Sunday, February 3, 2019

this is new ground

Sun, 2/3-

Fell ill in the middle of the night and puked! Then I overslept and decided not to meet up with the guys for today's workout at GA.

I stayed back and wound up working out in the afternoon. On tap was an adapted version of the workout Mark Williams posted on FB the other day: "Goal workout this Friday morning was 12x200 at 800 pace (28-30) with 1 minute rest broken into 2 sets of 6 with 4 mins between sets.
Actual was: 28.8, 29.0, 29.3, 29.2, 29.4, 29.9, 29.1, 29.6, 29.2, 29.9, 30.7, 28.0. Had just under 2 mile warmup and just over mile cool down."

I took to the Y to warm up and stretch, even on this 50-degree day. I then went to the local HS track. The idea was to do 12x150 with 1 minute rest, over two sets of six repeats. I'd take 4 minutes between sets. My goal pace was 22. I scarcely managed this with...22-high, 22-low, 22-mid, 22-mid, 22-mid, 23-low; 22-mid, 22-mid, 22-high, 22-mid, 22-high, 21-high.

Sat, 2/2-

Went to the Y with V for 3 x (1 mile + stretch + lift).

Fri, 2/1-

Cold as ever! I ran 4M (from Y to CVS and back) at 5:30 AM in 7-degree weather. 30:28 (avg. 7:37/m pace). I then lifted. 

Thurs, 1/31-

Left work at about 5:20 and headed to Staten Island's Ocean Breeze. I arrived at 6:40...for the 7:30 start to the meet. After standing in line for a while and getting settled, I warmed up a mile and stretched like crazy. The first heat of the mile went off 15-20 minutes late. 

I tried to zone in some in preparation for my 800, but I wasn't exactly feeling things. At any rate, I wound up being in the second heat, which was for those whose 800 meter times hovered between 2:15 and 2:30, I believe.

The gun went off, and I found myself positioned in lane 2. I settled in and put myself in lane 1 by the 100-meter mark. As we were coming up on the first 200, it was evident the race would be slow. I saw 35 seconds! I told myself to just maintain, that this race was going to be nothing special. I moved out into lane 2 and made my way to the second position in this field of about 15 or so. I saw 1:10 as we moved past the 400-meter mark. At about the 500-meter mark, another runner blew right past me and took the lead from the guy in front of me. He drive it all the home. After reaching the 600 in 1:45, I just told myself to finish strong. So, a 2:20.18 it was, my slowest as a masters runner. I didn't expect to run fast, but this is new ground. I can't wait to get better. 

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