as the run progressed. The coolness remained, though. There were four of us, and one peeled off at the 4.5 mile mark, another at the 5.25 mile mark. Like last week, I was hoping that the run would have felt easier. Overall, I was not spent, but I wish I could get to the point where these runs are, well, run-of-the mill. I saw 30:00 at the 4-mile mark, about 15 seconds slower than last week's pace at the 4-mile point. I finished up at 60:10, which was a minute slower than last week's run and two-and-a-half minutes slower than when I ran alone, ironically. Sean and I held a full-blown conversation over the last 2.5 miles and slowed down a lot it appears. I guess our overall pace was about 7:37. The good thing is I felt refreshed when we finished, not spent.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nothing special

Wednesday, 9/16/09--had a late start. Simply did 30 minutes easy, about 3.70 miles. Nothing special. Tomorrow will be 57:00 or so over 7.9 miles.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

But I made it through

Tuesday, 9/15/09--Mom's birthday. Got to remember to call her later. Well, per my routine, I met up with the Henderson crew for some intervals. Today's assignment was 5-6x1000 at a bit over 5K pace, I think. We'd have 200 meters jog-rest in-between. I warmed up .9 mile and stretched a bit, though I could have stretched more. I ran with Rachel, John and Joe, who left us in his tracks after the first 1000. The first 1000 was 3:43 I believe; his was probably 3:39. The second was 3:39; third, 3:37; fourth, 3:35; and fifth 3:33. I had planned to do only 5, but Rachel "The Beast" cajoled me into a 6th, well sort of. I told her I'd catch her on the last 600, which I did. The entire 1000 for her was 3:30, having come across the 400 in 1:25. That means I ran the 600 in 2:05. Overall, this was a tough workout, but I made it through. I stayed the course and was able to keep up with Rachel. Not to be sexist and all, but it's humbling to run with women as good as Rachel, who at age 29 recently ran under 18 minutes for the 5K. And just to think--I remember coaching girls in the mid-90's who ran against her. I cooled down .6 mile. Total: 5.5 miles
Tuesday, 9/15/09--Mom's birthday. Got to remember to call later. Well, per my routine, I met up with the Henderson crew for some intervals. Today's assignment was

Monday, September 14, 2009

Easy like Monday morning

Monday, 9/14/09--Rather than do a tempo run, which I feel like I sort of did yesterday on the way home from Penn Oaks, I figured I'd save my legs. I opted for an easy 27:30 (3.1) and a little yoga.

Sunday, 9/13/09--Penn Oaks run. Out in 24:40; back in 23:40. 6.6. 30.5 miles for the week, Monday through Sunday.

Saturday, September 12--Ran 1.0 mile to Goose Creek Park. Stretch. Had my mind set on doing a 3.15 mile fartlek. Like last time, I did 30 jog/30 run and was able to do 6 laps in about 21:15. I did not feel quite as strong as last week's but I'll take it. 3.15

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cats and Dogs

Friday, 9/11--Similar to last Friday, I opted for a little--and I do mean a little--yoga instead via Exercise TV. I was running awfully late and it was raining cats and dogs! Same selection as last week--12 minutes of core strength exercises.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I was not spent

Thursday, 9/10/09--This morning it was off to the West Chester Country Club in the drizzle. It was not so bad, though, especially since the rain tapered as the run progressed. There were only three of us, one of whom peeled off at the 4.5 mile mark. I had imagined that today's run would feel easier and perhaps be a bit faster than last week's since, unlike last Thursday's run, I was running with others. I had a good start, feeling the coolness of the morning on my arms. I saw 29:45 at the 4-mile mark, 35 seconds slower than last week's pace at the 4-mile point. I finished up at 59:10, which was 90 seconds slower than last week's 57:40. Admittedly, I took the last mile slower--especially the hills--as I did not want to pull away from the comrade running with me. I didn't set out to race this course, only to try to run at 7:20 or so pace. Today my pace was a bit slower than last week's 7:18 at 7:29. At least today I felt more refreshed than tired when I finished; I was not spent.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today I biked to Penn Oaks, did a quick lifting workout, and biked back...all in 50 minutes: 16 there, 20 inside, 14 back. It was a little dark on the way there, but otherwise fine. Tomorrow: in town for the near 8-miler.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All by myself

Today's workout at Henderson was 6-8x800 at 10K pace with a 200 meter jog-rest. I warmed up 1.1 mile. None of the people from my group were there, so I ran alone. Actually, one person--Joe Breslin--did show up but when we were stretching. He wound up hopping in at some point and blazing by me, but I can't be sure he did all 8. Anyway, I ran the 8 800s by my lonesome and did ok. I was surely seconds off where I wanted to be, but that's the way it goes. #1: 3:13, #2: 3:06, #3: 3:05, #4: 3:03, #5 3:03, #6 3:02, #7 3:01, #8: 2:47. Overall, I felt pretty good. I cooled down .5. Total: 6.5 miles.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Felt pretty good today

This morning I did a tempo run. Ran .6 to the beginning of the XC course and did a 3-minute stretch. I then began the run. I remember hitting 6:50 at the 1600m mark and I think 10:50 at the end of the first loop. I finished the 3.1(.15) in 20:55 and did a 7-minute cool down (.85) en route home. Felt pretty good today. I'd like to bring my tempo run on this course down to 20 minutes. 4.6 miles.

Good news for him

Sunday, 9/6--I ran to Penn Oaks with my son. Our intention was to run the standard 7:30/mile pace. For some reason, I've come to dislike the route, I think in part because for whatever reason even running a pedestrian pace on this course takes more out of me than it should. Hit first mile 7:52, second mile in 15:50, third mile in 23:00, parking lot in 25:15 (my son, 25:25). After a brief period of upper body work, I headed back for home. Again, the pace would be 7:30. Hit mile 1 in 7:25, mile 2--??, with one mile to go 17:15, home at 24:25. My son--24:30. Good news for him--I think this was his best Penn Oaks run. 6.6 miles. About 28.4 miles for the week, Monday through Sunday.

Saturday, 9/5--I scheduled myself for a fartlek today. Like the last time, I jogged .6 mile to the start of the XC course at Rustin. This time, though, I stopped for a few minutes to stretch. My pattern would be 30 seconds jogging, 30 seconds running. My hope was to jog at about 8-minute/mile pace and to run at 6-minute/mile pace, which would amount to a 7-minute/mile pace for the 3.1 (3.15, really) course. I was able to accomplish this. I ran the double-loop course, fartlek-style in 21:40. The first loop of 1.5(55) was in about 11:00, and the second loop was in 10:40. I then jogged .85 home, for a total of 4.6 miles.

Friday, 9/4--Today, I decided to forgo a workout and opt for a little--and I do mean a little--yoga instead via Exercise TV. The slection I made was a mere 12 minutes long and dealt primarily with core strength exercises. I'd do it again, though, particularly on an "I took the day off" day or when I am running awfully late.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

But it's alright with me

Thursday, 9/3/09--This morning I made my way to the West Chester Country Club, only to get there to see no one but cars. I figured the crew had already left. In fact, I thought I had caught of glimpse of them as I turned onto High Street. I parked my car and thought that I'd just get started with the hope that I'd catch up with them as I had done a couple of months ago when I was late. I also knew, though, that there was a possibility that they had taken an alternate route and not the usual one. I had a good start, realizing that I was running a bit faster than I had on this course in a while. I felt the coolness of the morning on my arms. There were times during the run when I tried to talk myself out of the full 7.9. There were times when my legs felt heavy and arms felt flaccid. But I was not going to be deterred running alone for the distance in the shadows of West Chester. I saw 29:10 at the 4-mile mark and realized I had maintained a good pace. While my run up the huge hill at the beginning of mile 7 was slow, I stuck with it, owing to the end in sight. As I climbed Ashbridge I passed two women running, one of whom was Anna May's mother, and took it home in 57:40, which is faster than the 57:55 I ran on 3/26/09 and the 58-something I ran on 4/2/09. And these runs were with a group. Admittedly, I don't set out to race these courses, as I typically do not run far and fast, and I don't believe a 7:18 pace is lighting the world on fire. But it's alright with me! Now if I can use this day to kick-start consistently good work I'd be forever grateful.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Head case

Wednesday, 9/2/09--.6 to the start of Rustin's XC course in 5:20. Did the course in 25:00, then continued on my way to Ashley and then home (an additional .85) in 36:30. Total: about 4.6 miles.

Yesterday I took off, thinking that I would try my luck at a 5K over at the Westtown School, the last in a summer series. I warmed up a mile, stretched some, and chatted it up with a few folks.

I felt okay when the race began, hanging alongside Jim, one of the Tuesday morning guys. I was doing just fine, hitting about under 6 minutes for the first mile. But then I began to panic and engage in negative self-talk. Before I knew it I had lost all confidence that I could finish the race to the standard I had set for myself. And that's when it happened: I stopped...right around the 1.5 mile mark in 8:51.98, a time/numbers that will undoubtedly haunt me. I am officially a head case. The worst thing a runner can become accustomed to doing is stopping...during a workout and especially during a meet. And now I've done both! How hopeless am I?

Total 2.5

Monday, August 31, 2009

Longer solo run

Monday, 8/31/09--first day of school for the kids. Short run--2.2--in 17:08.

Sunday, 8/30/09--7.5 miles: Ran Rustin loop--2.2 miles. Ran first part of a second Rusting the start of XC course. That was an additional 1.3 for a 3.5 total thus far. Ran the XC course for an additional 3.15 miles. 6.65 miles thus far. Completed the rest of the Rustin loop from the end of the XC course for an additional .85 mile. Grand total of 7.5 miles in 57:40. 7:41/mile pace. Wish I had fgelt stronger. This was my longest solo run in months. Of course I've done the 7.9 mile from WC Country Club with a group, but I haven't run beyond 6.6 miles alone in quite some time. And even my 6.6es in last last few months have not been continuous; they've been to Penn Oaks and back with a "lift rest" in-between.

Saturday, 8/29/09--took off. Went to Hershey Park!

Friday, August 28, 2009

This week has been a blur

This week has been a blur. At least the good thing is I ran 60.4 miles in the last two weeks, 25.6 in the last 7 days and 34.8 the 7 days before. I will start clocking my miles again.

Friday, 8/28/09--Michael Jackson's b-day! RIP, K of P. I was running late and ran 1 2.2 loop in 17:30.

Thursday, 8/27/09--I confused the day and did not have enough time to make it to WC Country Club to meet the guys for the 7.9 mile run. So, instead I ran two 1.85 loops for a simple 3.7 in 29:30. Same feeling as yesterday.

Wednesday, 8/26/09--I ran to Penn Oaks to lift and ran back for 6.6. Pace was easy (26:30 there, 25:30 on the way back). As a result, I should have felt better.

Tuesday, 8/25/09--Went to Henderson where a 3-mile tempo run awaited me. Given that I had just completed one yesterday, I was not enthused. Perhaps that's why I bombed! I warmed up 1.1 mile. I ran the first mile in 6:20, then stopped at the 1.5mile mark at 9:30. I waited a few minutes, then ran a 6:00 mile. I felt sluggish and couldn't keep up. I cooled down a mile. Total: 4.6 miles.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tempo run #1

Today I did a 31-minute tempo run on Rustin's site, using the 1.85 loop. I began with a 10-minute jog and then picked up the pace, trying to maintain and accelerate over a 10-minute period. I cooled down 11 minutes for a 4.1-mile total. Overall, I felt pretty good.

Fartlek style

Sunday--lots of yard work, a little biking to get to nearby courts for tennis, but otherwise I took off.

Saturday--did a 35-minute fartlek. I ran about .6 to get to the start of Rustin's new XC course. That was about 6 minutes (warm-up). The fartlek wasn't particularly fast, but it was challenging enough, especially considering I haven't done one in at least 6 months. I covered the 3.1 mile course--fartlek style--in 23:00. Each of two loops was about 11:30. I ended with a .6 mile/6-minute run back home (cool down).

Friday--dropped off my car, ran across the road to Penn Oaks to lift, and ran back home. Easy pace of about 8 minutes/mile. 3.3 in 26:20.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Humidity, I guess

Today I ran with the Thursday crew and did the same 7.9er. There were only three of us today, compared to the usual 5-10. And one of the guys peeled away at the 4.5 mile mark. We ran slower than we did the last two weeks (61:00+, or about 7:45/mile pace). It was very humid--worse than last Thursday--and we took the last mile incredibly easy. During the run, I felt a little heavy. I did go out to a Mexican restaurant last night and ate a lot. (I'm an average of 4-5 pounds heavier this summer.) I felt like I was struggling a bit here and there--the humdity, I guess. Too much talking? After the run, I felt pretty good. I was barely winded, a good sign.

I look forward next Tuesday's intervals and next Thursday's 7.9.

Wondering whether I'll take off tomorrow or run or bike to Penn Oaks to lift and back.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Easy Run

Today was an easy run of about 3.1 miles/25 minutes, about 8:20 pace. My legs were a little heavy, even sleepy, but I felt good otherwise. I was supposed to do an easy 30 minutes (3.75 or so), but I was running late. Looking forward to my 60-minute, 8-mile, 5:45 AM run tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trying to get back into a groove

I went to Henderson today for what I knew would be another challenging least for me--4X1600@ 10K pace with a 200 meter jog-rest. Like last week, Kevin said the repeats should be at 10K pace, but I think we wound up running faster than that. At this point in my training, it felt like 5K pace, sorry to say. I skipped the first one, as I decided to devote more time to stretching my Achilles. My runs were 5:58, 5:57, 5:53, with 800 meter splits of 2:59, 2:58, and 2:59, respectively.

In the middle of the second one, I told myself that I could tackle this workout, despite what has been a crisis of confidence.

Like last week, I do wonder whether I would have been able to make it through the whole workout had I run the first 1600. Overall, I was pretty pleased with my effort.

Warm up 1.3
Workout 3.3
Cool down 1.0
TOTAL 5.6 miles

Starting tomorrow I will try to get myself back on a regimen.

Monday--do 30 minute tempo run
Tuesday--do interval training @ Henderson
Wednesday--run 30 minutes easy, bike to and from Penn Oaks to lift, or take off
Thursday--do long run (about 60 minutes) in WC Borough
Friday--run 30 minutes easy, bike to and from Penn Oaks to lift, or take off, depending on what I did on Wednesday
Saturday--do 30 minute fartlek
Sunday--run to Penn Oaks (lifting)--out and back easy--6.6 total

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Apple filled me up

Monday--easy 3.7 in 29:45. Today my Achilles felt a bit sore. I was still and could not get the traction I wanted. The easy 29:45 should have felt easier than it did.

Sunday--Central Park. 7.5 or so miles. We spent Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon in NYC. I got a chance to run in Central Park, leaving the hotel on 43rd and 7th and making my work to 59th. What a blessing it was! It was inspiring to see so many people running, biking and just plain exercising or being active. I ran about 31 minutes into the park and 28 minutes back to the hotel. Incidentally, many of the streets were blocked off due to the half-marathon through Times Square. Now that would've been something: visiting NYC and just hopping into my first half-marathon. Maybe next time!

Saturday--easy 3.7 in 28:30 just before heading to the Big Apple.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Simple, easy run

Simple, easy run this morning--1.9 in 14:30--since I was running late. I felt the humidity less since I was without a shirt (in the 68 degree temp)!

This puts me at 25 miles for the week, a summer high! Too bad for me this would have been a low mileage week months ago.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I could get used to this

Yesterday I just lifted--hopped in my car, headed to Penn Oaks, and just lifted for about 20 minutes.

Today, however, I ran with the Thursday crew and did the same 7.9er. We ran a minute slower than we did last week (60:00+, or about 7:38/mile), even though it felt faster to me. Chalk it up to the humidity, I guess. I felt pretty comfortable during the run, hanging back a little, running ahead a little, conversing more than usual.

I look forward to doing another 7.9 next Thursday. I could get used to this.

Wondering whether I'll take off tomorrow, do a track workout or run to Penn Oaks to lift and back.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

He's back...I think

I went to Henderson today for what I knew would be a challenging least for me--5x1200 @ 10K pace with a 200 meter jog-rest. Admittedly, Kevin said it should be at 10K pace, but I think we wound up running faster than 10K pace for most of the people there. 4:21-4:26 anyone? Seems more like a 5K pace! I skipped the first one, opting for a more thorough stretch of my Achilles instead. My runs were 4:26, 4:25, 4:24, 4:21, with 800 meter splits of 2:59, 2:58, 2:57, and 2:56 respectively. Chop those splits in half and there you'd have the 400 meter splits.

Once I had finished the second one, I told myself that I could do it, despite having not run with so little recovery in a while. I just have to do that every time.

I do wonder whether I would have been able to make it through the whole workout had I run the first 1200. In the end, I was pretty pleased with my effort. And I am not hurting at the moment! He's back...I think

Monday, August 10, 2009

And onward I go

I ran this morning...2 1.87-mile loops for about 3.75 miles total in 28:30 (14:45; 13:45). I need to get my mind back in order. Onward I go.

I took off Sunday. I had an initial change of heart, but then bagged it.

Saturday I decided to redeem myself. I took my son to the track, figuring I'd do 4x1600, and he'd do the first 1000 or 1200 with me. He chose 1000s. I ran the first in 6:00, the second in 5:59, the third in 5:54, and the fourth in 5:35. I took no more than 7:00 in-between each. I had planned for 6, but the walk around the track took longer than expected. A lot of rest, I know, but I deperately needed a successful workout. All repeats were run in very even splits: 3:00/3:00; 2:59/3:00; 2:57/2:57; 2:45/2:50. DJ ran a couple of seconds ahead of me, hitting the 800 in 2:58, then 2:57, and then 2:54. He stopped 250 meters into the fourth one due to Achilles pain. Sound familiar? Now it's rubbing off on my son.

Friday was awful. I talked myself into running the mile in the last open meet of the season sponsored by Chester County Running Store. I initially said that I'd pace my son and run somewhere in the 5:20 range. My son said I should just run my own race. Too bad for me I put down a 5:00 seed time and wound up in a different heat than he. A 5:00 mile should be light work for me, but it wasn't. I just didn't feel it; I was flat and awful from the start of the race. I found myself off pace within the first 400 meters. I was supposed to git :70 with ease, but I hit :72and felt off-base. So, like a chump, I stopped 700 meters into the about 2:10 or so. I actually thought about stopping at the 600! I was embarassed at first. But then I realized that it was better to bow out of the race than to continue onward, run a bad time, and injure myself further. It just wasn't worth it...and it has to be.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I went the distance

Yesterday, I made my way to the West Chester Country Club. There were only a few of us. I felt a little off kilter initially, falling back here and there and having to make up ground. But then I got into my groove. I kept pace and killed the two major hills in the last mile or so. I ran 59:15 for the 7.9. Overall, I was pleased, gaving not gone that distance since May, I believe. I will be out there next Thursday.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He returns...or does he?

Yesterday I made my way to Henderson's track at 5:45 AM to meet the distance crew I have been running with. By the time I got there, just about everyone was stretching and getting ready for the 3x1600 w/ 200 jog-recovery workout. Upon my arrival someone shouted out "He returns!" to which I replied "He rises from the dead!" even if no one heard me.

I warmed up a mile as they began their first 1600m repeat. There looked to be about 25 or so people, strung out within various groups/levels. As I stretched, I timed the first group and saw that Kevin ran the first mile in 5:47 and the remainder of the top group hit between 6:02 and 6:04. The other groups had various times, ranging up into the 7-, and 8-minute marks. I continued stretching, figuring that I would hop into the first group the next time they came in my direction. I stepped in with 1000m to go. The pace was stronger; the mile was just under 6:00. My 1000m was 3:40. I jogged the 200 with them and then began what was for them the last mile. Someone (can't remember the woman's name) said she wanted to pick up and pace hoped no one would mind. I remember hitting 2:52 at the 800 meter mark. I wound up stopping to stretch my Achilles at about the 950m mark at 3:19. In all honesty, I was also winded! I saw them finish the mile, and then I finished mine in 5:38. I cooled down a mile and thought about days past when I was able to do 3x1600. It was never an easy workout, but I was able to do it with respectfully. I also realized that my pride got in the way during this workout. What I should have done was hopped in with a group running an easier (think slower) pace so that I could have completed the entire last mile without stopping. How foolish was I!

I actually considered running the 5K series at Westtown School last evening, but then realized that I would be asking my body to do too much too soon. Instead I watched my son run his best time on the course on a humid evening. I was proud and hope that he realizes that with even better conditioning he could do well when he officially begins high school XC later this month.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The tide is turning

I have done 34 miles over the past 10 days, two of which I took off.

This morning I did another 4.4 miles/2 Rustin loops.

4:24 Half
8:20 Mile
16:02 2 mile
17:40 2.2 (1 loop)
21:10 2.7
25:10 3.2 (7:30)
32:10 (14:30) 4.2 (7:00)
33:29 (15:49) 4.4

7:36 pace

Yesterday, my son and I did a Penn Oaks run.
On way there
4:15 Half
8:05 Mile
16:00 2 mile
23:12 3.0
25:22 3.3
On way back home
1:30 .2
7:20 Mile
17:07 Street Rd/Westbourne
20:30 2.8 Creamery Rd
23:57 3.3

The tide is turning. I am still obviously weakened by my nagging foot injuries. this accounts for my having to put forth additional effort to do what I used to be able to do easily. What is encouraging for me, though, is the fact that my son is getting stronger and more in-shape. He was pushing (more like pulling) me onward during our run. We were supposed to go for about an 8 minute mile pace on the way there and about a 7:45 pace on the way back. Instead we ran 7:41 pace on the way to Penn Oaks and 7:15 on the way back home. In think he was testing his old man, dead set on going faster, and he did it more easily than I had anticipated. I told him that he should be his old man this fall in the 5K. (It may take him more time to beat me in shorter race distances.) He asked me if I were crazy. I told him that he would do it. The 17:16 I ran in the spring I will not hit again for some time to come.

With a current best in the low 20:00, hopefully he'll run 19:00-range as a freshman, 18:00- as a sophomore, 17:00- as a junior, and 16:00- as a senior.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Feeling hopeless

Saturday 8/1/09--took the day off!

Friday 7/31/09--
I ran after work today. I decided on 2 Rustin loops/4.4 miles. I did not feel particularly strong. 34:00. I am coming to the realization that I may have to start all over because of my injuries.

Thursday (7/30/09)night at Westtown School's track did not go as planned. I warmed up and stretched, feeling progressively better. I had planned to do 3x400 in roughly 60 seconds, with a 10-minutes recovery. After I hit the first 200 of the first 400 in :32, I knew that the planned would be botched. I felt like crap as I hit the 400 mark in nearly :68. I couldn't believe it. I was demoralized and felt like I should go home! Instead, I joined a guy who was in the process of running a 12K in 6:30 pace. Realizing I would be unable to stick with him, I opted to "help" him (help myself is not like it!) by keeping him on pace every other 800 meters. So, I ran an 800, rested an 800, ran an 800, rested an 800, etc. I wound up doing 5 800s within a range of 3:10-3:20. I sucked up the track and went home feeling like I was hopeless.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What used to be easy is now harder

I took the morning off, opting instead for an afternoon workout. Stay tuned.

Yesterday, I ran what should've been an easy 5.5 miles. It felt harder than it should've. The first two miles were brutal, as my Achilles was too tight to get any traction. I was nearly running on my heels and making tough work of my quads. I hit the first 1.85 in 15:10, the 3.70 in 29:00, and finish 5.55 in 43:20. This was about 7:48/mile pace.

On Tuesday, I was running late and only got a chance to run a bit over a mile.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Running on my heels

Monday--I ran the 4.4 double Rustin loop again. I ran a minute slower than I had on Saturday.

4:25 Half
8:45 Mile
16:50 2 mile
18:20 2.2 (1 loop)
22:00 2.7
25:55 3.2 (7:25)
33:10(14:40) 4.2 (7:15)
34:30 (16:10) 4.4

This time I really felt like I was running on my heels!

Tomorrow I will have to see whether I am ready for a Tuesday workout at Henderson or if I should just play it safe. I could my customary run and lift. I am a little reticient about running to Penn Oaks since it's an out and back run, and I could run into some trouble and have to call it quits, in which case the walk home would be time-consuming.

Sunday, July 26th--Despite feeling a bit sore from yesterday, my son and I made our way to the track at Penncrest for a near-repeat of what we did last Saturday. Instead of doing 8X400 (@ 70 w/2-min Int and #s 2,5,8 @ 63), I decided to run with him and do 8x 350. We hit all of the times. The third 350 was 68, and the last one was 64. Well, actually I did a 400 for the last one and caught my son with about 30 meters to go. The rest between 6 and 7 and 7 and 8 were off a bit because he got light-headed and needed water on repeat 7. The rest wound up being 2:45. The rest between 7 and 8 was botched because my son started prematurely and had to be brought back to begin again. This made for another 2:45 or so rest. OK workout for me overall; good workout for him. He should be on pace to run in the low to mid 2:20s for the 800.

Saturday, July 25th--I ran 4.4, albeit hobbling the first 2.2. I ran 33:30, 7:37/mile pace.
4:05 Half
8:10 Mile
16:00 2 mile
17:30 2.2 (1 loop)
21:00 2.7
24:55 3.2 (7:25)
32:10(14:40) 4.2 (7:15)
33:30 (16:00) 4.4

Friday, July 24, 2009

Resting ain't easy

I've rested all week for the most part and my 4 additional pounds are a testament to it. Other than playing with the kids, my only exercise has been 20 minutes of yoga, 4 miles of biking on Wednesday, and 6.6 miles of biking and a little lifting this morning. I went to a podiatrist yesterday and got an anti-inflammatory along with some hefty shoe inserts that are supposed to be better than the ones I currently use. We'll see. For the money, they'd better be!

I'd like to run this weekend, ideally do an interval workout. I am nervous, though, as I do not want to worsen my condition. The alternative is more rest, and resting ain't easy for a person jumping at the bit to get back into good form.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, I am officially in desperation mode. I have not run in two days, let alone had a good week of mileage in forever. I have iced like crazy, although I have not done as much stretching as I should. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and I hope there is some hope that I will be able to salvage the season...well, at least two meets and a 5K in August. If not, I will just have to deal with it and get my sights on getting into some semblance of shape for fall 5Ks and then make the transition to the winter season.

I did yoga this morning, but I not sure if doing so every day would sustain me. I'd go crazy. I did use some muscles I haven't used in a while! I need a yoga mat.

I may start biking or something...just to get some exercise. Maybe I could even bike to the gym, lift and bike back. It's not the same intensity as running, but it's a start.

Tomorrow's a new day.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Underestimating and Overestimating

This morning, I am down again. The most I can manage right now are some toe curls with a towel. My Achilles is really acting up. I guess I pushed beyond a healthy threshhold on Saturday after all. This really has been a wasted spring-summer season; injuries tend to have this sort of impact.


Today I am not in good condition. If I had any doubt that yesterday's slim workout wouldn't take its toll, I was dead wrong. I wound up driving to the gym to lift--upper and lower body. I was supposed to run there of course. Just to think--I haven't clocked my lately...because I would be depressed to see the drop in miles over that last couple of weeks...and ultimately last few months. I may wind up calling the season a wash, accept my losses and get ready for a few 5Ks in the fall, before getting ready for the winter season.


I decided to finish some unfinished business from earlier this week by returning to pick-up reps:
8x 400m @ 70 w/2-minute intervals and #s 2,5,8 @ 63. I had my son with me. His job was to hit the same splits but from the 300 mark. This ultimately wound up being too easy for him; he was hitting a range of :63-:54 instead of :70 and :63. Eventually, I had him run from 350 meters, which turned out to be appropriate. I had obviously underestimated what he could do...even relatively out of shape.

After a mile warm-up, stretches and some drills, I hit the first 400 in :70. The rest were: :63, :70, :70, :66. My Achilles started to flare up. I rested for about 7 minutes and then decided to run one more, a :63. Cooled down a mile. I was in pain. I had overestimated what I could do.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pain is such sweet sorrow?!

Today I ran just a tad (about a 1.5 mile or so loop) to see how my feet and Achilles would hold up. Truth be told, I was trying to see whether I have it in me to do a race tonight--100, 200, 400 or 800. I just needed to know...and still don't. While I eventually loosened up and felt okay, it will likely be a race time decsion.

Thursday, July 16th--took the day off. I was in pain!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Injury is for the birds

Wednesday, July 15th—went to Westtown School. My planned workout: Pick-up reps
8x 400m @ 70 w/2 min Int and #s 2,5,8 @ 63. I knew the workout would be challenging, particularly because I hadn’t done it in a while, the last time I did it I gave myself more recovery, and it was 6:30 in the morning. After the first 400, I knew that I was in for a treat! I hit :70. The next one I hit in :64, after which I truly welcomed the :70 in 400 #3 and the :71 in 400 #4. I told myself that I didn’t want the workout to be downhill from the :71, so I focused and hit :64 for 400 #5. On 400 #6, I really started feeling my Achilles, so I stopped at the 200 mark in :34, which was well on pace to another :70. Even though I was starting to hurt, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and could have completed the workout. During my cool down, my Achilles was really tightening and killing me, so I stopped after 400.

When I got home from work, I learned that my Thermoskin Plantar FXT and arch lift had arrived. I plan to use them immediately.

In the early evening I went to Chester County Running Store, where someone from NovaCare volunteers monthly to speak with individuals for sports-related injuries. The guy was really helpful; he provided me with some great exercises and advice about how to heal up.

Injury is for the birds!

Tuesday, July 14th—took off. Having trouble with feet and Achilles. Took time to ice and rest.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Steppin' hurts

Monday, July 13, 2009

Went to Westtown School. Was running late. Got there at 6:45. Had planned to do 3x (4x200m) @ 32-31-30 w/60-50-45-sec interval by set --Increasing speed/decreasing recovery reps. Instead I did 5 (2x150) @ 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 w/60-55-50-45-40. I hit the times pretty much. My feet are bothering me, though. Now my left foot is sore and my right Achilles is as well. Steppin' hurts.

I have to decide whether tomorrow will be a workout with the distance crew in town, a Rustin run or a light workout...just in case I decide to do the meet on Wednesday. Decisions, decisions.

Distance--lift. Ran to Penn Oaks. 24:41 and 23:13 coming home.
On way there

4:10 Half
7:50 Mile
15:30 2 mile
22:40 3.0
24:41 3.3

On way back home

1:26 .2
7:10 Mile
16:40 Street Rd/Westbourne
19:50 2.8 Creamery Rd
23:13 3.3

Best Penn Oaks run in a while.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I took the day off today in hopes that I can squeeze in a hard one tomorrow.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Relatively Easy and Runner's ADD

This morning I made my way to Conestoga's track to do a few 300s. Actually, I had planned to do 3 400s but I was running short on time. The idea was to do them at the pace I would otherwise have done the 400s in--60 or better. I ran :44, :43, and :42. I gave myself plenty of rest: 7 1/2 minutes to simulate the 10 minutes of rest I would have had had I done 400s. Overall, a good workout, albeit brief and relatively easy. Total: 2.5 miles

Tonight I went to Westtown's track to meet a crew of runners I usually see on Tuesday morn. There was one problem: none of them were really there. Instead there were a few women, a few girls and two guys, one of whom was the facilitator. The other was a guy training for a marathon. I joined him for a tempo run, after warming up a mile. I did 400s in between 81 and 83 seconds, with a 200 meter/1 minute jog/rest. Cooled down a mile. 3.5 miles total.

Wednesday I took off the morning but ran 3 miles or so in the evening. My son and daughter (by bike) joined me, which was fun. Easy 8 minute plus place.

Well, I decided to try my luck at a 5K on Tuesday night at Westtown School. I knew that my foot wasn't feeling all that well, but I said I'd go through with it anyway since the vast majority of the course was on grass--thicker grass at that--which could serve as a cushion. I would be conservative during the race and see if I could maintain 6:00-6:15 mile pcae, which I did. I ran 19:26, which is more than 2 minutes off where I was just three months ago. The course was much more difficult and hilly, I'm less in shape, and I'm injured--all three very impressive excuses. Another issue is my focus. I've run from the 400 to the 5K, and it's hard to do well at either of these extremes. Well, perhaps you can if you're an elite runner, but I am not! I need to commit to a smaller range of distance or accept that my lot that my performance at either end--and all in-between--will suffer. Runner's ADD?!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Plantar Faciitis is taking its toll

Tuesday, July 7th—warmed up mile at Westtown. Did 4 150s in 23. Cooled down mile. May decide to do 5K tonight.

Monday, July 6th—took day off.

Sunday, July 5th— today I had planned to do the 600,500,400,300,200 ladder, but just didn’t have it in me. I hit the first 400 in 65 and just stopped. I wound up doing 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 150m @ 21) jog 1200m btw sets. My times were 65/22; 64/22; 64/23; 63/24; 62/20 (I took a minute rest between the 400 and 150).

I am concerned that I am getting weaker as a result of plantar fasciitis. I really felt it during the workout, but decided to run through it. I feel like I am getting flatter, too.

Saturday, June 27th-Saturday, July 4th.
Off to Arizona.
Ran a total of 22 miles plus a dozen hills of 130m—23-25 sec

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can this be a comeback?

This morning I decided to try my luck at Westtown School's new track. I got out of the mini-van and just walked up the brief hill to lane 6. No steps to negotiate, no gates to traverse.

As I warmed up a mile, I inhaled the scene. There's something about running on a new track: a feeling of possibility and a look of undisturbed poise that are sometimes hard to come by on old ones. Don't get me wrong: I appreciate the oldies but goodies, but running on a new track can be quite a treat. Westtown's track favors the character and temperament of its namesake: the track is unpretentious and rather plain with its 6 lanes. There are no extra markings, no distinguishing color schemes. Unlike most tracks I've encountered, Westtown's is simple and unencumbered by imprisoning fencing or overbearing stands. Instead, the track is open, surrounded on one side by a comtemporary house tucked away in woods, on another side by a rustic structure that seems to serve as a canoe house for the Westtown Lake. The other two sides--an ample field house and an expansive parking lot--are far less bucolic and typify the sometimes awkward, inherent tension between progress and nature. Both structures are inevitable and, perhaps more importantly, necessary on a campus--in a world--where practical realities are part of the bottom line.

As I warmed up, I got my mind cued into what I had hoped would be a confidence booster of a workout. To be sure, I did not know just how difficult the workout would be. I figured it would be short, though. I gave my legs a pretty good stretch. Even though my hamstrings were not at their best, I told myself that I would go through with the 3 400s @ 60 seconds with a 10-minute recovery that I had on tap.

Here they are in review:
First 400: Started well, but felt a little rusty. 30 seconds at the 200. Pressed a little during the last 100. Time: 61.

Walked 800 in 10 minutes.

Second 400: Knew that I was not accustomed to so much rest, especially walking. I got out well again, feeling more settled. 29 seconds at the 200. Relaxed and lengthened my stride during the last 100. Time: 60

Walked 800 in 10 minutes, thinking about how I would approach the last 400. I decided that I wanted to run 59 seconds without pressing too much. I also realized that the workout did not seem that bad at it, that it felt like a medium workout and a far cry from some of the other ones I'd done this past spring. For the same reason, I also decided that this sort of workout would work best in the early morning since it was sufficiently challenging and fast--two characteristics that are important when I'm running 5:30 or 5:45 AM and have to finish the whole workout (including cool down) by 6:30.

Third 400: After walking for 10 minutes, I felt well rest, compared to how I normally feel when I'm doing interval training. I tried to simulate the sort of cadence I demonstrate when running an 800 race. I then imagined what it would feel like to have a monster kick. I hit the 200 in 29 seconds and got good leg lift during the homestretch. I felt pretty strong and was pleased with my time: 58 seconds.

If only there could be days like this every day. I cooled down a mile and went home pensive, much of my mood tempered by the untimely death of pop superstar--and once one of my idols--Michael Jackson. For some strange or not so strange reason, I imagined that Michael would live forever, much like characters like Peter Pan, who never grew up or old. At the same time, though, I knew that his life's ending would imitate the drama and seeming demise of his career. There is so much I could say but I will reserve it for perhaps another time.

Today's total: 2.75 miles

I will get in a quick run tomorrow before heaing to Arizona, where I hope to get some distance, hills and lifting in. No coyotes please! I just hope I do not curb the momentum I am getting through my interval training.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Today I ran 5 miles/40 minutes, making my way to Westtown School's XC course and doing part of it before heading back home. I felt a little sluggish but okay overall.

Yesterday, I took the morning off so that I would be fresh for the meet at Plymouth-Whitemarsh in the evening. I actually wanted to do the 100 for fun (and later the 400 or 800), but I got a late start from work, got lost (I always make the wrong damn turn when I get in the area!) and arrived in the middle of the sprint hurdles event. I figured that I would not have sufficient time to warm up, and I didn't want to risk injury. So, I jogged around, thinking about whether I wanted to do 400 and 200 or simply an 800. After getting a feel for my running mood, I decided on the 800. I also knew that Phil from TNT would be in the race and that maybe I could pace off him. Boy was I wrong.! He went out in about 58 seconds compared to my 61, and he wound up running 1:59 and change compared to my 2:07 (61/66). I felt a lot better this time than I did for my previous 800 at Henderson. My breathing was better, as was my time. I could not get good lift coming down the homestretch, though. I did not feel strong during the race at all; I felt like I was just there muddling along. I definitely felt a bit tentative during the first lap. In fact, I did not get out well at all. I let five guys go right in front of me, and I hung back with three others, one of whom caught me at the line and one of whom dropped out of the race.

I still need to figure out what I am/am not doing. I may do a harder workout tomorrow since I probably won't have time on Saturday before we head out to Arizona. My plan is to do some distance and find a good hill to kill!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Same 'ole

Monday, June 22nd—Rustin loops, or Penn Oaks run and lift.

I wound up running to Penn Oaks to lift.
On way there

4:10 Half
7:55 Mile
15:50 2 mile
23:20 3.0
25:24 3.3
On way back home

1:25 .2
7:20 Mile
17:10 Street Rd/Westbourne
20:25 2.8 Creamery Rd
24:00 3.3

Total 6.6 miles

Sunday, June 21st
3x 400 @ :60 w/10min interval
2x (800 @2:20 w/60sec interval—1x 400m @:64) // jog 1200m btw sets--work on breathing
2x (300 @45—600m @1:36—300m @:45 w/2min interval btw each) // jog 1200m btw sets -- work on breathing. This workout looks deceptively tough.
Neg-split reps
2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m)
@ :32+14 (=:46 300m) . . . 66+14 (=1:20 500m) . . . 48+14 (=62 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets
work on breathing
Sit 'n Kick Reps
5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 28) jog 1200m btw sets

I warmed up a mile.
I chose to do:
- 600, walk 400--1:36 (32 s/200). I’d probably go through the 400 at :63.- 500, walk 400--77.5 (31 s/200). I’d probably go through the 400 at :61.- 400, walk 400--60- 300, walk 300--43.5- 200, walk 200--28

Actual splits:
600--1:37; went through 400 at :64
500--1:18; went through 400 at :62
400--:60; went through 200 at 29
300--:44; went through 200 at :29

I cooled down a mile.
Challenging workout. I felt okay but did not like that I hit only two of the 5 workout times. I need to get stronger.

Total: 3.25 miles

Saturday, June 20th--I did something I hadn't done in a while: 2 Rustin loops--4.4 in 34:42.
4:10 Half
8:20 Mile
16:10 2 mile
17:55 2.2 (1 loop)
21:30 2.7
25:30 3.2 (7:35)
33:00 (15:05)
4.2 (7:30)
34:20 (16:00)

Total for the week: 17.85 miles
Friday, June 19th

Took off again!

Henderson meet. 400. Goal: :53. (:25/:28)
I warmed up a mile or so, had a pretty good stretch and was ready to go. I gave myself a seed time of 53.9. I found myself in lane 1 after heat and lane assignments were announced. I decided to use starting blocks. At the gun, I got out pretty well and ran up on the shoulder of the teen in lane 2 by the 100 meter mark. By the time I hit the middle of the back straightaway I realized that I was pretty far behind the guys in lanes 3-5. I heard someone yell :24 at the 200 meter mark for one runner. I believe I hit the 200 meter mark a second or so after that. I'd say I ran the first 200 in high :25/low :26. Coming down the homestretch I picked off another runner, but also felt the guy from lane 2 gaining. My arms weakened, but I kept driving, though with not much lift. My second 200 was in the :28 range. I ran a disappointing 54.61 FAT. I was hoping to run a second faster. I did get third place, though.

I cooled down about a mile.

Total:2.25 miles
Thursday, June 18th
I was going to run, but then I decided to take the day off, especially since there were showers.


Total for week thus far--11.2 miles

Wednesday, June 17th
1) Increasing speed/decreasing recovery reps
5x (3x200m) @ 33-32-31-30-29 w/50-45-40-35-30 sec interval by set (no additional
recovery between sets!!)
2x (300 @45—600m @1:36—300m @:45 w/2min interval btw each) // jog 1200m btw sets -- work on breathing. This workout looks deceptively tough.

After my mile warm up, I wound up doing 5x (3x200m) @ 33-32-31-30-29 w/60-sec interval. Set 1: 33,33,33; set 2: 32,32,32; set 3: 32,31, 32; set 4: 31,31,31; set 5:29,30,30. I had to talk myself into the last set because my legs were dead, felt heavy and felt like they were going to cramp up. (See May 6 and June 2 for similar workout)
I cooled down a mile.

Total: 3.75 miles

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Slump Dog

Wednesday, June 17th
1) Increasing speed/decreasing recovery reps
5x (3x200m) @ 33-32-31-30-29 w/50-45-40-35-30 sec interval by set (no additional
recovery between sets!!)
2x (300 @45—600m @1:36—300m @:45 w/2min interval btw each) // jog 1200m btw sets -- work on breathing. This workout looks deceptively tough.

After my mile warm up, I wound up doing 5x (3x200m) @ 33-32-31-30-29 w/60-sec interval. Set 1: 33,33,33; set 2: 32,32,32; set 3: 32,31, 32; set 4: 31,31,31; set 5:29,30,30. I had to talk myself into the last set because my legs were dead, felt heavy and felt like they were going to cramp up. (See May 6 and June 2 for similar workout)
I cooled down a mile.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hemming and Hawing

Tuesday, June 16th--alarm went off. Began to rain. Hemmed and hawed and finally just stayed in bed. Bagged the workout in favor of rest.

Monday, June 15th--I did something I hadn't done in a while: 2 Rustin loops--4.4 in 33:40.
4:10 Half
8:20 Mile
16:10 2 mile
17:402.2 (1 loop)
21:10 2.7
24:10 3.2 (7:25)
31:20 (15:12)
4.2 (7:10)
33:40 (16:00)

Sunday, June 14th--
Warmed up 1.0 mile
I thought I'd press my luck and go for another track workout. I had the nerve to think I'd be able to handle a negative split reps workout of 2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m) @ :32+14 (=:46 300m) . . . 66+14 (=1:20 500m) . . . 48+14 (=62 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets. I'd work on breathing. I knew from the start that my muscles were tight. I successful made it through the 300 and the 500, hitting them in :32+:14 and :67+:15. Midway through the 400 I knew it was not to be. Coming across the 200 in :31, I felt my hamstring tighten. I stopped at the 250 meter mark. I walked 200 meters and did a 150 in :22. I did the walk of shame to my bag, where I plopped on my flat and cooled down 1.25 miles.

Total: 3 miles

Saturday, June 13th
Go to Lower Merion to work out with club members?
Workout "W" Sprint Ladder: Sprinters - 2 sets of 400-300-200-200-300-400 (60 secs recover - 400 jog between sets). Mid-distance - same as above PLUS a 3rd half set of 400-300-200

Warmed up 1.0 mile
Set 1: 68, 52, 32,31,57,70; set 2: 67,49,31,31,49,68; set 3: --, 49,29. (60 secs recover - 400 walk between sets)

Cooled down 1200

Total: 3.9 miles

Total for week: 27 miles

Friday, June 12th
4x (2x 150m @:20 w/walk 50m interval) // jog 800 btw sets. Maybe make a (up and down) hill out of this and drive to lift.

Today, I drove to Penn Oaks and lifted (arms).

Total: 0