Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, I am officially in desperation mode. I have not run in two days, let alone had a good week of mileage in forever. I have iced like crazy, although I have not done as much stretching as I should. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and I hope there is some hope that I will be able to salvage the season...well, at least two meets and a 5K in August. If not, I will just have to deal with it and get my sights on getting into some semblance of shape for fall 5Ks and then make the transition to the winter season.

I did yoga this morning, but I not sure if doing so every day would sustain me. I'd go crazy. I did use some muscles I haven't used in a while! I need a yoga mat.

I may start biking or something...just to get some exercise. Maybe I could even bike to the gym, lift and bike back. It's not the same intensity as running, but it's a start.

Tomorrow's a new day.

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