Fri, 9/25-
Went to Skillman and did a nice five miler in 36:00. (7:50, 7:30, 7:10, 6:50, 6:40)
Thurs, 9/24-
took off
Wed, 9/23-
Went to campus for a workout. Planned for 8x200 in 31 with a 2:00 recovery...walk the diagonal. Managed 7, the first four in 31-high/32-low and the last three in 30. Stopped on the 8th, with muscle spasming some.
Tues, 9/20
Went to the Y, having had to set an appointment. Hit the treadmill for a 7:30 mile, lifted some, hit the treadmill again for a 7:00 mile, and then lifted some more. 30 min and out!
Mon, 9/19-
Went to the trail and did a nice five miler.
Sun, 9/18-On this cool 45-degree morning, I met with the crew at GA. The plan was to do a 300mTT, followed by a short workout. The 300TT was really at Rob's request. After a decent warmup, I did a couple of 100s. Based on how I felt, I wasn't confident about the 300. I had hoped to run in the 40-sec range. So much for that.
Starting from the 300 IH mark, I took lane 2, Rob was in lane 2, while John was in 3, Bruce in 4, and Wayne (our started) in 5. The start "happened"to me. I did not attack it. Rob, to my immediate right, stopped in his tracks, quipping that he hadn't hit his watch in time!
At the 100 mark, I had not made any ground on John. As we hit the 150 mark, I had passed Bruce, who would eventually stop at the 200 mark. John was still five meters ahead of me. And this is how we'd finish. I crossed in 41-mid, while John likely hit 40-high.
Taking mercy on Rob, I accepted his invitation to run another, this one targeted to be 45. Wayne joined in the fun, surprising himself when he completed the entire 300. I crossed in 46-low, while Rob posted something in the 47-range.
We then did a few 150 pick-ups. 9 sec first 50, 8 sec second 50, 7 sec third 50.
Coffee time!
Sat, 9/19-Went on run with V. Did 3.5M, then walked a mile or two more.