Sunday, February 27, 2022

too much effort on the last two, in particular.

Sun, 2/27/22-

After what has felt like a hiatus, I met up with my teammates at GA on this chilly but sunny 30-degree morning. John made the call: we'd do some sprint work today. This turned out to be 150s, six in all. There were about 6 of us who did some or all of this workout (John, Chuck K., Andrew, Wayne, LeRoy, Anthony P., and me. On my suggestion, Bruce did 6x200 at 800 pace...w/60 second rest. He wanted an 800m workout.)

The targets for our 150s were: 2@22, 2@21, and 2@20. We'd walk back to the start over 3:00.

John took the first one out too hard, hitting the line in 20-high. I ran 21-mid.

I was then assigned pacing duties. The second one was 21-high.


I need more speed work. I felt like I was putting out way too much effort on the last two, in particular.  

Saturday, February 26, 2022

I am a fan!


Went for deep tissue therapy today. Ouch, but I am a fan!

Friday, February 25, 2022

weather snapped back


Went to the Y.

Mile in 8:30

Stretch 5:00

Mile 8:30


2 miles 16:55

Strength exercises


The weather snapped back from springlike to wintery, from 70 degrees yesterday to 27 degrees at 6AM. I decided to do a little speed work today. Unfortunately, it was anything but: I didn't feel especially fast. Moreover, my piriformis issues didn't help the cause. The workout was 6x150 with 2 min rest and 6x100 with 1:30 rest. The goal for the 150s was to hit 2@23, 2@22, and 2@ 21; for the 100s I had hoped to hit 2@15, 2@14, and 2@13.

The reality? 23, 22, 23, 22, 22, 21; 14, 15, 14, 14, 13, 13

Wednesday, February 23, 2022



8:30 mile

5:00 stretch

8:30 mile

5:00 stretch

8:30 mile

5:00 strength work

For about the 10th day in a row, my piriformis muscle is still bothering me!


Ran 2.7M (21:10) on the road, then lifted at the Y!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Neither the rest amount nor the target times would hold.

 Mon, 2/22/21

Before we left Michigan this morning I got in a mile on the treadmill and stretched some. This was to get my body going, knowing I'd do a complete workout upon return to NJ.

After arriving home at 4:00, I made my way to the track for some pick-ups reps, 300s style. Initially, I thought I could manage a 52 seconds on #s 1,3,4,6,and 7 and 48 on #s 2,5, and 8 on 90-sec rest, but it wasn't to be. Neither the rest amount nor the target times would hold.

effort 1: 52-low

1:30 rest

effort 2: 49-low

1:30 rest

effort 3: 52-low

2:30 rest

effort 4: 52-mid

2:10 rest

effort 5: 50-low

2:10 rest

effort 6: 52-mid

2:00 rest

effort 7: 53-low

2:00 rest

effort 8: 49-low

Sunday, February 20, 2022

I am getting worried.

Sun, 2/20/22-

In Michigan.

Went to the hotel fitness room for a little workout.


stretched for 5:00


Stretched for 5:00 more minutes


Lifted (dumbbells)


Push-ups and ab work

Sat, 2/19/22-

Went to airport early...

no workout

Fri, 2/18/22-

Went to Pingry's track on this early and very windy and rainy 50-degree morning to do the 150s workout I was supposed to do yesterday. Portions of the track had puddled significantly.

It was so windy that I stretched inside the field house after doing a mile. I felt like crap, but I decided not to bag the workout.

Once outside again, I found myself stiff and tired. I managed an awkward 8 150s, the first 6 in 24 and the last 2 in 23.

Thurs, 2/17/22-

Decided not workout in the morning, but rather to take advantage of the 60+ degree weather and workout in the afternoon. My plan was to do 8x150: 2@24, 2@23, 2@22, and 2@21. I also thought about joining a segment of the track team, but they were doing 1000s. (The sprinters were doing plyometrics, strides, and starts.) By the time I finished warming up, the "distance" crew was onto 400s. I wound up doing two or three very unsatisfying 150s in 22/23. I then hopped into the last 400 with the team and managed a pretty decent 65 seconds. The tendons in my inner thigh were tight and bothering me, as was my right hamstring and piriformis. I am getting worried.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

@ 800 goal pace...Zonked!

Tues, 2/15/22

Went to the Y for Pick-up reps

8x 400m #s 1,3,4,6,7 @ 72, about 7 seconds slower than 800m race pace w/2:30 minute rest; #s 2,5,8 @ 65, about 800 goal pace of 2:10.

  1. effort 1----treadmill on 12.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.5M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:32/.30M. Time was 72 secs. 2:00 break
  2. effort 2--treadmill on 13.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.6M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:25/.31M. Time was 65 secs. 2:00 break
  3. effort 3--treadmill on 12.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.5M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:32/.30M. Time was 72 secs...2:15 break
  4. effort 4--treadmill on 12.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.5M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:32/.30M. Time was 72 secs...2:15 break
  5. effort 5--treadmill on 13.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.6M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:25/.31M. Time was 65 secs...2:30 break
  6. effort 6--treadmill on 12.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.5M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:32/.30M. Time was 72 secs...2:30 break
  7. effort 7--treadmill on 12.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.5M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:13/.23M...only about a 300. Time was 53 secs...2:45 break
  8. effort 8--treadmill on 13.6...let the treadmill go to :20 seconds/.6M before hopping on. Stopped at 1:25/.31M. Time was 65 secs

Mon, 2/14/22-took off

Took off. Shouldn't have as I overate on Sunday and Monday!

Sun, 2/13/22-

Cold and snowy. Went to the Y with V. Did 4 x (treadmill mile and a series of 5:00 periods of stretching, lifting, and other strength work)
Miles: 8:00, 7:30, 7:30, and 6:55.  

Saturday, February 12, 2022

I did a little better today


I wanted to take advantage of this 55-degree but windy day, so I decided to take a page out of my playbook (from 2/20/18).  

The workout was 2 x (400, 300, 200, 150). I would take 4 min rest after the 400, 3 min rest after the 300, 2 min rest after the 200, and 8 min rest between sets. The goal was not to run super fast, but to identify a pace and keep that same pace throughout the workout.

I chose 800m goal pace: 64 seconds. (64, 48, 32, 24)

I managed 64-low, 49-mid, 31-mid, 23-low and 64-high, 48-low, 31-mid, and 23-mid. All things considered, I think I did a little better today than on 2/10/18!



Met up with my teammates at Germantown Academy for an 8AM workout, despite my exhaustion and stress.

The workout was 2 x (400, 300, 200, 150). We would take 4 min rest after the 400, 3 min rest after the 300, 2 min rest after the 200, and 8 min rest between sets. The goal was not to run fast, but to identify a pace and keep that same pace throughout the workout.

I chose the goal pace of the second lap of the 800 meters: 64 seconds. (64, 48, 32, 24)

I managed 64-low, 48-mid, 31-mid, 23-low and 65-low, 48-low, 32-low, and 23-mid.


Fri, 2/22

Went to Mountainview Park on this 27-degree morning for a modest 3.75M run in 28:40.

8:10, 7:50, 7:30, 5:10 (~7:00 min/mile pace)

Thurs, 2/10-

Went to the Y for...

8:30 mile

5:00 stretch

7:55 mile

5:00 lift

7:25 mile

5:00 other stretch work

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I was shortsighted.

 Wed, 2/9/22-

Decided to take off the morning in favor of working out in the part with Pingry's T&F team. I didn't know what was in store for me, but I settled on 150s. I did three in the 22 range. By the time I got started the mid-distance runners were a couple of 400s into their 7-8x400 workout, broken down into sets of 3, 3 and 2. The top runner seemed to be hitting between 68 and 70. The rest was 3 minutes between efforts and five minutes, I think, between sets. After my three 150s. I got curious about the team's 400s. By this point they were down to what could be their last one or two. Turns out the coach told the top runner that he could skip the 8th if he could manage a strong seventh one, perhaps between 65-68. I decided I'd join the team on this effort. After getting boxed in for nearly the first 100 meters, I broke free and executed an even 400 in 63.xx. Admittedly, I was unable to catch the top runner on account of being boxed in. In retrospect, I should have opted for their workout and bagged my own. I was shortsighted.

Tues, 2/8/22

Parked at the Y. Forgot my watch. Would up using my iPhone. Covered the 4M distance in 31:40 on this early morning where slick streets were plentiful.

Monday, February 7, 2022

skipped out

2/7/22-took off

Sunday, 2/6/22-

I chose not to go to GA, on account of the temp in the teens. I also skipped out on the Y, preferring instead to wait to mid-afternoon when the temps reached the mid-30s to work out. The venue? Good 'ole Hillsborough High School. 

After a little hemming and hawing, I settled on 4x200 in 30, 4x150 in 22, and 4@100 in 14. I was gunning for 600 meter race pace. I'd take 2:30 between 200s, 2:00 between the 150s, and 1:30 between the 100s.

30-high, 30-mid, 30-low, 30-high; 22-high, 22-mid, 22-mid, 22-mid; 14-high, 14-mid, 14-mid, 14-low

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

On the road again...


Inspired by previous efforts, I did 5 x.25M on speed 11 at level 10 incline. I took a 2:30 rest. At this pace and incline, I reached .25M in 1:25. My goal is to do 8 of these.

2/3/22-took off


On the road again...

Parked at Y. Ran 4M, taking a right on New Amwell until I hot 2 miles, then turned back. 30:30






I did 7x.25M on speed 10 at level 10+ incline. At 10 speed, I reached .25M in 1:32. After the first one, I tried 10.1, the 10.2, then 10.3, then 10.4, then 10.5, then 10.6. Eventually. I'd hit .25M in 1:27. Not much difference.