Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wardrobe Malfunction

Dec 31, 2016

Went to the Y for a post-race easy workout.

I did

  • .75M on the donut track at 6:50 pace 
  • stretch, lifting-legs...4:00
  • .75M on the treadmill at 6:55 pace
  • lifting-legs and arms...4:00
  • .75 on the donut track at 6:45 pace
  • stretch, lifting-legs...4:00
  • .75 on the donut at 6:40 pace
  • lifting-arms and stretch...4:00
  • .75 on the donut track at 6:35 pace

Dec 30th, 2016---Sprint Night at the Armory--NYC...Third competition of the season

I met up with Rob and Andrew at the Marriot Courtyard in Willow Grove at about 3:00 before departing for NYC at close to 3:05.   We arrived at the parking lot at about 5:15 for the 6:00 PM meet, which, seeming sparsely attended, didn't start until after 6:30.  I was thankful I was able to warm up on the track and not in the second floor corridor.  I did .75 and stretched for a bit.  After a while of sitting and chatting, I checked in for the 400.  I then put on my spikes and ran a few turns.  Our first event, the 400, was called at about 6:45.  It was check-in time.  I continued stretching as we all stood in line waiting for heat assignments.  Rather than lane 6,I was assigned LANE 1 in heat 8 of 13 or 14.  I was hoping for lane 4. 

When the gun went off, I knew something was wrong by the 50-meter mark.  My damn New Balance right spike began to act up.  My foot was swimming about and my heel was nearly exposed.  I was a hot mess.  I tried to run so that my foot would sink back in, but I was unsuccessful .  Reaching the 200 in a pedestrian 26-high, I knew I wasn't running at full steam.  But, I was still in the hunt.  I heard Andrew Hogue, who had run 54xx the previous race, egging me on.  With a little about 150 meters to go, I began closing down on John and the guy in front of him.  Then, it happened.  Going into the final turn, my heel became 100% exposed and there was no turning back once I hit the homestretch: I slowed up significantly as I knew my shoe was about to set sail.  It did.  My shoe flew off my foot and landed a few meters in front of me.  I slowed to a near stop, grabbed my shoe, and finished the race, as was my duty.  I wound up running 59xx, a time reserved for practice.  This epic fail compares unfavorably to last year's 55.08.  What a mess!  Wardrobe malfunction.  Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake: how do you like me now?

I laughed my way to getting ready for the 200.  I was assigned lane 4 in heat 12 out of about 14 or 15.  Last year, was assigned lane 6 (again) in heat 15 of 19.    After hemming and hawing, I decided it best to wear my old spikes.  I got out of the blocks pretty well, caching Ross at about the 50-meter mark.  At the 100 mark, I felt good.  Coming into the homestretch, I realized the youngsters on my inside we on me.  I just tried to get on my toes.  With 30 meters to go, I  saw the clock and realized I could break the 25-second barrier.  Instead, I outran one of the younger guys, while the other outlined me. I posted 25.23 compared to last year's 25.01. The younger guy ran 25.05.  Quite honestly, he did not look to be almost .20 ahead of me.  Oh well.

One of the highlights of the night was seeing my Nick Damages run 57.91 in the 400m while waving to his mom at the 300-meter mark. 

I hope Rob feel better; he caught a mean one in his calf.  Argh.  Many thanks to Rob for driving and playing host...with the most!

In other news, it was awesome to hang out with Andrew, Rob, John C.,  and other teammates. What great guys!  I hope we continue to make strides towards a great Millrose and Penn Relays showing! 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Boy, it's been a while!

Dec 29, 2016-

Feel better today but not 100%.  After the rain had cleared (at 1:00 or so), I headed to the track at 2:15.

Today's tune-up workout would be 1x100, 1x150, 1x100, in contrast to what should have been 3 x150 and 3x100 where I was supposed to hit 1x21, 1x20, 1x19 and 1 x 13-low, 1x12-high, 1x12 mid.   

Today my goal was 13-low, 19-high, 12-high.  
100 #1: I got great grip on the track and ran a relaxed 13.2. 
3:00 rest150: A little loose, I managed 19.5 (3:00 rest, combo of walk/jog)
3:30 rest100 #2: I felt myself hitting the ground almost midsole... 12.8

I then did a few starts on the curve.  Boy, it's been a while!

 hope to run in the 55- and 25- range for the 400 and 200 on Friday.    



Dec 28, 2016-I went to the track today to do 3x150 and 3x100.  However, I was stopped in my tracks when I scarcely began my warmup.  My Achilles was super stiff.  I was in no shape to run.  Yesterday's 5M run in old sneakers, which I assumed were in pretty good condition compared to my current trainers, had done me in!  I left the track and drove immediately to Chester County Running Store, where I bought a new pair of training shoes, Brooks, a departure from my go-to Asics.  I then returned home and did a combination of icing and wearing a compression sleeve.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

If I try

Dec 27, 2016--

Went for an easy 5M run.  39:45, 7:58/mile.

Dec 26, 2016

Inspired by a 2015 Facebook post from Peter Brady in which he reported doing 8x200 in 28-low with a 200-meter jog between runs, I did 8x150 with a 250-meter jog between each run.  My jog-rests ranged between 2:00 and 2:10.


This workout felt pretty good.  My initial hope was that I'd run these in order to mimic Peter's 28-low 200s.  My times coincide more with 29-low/29-mid 200s.  If I do this workout again, I'd like to hit 20-high/21-low consistently.  If I try the 200s, I'd like to run sub-30s.  I'd hope a second 8x200 workout (w/ a 200-meter jog of 2:00) would yield sub-29s.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Plans for the week

Plans for the week:

Monday-8 x 200 (target: 30 sec) w/200 jog or 8x150 (target: 21) w/250 jog 
Tues-YMCA (lift, light running)
Wed-Tune up (strides and stretch); 2x150, 2x100 
Thurs-take off
Fri-Sprint Night

brings out the demons

Sun, 12/25--Took off.  Merry Christmas!

Sat, 12/24--Very rainy the first half of the day.  Practice with the guys canceled.  At about 2:45, I headed to Westtown, as it had cleared by then and it was in the mid-40s.

The workout was 2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m).  My workout paces were supposed to be :32+15 (=:47 300m) . . . 68+15 (=1:24 500m) . . . 49.5+15 (=64.5 400m); 3-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets.  (I wound up taking 3:30 between repeats and 10:00 between sets.)  

Warm up was ok, but my legs felt a little heavy. Stretching was fine, although I could have stretched more.  

This 800 meter workout always gives me grief.  I began the first set with 31/32+15/16=:46-high.  After nearly 4:00, I took off for the 500.  I hit 32, 67, and, with a 16-second last 100, landed at 1:23.  For the 400, I was (32, 49) 65.  The 16-second 100 was not good.

Set 2: I felt better initially.  I hit 33+15=48-mid.  I told myself to run a more balanced 500.  I was hoping for 16/33/50/67/1:22.  I wound up with 16/33/50/68/1:24.  I told myself to stay focused for the 400.  After a 16-second first 100, the demons got me.  I stopped at 150 meters.  After retreating for 45 seconds, I started again, posting 32/48+15=63.    

Overall, I was a bit disappointed with my performance.  The hard workout is always the terrible-awful that brings out the demons.

This effort pretty much mirrors that on Jan 2, 2016.

Friday, December 23, 2016

I was also cautious

Friday, 12/23-took off

Thursday, 12/22-Went to Westtown's track at 3:30 to do a short workout of 150s.  Having run and lift several days in a row, I realized my legs would be tired.  Oh well.

After an 8:00 mile warmup, I stretched and got into the groove on this pretty mild, 50-degree but windy day.

I initially thought I'd do nine 150s, but I chopped that down to six since I was running an hour late on account of the barbershop being crowded.

The first two were supposed to be at 800-meter race pace (24, as in 2:08), the second two were supposed to be 600-meter race pace (22.5, as in 1:30), and the last two were supposed to be 400-meter race pace (21.0, as in 56).  I'd take a generous, but large unnecessary 3:00 between each repeat, with no additional rest between sets.

Set 1: 24-low, 25-low (strong headwind)...2:10
Set 2: 22-mid, 22-mid...1:30
Set 3: 19-high, 20-low...54

This was supposed to be a pretty easy workout, very tolerable.  Because my legs were sore, this workout became moderate.  I was also cautious, fearful of a muscle pull!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A little jolt, not jolly

Dec 21, 2016-

Went to the Y at noonish.  My plan was to do 5x1 mile, with 5:00 of lifting between runs.  However, at the end of the fourth mile, I felt a jolt to the back of my leg.  That was enough to tell me to quit!  Before then, I felt good.  I did a fair amount of stretching, too!  Lifting wise, I worked my legs mainly.

7:00 (donut)
6:59 (treadmill)
6:40 (donut)
Was just about at 7:00 (treadmill) when a little jolt to my leg happened.

At least I took less rest.

Tues, 12/20-

I opted for my sit 'n kick reps workout on this 35-degree but otherwise nice day.  In its purest form, the sit 'n kick reps workout consists of 5 x (400…rest 30 sec…and then 200).  The goal for the 400 is 64, and the goal for 200 is 28.  My doubly modified version is 5 x ( 60 sec...and then 150).  The 400s were supposed to be in 65/66 today, and the goal for 150 was 22.  I like to think of the 400s as the pace of the second lap in an 800-meter race, and I like to think of the 150s as the pace of an 600-meter race. 

After an 8:00 mile and some good stretching, I was ready.   

Set 1: 66-mid (32-low/34-low), 23-low

1000 jog in 8:00.   
Set 2: 66-low (32-low/34-low), 22-mid
1000 jog in 8:00
Set 3: 66-low (31-high/34-low), 22-mid
1000 jog in 8:00
Set 4: 65-high (32-low/33-mid), 23-low
1000 jog in 8:30 
Set 5: 63-mid (31-low/32-low), 21-mid  

I am, on average, a second or two off where I was this time last year. At least I took less rest than I did last year on this day.

On this day last year, I managed...

Set 1: 65-mid (15,30-high/34-high), 23-mid

1000 jog in 7:45.  Then, I waited an additional 45 sec before beginning the second set.
Set 2: 65-low (15,30-high/34-low), 22-mid
1200 jog in 8:30
Set 3: 63-high (15,30-low/33-mid), 22-low
1200 jog in 8:30
Set 4: 64-low (15,30-low/33-mid), 23-low
1200 jog in 8:30 
Set 5: 63-mid (14,30-low/33-low), 21-mid  

Monday, December 19, 2016

At least it was 53-degrees

Monday, Dec 19th-After getting back from Franklin & Marshall and Dickinson, I went for an easy 5M, covering the distance in 36:45.  7:21/mile pace.

Sunday, Dec 18th-Met up with Chuck K. at Westtown at 8:15AM for a workout in the off-and-on wind and rain. At least it was 53-degrees.

I decided we'd do 5x200 in 800 meter race pace; 5 x150 in 600 meter race pace; 5x100 in 400 meter race pace.  We'd take 2:45 between each repeat for the 200s and 150s and 2:15 between the 100s.  

My runs, with Chuck in tow:

200s (32 sec goal pace...for 800m race): 33-mid, 32-low, 31-high, 32-low, 31-high.  Relaxed pick-up run.
150s (22 sec goal pace...for 600m race): 22-mid, 22-low, 21-high, 22-low, 21-mid, 21-low.  Relaxed sprint.
100s (sub 14 sec goal pace...for the 400m race): 13.8, 13.6, 13.2, 13.1, 13.1, 12.7.  Relaxed sprint.

See 12/19/15:
I decided we'd (Bruce, Ray, and I) do 5x200; 5 x150; 5x100.  We'd take 2:45 between each repeat and no additional time between sets.  The other folks did their own thing.  Chuck and Chuck did three (3) simulated 800s (400, 60 sec rest, 200, 30 sec rest, and 200, 5 min rest)

My runs, with Bruce and Ray in tow:

200s (30 sec goal pace...for 800m race): 29-high, 31-low, 30-mid, 30-low, 30-high.  Relaxed pick-up run.
150s (20 sec goal pace...for 400m race): 21-high (I realized we had run longer than 150, on account of being disoriented by the other "150" mark), 21-low, 20-mid, 20-mid, 20-mid, 20-mid.  Relaxed sprint.
100s (sub 13 sec goal pace...for the first 100 of a 400m race): 12.9, 13.1, 12.6, 12.6, 12.5, 12.7.  Relaxed sprint.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

What a feat, despite my sluggish time.

Sat, 12/17-Went to the Y and did 5x1 mile, with 5:00 of lifting between runs.  I did a fair bit of stretching, too!  I worked my legs mainly.

6:45 (donut)
6:59 (treadmill)
6:30 (donut)
7:00 (treadmill)
6:30 (donut)

Fri, 12/16-Took off after arriving at home at midnight.

Thurs, 12/15-Race day.  Met Chuck S, Chuck K. and Greg (blast from the past...coaching days) at the Ramada In in Bordertown, NJ at 5:00.  Made our way to the Armory in NYC; traffic for sure.  Arrived at about 7:00, which was the start time for the meet.  I got in a few laps before they closed down the track.  I ran in the infield and stretched.  The time schedule indicated that the 800 would go off at 8:20.  There were two heats of the women's mile, six heats of the men's mile, two heats of the women's 800, and six heats of the men's 800.  Seeding myself at 2:10, was heat 3 lane 5 in the 800. My race would go off at 8:30 or so.  I was ready and pretty stretched, despite a tiring, emotional week.

My plan was to try to run 32, 32, 33, 33.

I got out okay and found myself in fourth after the first 200.  I saw 32/33 as I crossed.   I was concerned I was a little slow.  I surged past a guy who seemed to be older than I.  Going into the far turn, I passed him.  I must've cut him off because, at the top of the turn, the guy pushed me from behind.  This led me to pick up with pace for the next few meters.  I saw 65 as I crossed.  On the backstretch of this lap he passed me.  I felt like I had slowed down.  On the final lap I felt strong enough to kick it in.  And I did.  I saw 2:11 as I crossed the line.  My official splits were intriguing:

33.049 (33.049)  
1:05.355 (32.307)  
1:39.928 (34.573)  
2:12.087 (32.159)

While I didn't negative split like I did at Ursinus, my last lap was my fastest!  What a feat, despite my sluggish time.

Wed, 12/14-Took off

Tues, 12/13-Went to Westtown School for a brief race-pace workout.  I did 4x200.  The goal was to hit 32/33 with 2:30 rest.  I managed that pretty easily: 33-low, 32-low, 31-high, 31-low.

Monday, December 12, 2016

some leg work

Mon-Ran about 3M (2.95M) in 21:40 (about 7:40/mile)

Sun-went to the Y and did 3x1 mile (6:25, 6:15, 6:00).  Did some leg work and upper body work, too.

Sat-Went to Radnor HS to run with the crew.  Thought about doing something hefty on this cold and windy day, but decided against it.  Wound up doing Rob's workout, plus a bit more.

5x100 in 15 (avg)
6x150 in 23/24

I then did anther 5x100 in 14/15, plus a 150 in 23

Fri-Took off

Thurs-Went to the track at 5:45AM to do a few 150s.  Ran 2x23, 2x22, and 2x21.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fat chance

Wed, 12/7-took off; too much work to do.

Tues, 12/6-the workout at WC Henderson HS have been suspended until after January 1, after which we will begin hills. I arrived at Westtown's track at 5:45AM to do a few 150s.  Since I was running late (surprise!), I managed only six.  The idea was to do 2x23, 2x22, and 2x21 with exactly 2:30 (of walking and jogging) between runs.  Fat chance, even though this would have been cake last year.

24-mid, 24-low
23-mid, 23-mid
21-high, 21-low

Monday, December 5, 2016

Shaving at least two

Mon, 12/5/16-

Ran 4.7M at 34:50.

Sun, 12/4/16-

Went to the Y with V.  Ran 2 miles on the donut in 13:25. Lifted legs for a little while.  I then ran a mile on the treadmill in 6:15.

Sat, 12/3/16-Bow Tie Invitational.
Davirah dropped me off at Ursinus at 12:40 and went shopping.  My race was scheduled for 1:50.  I met up with a couple of guys.  I began warming up at 1:00.  The race wound up going off at about 2:05, after the jets had been collapsed from three heats to two.
So we were at the line ready to go.  I was in lane 1.  There were about 15 in my heat.  And the gun went off.  I dashed towards the front of the heat, situating myself in sixth.  I was in a good position, but felt the runner in front of me slow a bit.   I hit 32-low at the 200.  I hit the 400 in 66/67.  By this time and now in 6th place, I knew I had to pass the guy in front of me.  At just beyond the 400m mark, I clipped his feet and then passed him on the inside.  I also started making my way toward the guy in third.  I felt comfortable.   I kept pace with him over the next 100m and closed the gap coming up the homestretch.  I caught him on the final homestretch.  I was pleased with how my race felt, even though I wish the time had been faster than 2:14.60, my slowest time as a masters runner.  The race was even and felt good, though.  Shaving at least two seconds off each lap is a goal for sure.

Fri, 12/2/16-
Took off

Thurs, 12/1/16
Went to Westtown School's track at 5:45AM and ran a few 200s in 33, 32, and 31.

Wed, 11/30/16-
Took off

Tues, 11/29/16-
The workout at Henderson was 4 x (800, plus 300).  The 800s were supposed to be in 5K pace, and the 300s were supposed to be faster.
Set 1: 2:55, 60
set 2: 2:50, 61
set 3: 2:48, 61
set 4: 2:40, and then I had to leave. I was running late.

Mon, 11/28/16-
Ran 4.7M

Sunday, November 27, 2016

My series

Sunday, 11/27
Met up with Bruce, Chuck K., and Chuck Shields at Radnor HS at 8AM for a workout.  I opted for a dirty dozen: 12x150.  The plan was to do 4 at 23, 4 at 22, and 4 at 21 with 3:00-sharp between runs.  The temperature was not quite 40 degrees and the wind was strong.

My series was:
25-low (wind).  We wound up using the marker on the opposite side of the track.

Bruce was strong throughout, but particularly on the first half.  He worked hard.  Chuck made it look easy, running the whole series fast in flats. had an exemplary first half of the workout and he did a great job digging in at the end when the going got tough. 

Last year, my series was:

My main man Bruce had an exemplary first half of the workout and he did a great job digging in at the end when the going got tough.  He was spent after 8 150s, but hung in there.  Each week he increases his capacity for work.  His future in the 400 and 800 is looking might bright. 

Saturday, 11/26--Went to the Y again with V.  I managed three miles at 7:00 pace between the donut track and treadmill, along with a few reps--legs and upper body.

Friday, 11/25-Went to the Y with V for a little recovery action after the Turkey Trot.  I managed a couple of miles on the donut track and treadmill, along with a few reps--legs and upper body.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wait, what?

Thursday, November 24th-Thanksgiving Day

I left at 6:55 AM and drove to Downingtown West HS. Temperature was 38 degrees.  Parked in the high school parking lot at about 7:15 or so.  I was pre-registered for the race.  Jogged to the pre-reg take and then did about a mile in and around the HS campus.   I happened upon several of the "Tuesday morning guys."  I even saw Rachel McGinninis and Katie.  Hugs all around. Stretched a bit outside the entrance to the HS.  I decided I'd wait to the last minute to use the restroom. With five minutes to go before the start, I shed a layer of clothing, deciding I'd run in shorts, Under Armor  long sleeve shirt, and racing shirt on top.  I wore gloves as well.   Got to the starting line, which was in front of the STEM Academy.  I made my way up near the front of the HUGE crowd, just in front of the 6 min/mile pace sign.   Gun went off at 8:01, and I got out pretty well.   

I had hemmed and hawed about this race--whether I'd run it hard, take it easy, or do it at all.  I decided I wasn't going to put too much pressure on myself.  About .75 into the race, I saw Rachel out of the corner of my eye.  She had told me 15 minutes earlier how she wasn't in any kind of shape and that she was just doing the run just because.  So much for that!  She was on my ass big time!  I could see John Manion, Ed McConnell, and others about 70-80 meters ahead by the time we reached the mile mark.  I reached the mile mark in 5:45.   I was on my way.  I tried to stay relaxed and to maintain my rhythm.  I realized that I was on pace to run about 17:50.  I just told myself to breath.  Rachel came up beside me as we hit Manor Ave.  She and I went stride for stride the whole was down to the turn.  Then, she gapped me by 10 meters.  I had it under control, though.  I checked my watch just beyond the 2 mile mark and saw that I was 11:39 into the race and with about six minutes to go.  I tried to maintain but felt myself falling off the pace.  With about 1K to go I started pushing myself to pick off a few runners ahead of me.  I managed to get 3-4 of them.  I had no trouble with the slight hill heading back onto Manor Ave.  I began to cut into the lead Rachel had.  I then heard Kevin Kelly, I believe, say, "Come on.  You have two minutes to go."  I looked at my watch and saw 15:59.  I knew I had to move it.  With about 500 meters to go, I began digging in.  With about 300 meters left, I saw that my watch hit 17:00.  With 200 meters remaining, someone passed me.  I was now by myself.  I finished in a pedestrian 18:01.  After a 5:45 first mile, I'd wager a guess that I ran 5:50 for the second mile and 5:50 for the third mile.  All things considered, I ran a helluva even race. And I wasn't dead afterwards either.  I will guess I got 49th place/2375.  I left about 10 minutes after I had finished.  I had to head home to be picked up at 9:30 or so for a football game in Havertown.  I could have stayed in Downingtown a little longer to enjoy the festive atmosphere.  I'm looking forward to the game, which is a great tradition, but I'm sure I'll be so sore afterwards, though.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

short, slow run

Wed, 11/23/16-Went for a short, slow run as a warm up for tomorrow.  1.8M 15:00.

Tues, 11/22/16-Did not run.

Mon, 11/21/16-4.7M in 35:15.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Never got my groove

Saturday, 11/19-

Met up with Rob, Chuck S., and Chuck K. at Germantown Academy at 7:00ish for a workout.  Rob and Chuck K. spent a fair bit of time doing drills, including using a tension rod and pushing hurdles as if they were sleds (football).  They even found a parachute to use.

We eventually got around to the (next segment of the) workout, 3x150 in 22.  I handled these  pretty well, although I felt my legs and hip flexors firing.  22.1, 22.1, 21.7. 3:00 rest.

I'd do two more solo in 21.5 and 23.1. I'd take a 4:00 rest and go into sit 'n kick reps.  In its original form, this means 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 28), with 1200m jog btw sets.  I knew I wouldn't be doing the full allotment and certainly not that fast!    I wound up committing to 2x (400 60 sec...150 in 23), with 1000m jog (9:00) between sets.  I managed 66, 24; 66, 23.

Friday, 11/18-no workout.  stressed.

Thurs, 11/17-no workout. stressed.

Wed, 11/16-4.6/4.7M in 34:55.

Tues, 11/14-Went to Henderson.  The workout for most was 5x1000 at 5K pace with a 200m jog.  I got there late and never got my groove.  Managed only 3.5 repeats.

Monday, 11/13-5M 37:00

Sunday, 11/13-Went to Westtown School to do:.

I decided to do pick-up reps.  Knowing I am not in shape to do 8x 400m with #s 1,3,4,6 and 7 in 70 seconds and #s 2,5,and 8 in 63, w/2-minute interval between each, I decided to set a more realistic pace.

I figured I'd do  #s 1,3,4,6 and 7 in 75 seconds and #s 2,5,and 8 in 68.  In other words, I'd be five seconds slower per 400s.  Turns out this was a formidable challenge.

#1: 77 (s-l-o-w)
#2: 71 (s-l-o-w)
#3: 75 on target
#4: 74 (good)
#5: 70 (s-l-o-w)
#6: 75 (target)
#7: 74 (good)
#8: 67 (good)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

or was it only...?

Sunday, 11/13-

Saturday, 11/12-EA/Hav Day.  Running late.  Only managed a 20:00 run.  About 2.7M

Fri, 11/11-took off.

Thurs, 11/10-4.7M in 34:00 and change.

Wed, 11/9-don't remember

Tues, 11/8-marathoners: 800, mile, 2 mile, mile, 5K pace.  Or was it only 800, mile, 2 mile, mile?
I did 800, mile, 2 mile, mile.  or was it only 800, mile and 2 mile?

 I cowardly stopped for a lap during the 2-mile run.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

long run today, but what about elevation?

Sunday, 11/6-

Went for a long run today.  USATF measured it at 11.00M, but I don't think it accounts for the hills or elevation.  I essentially did about 4.8M of my 5M route and then made a right onto Shiloh Rd. and did my 6.2M of my 6.4M route.  Total time: 83:30, or 1:23:30. 7:35/mi.

Once I account for elevation, I am sure I ran 11.15-11.25M, or 7:25-7:30/mi

Saturday, November 5, 2016

workouts will pay dividends


By late September/early October last year I was running shorter repeats--400s, 300s, 200s and whatnot at good pace.  I haven't ventured into any speed as of yet...and I hope forestalling these workouts will pay dividends.  Today I met up with Chuck K for a moderate workout.  We were supposed to hit Westtown's track, but the campus was overrun with a LAX tourney.  So we decided to use Goose Creek Park.  We would do only a few 800s and some exercises since Chuck has a 5K in the afternoon.  

800 #1: 2:36
800 #2: 2:31
800 #3: 2:30
800 #4: 2:28 (I did this one solo.)

We were more generous than usual with our rest, averaging about 3:15.

We then did several exercises, including bounding. I now need to get on a lifting program.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Got a late start.

Thurs, 11/3--4.3M or so in 31:40.  Got a late start.

Wed, 11/2--4.6M or so in 35:20.  Got a late start.

Tues, 11/1-Got a late start.  Went to Henderson.  The crazy workout for the marathoners was 7x1 mile at 10K pace with a 100 jog-rest!  Are you nuts?  5K-10K runners were supposed to do 5 x 1 mile, and beginners were assigned 3x1 mile.  I didn't have ample warmup time, and I felt flat.  My plan was to do five.  Execution poor.  I ran the first mile in 6:35 and second mile in 6:20.  I was on pace for a 6:05 third mile when I stopped halfway through.  I then ran the last mile with the faster group (which also happened to be the guys trying to do 6-7 repeats!).  I took the last mile in 5:50.

Mon, 10/31--took off (I think)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Thin air and sore ribs.

Sun, 10/30--I was supposed to compete in the River to Creek Relay, which I did last year.  On account of my sore ribs, someone stepped in for me.

Ran over 12M today! Went to the YMCA with my wife.  Ran 6.5M (2M on the track in 15:15, 1M on the treadmill in 7:52, 2.M on the track in 14:00, 1M in 7:52 on the treadmill).    Then, did in reverse the 6.2M run I've taken to the YMCA.  46:40 for the 6.2M.  12.2M!

Sat, 10/29-I went to Goose Creek Park to do some Yasso-style 800s on this cool 50-degree morning.  I started at 10:30 AM.  I jogged the mile down to the park and stretched for about 12-13 minutes.  My repeats began at about 10:50 AM.  The plan was to do 8x800 in 2:40 or better, with a 2:40 rest.  I started from the bulletin board and stopped at the opposite exit, for a full .49M; we'll call it an 800! 
Fri, 10/28-took off

Thurs, 10/27-5M

Wed, 10/26-5M

Tues, 10/25-Got up at 4:45 AM and went to Henderson, even though I arrived late from the airport and didn't get into bed until close to 1:00 AM.  Warmed up for the 6-8 x 800 (with 200m jog-rest).  Ran part of the first one and felt awful  Bagged the workout.

Mon, 10/24-Montana.  Ran about 5.5M-6M.  Thin air and sore ribs.

Sun, 10/23-Montana.  Ran 4.5M beginning at 5:50 AM. Thin air and sore ribs.

Sat, 10/22-Montana.  Ran 3M beginning at 7:10 AM.  Thin air and sore ribs.

Fri, 10/21-Montana.

Thurs, 10/20-Montana.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I was writhing in pain and could barely breath

Wed, 10/19-I am taking yet another day off.  My ribs are still to sore to do anything.  This really sucks!

Tues, 10/18--I took off today to try to expedite healing.  I should probably go to the doc, but I don;t think there's not much to do for a cracked or bruised rib.

Mon, 10/17--At 5:40AM, I went for a 5M run in about 7:30/mile pace.  While coming up Shiloh Road, I tripped on some kind of wire.  I crashed hard to the street, injuring myself pretty good.  In addition to being scraped up on my legs and hands, I damaged my wrists and may have cracked a rib.  I was writhing in pain and could barely breath.  I walked from close to the main entrance of Rustin HS to Farm Lane.  I then jogged slowly from Farm to Stable to Ashley to home.  The total distance was about 4M.  

Sun, 10/16.  Ran pretty easy 5M in just under 38:00 and headed out at 9:15 with Davirah to National Harbor/Oxon Hill, MD for Christina's wedding.

I was writhing in pain and could barely breath

Wed, 10/19-I am taking yet another day off.  My ribs are still to sore to do anything.  This really sucks!

Tues, 10/18--I took off today to try to expedite healing.  I should probably go to the doc, but I don;t think there's not much to do for a cracked or bruised rib.

Mon, 10/17--At 5:40AM, I went for a 5M run in about 7:30/mile pace.  While coming up Shiloh Road, I tripped on some kind of wire.  I crashed hard to the street, injuring myself pretty good.  In addition to being scraped up on my legs and hands, I damaged my wrists and may have cracked a rib.  I was writhing in pain and could barely breath.  I walked from close to the main entrance of Rustin HS to Farm Lane.  I then jogged slowly from Farm to Stable to Ashley to home.  The total distance was about 4M.  

Sun, 10/16.  Ran pretty easy 5M in just under 38:00 and headed out at 9:15 with Davirah to National Harbor/Oxon Hill, MD for Christina's wedding.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

My best series yet!

Sat, 10/15-
I went to Goose Creek Park to do some Yasso-style 800s on this cool 50-degree morning.  I started at 10:30 AM.  I jogged the mile down to the park and stretched for about 12-13 minutes.  My repeats began at about 10:50 AM.  The plan was to do 8x800 in 2:40 or better, with a 2:30 rest.  I started from the bulletin board and stopped at the opposite exit, for a full .49M; we'll call it an 800! 

My best series yet!

Fri, 10/14-Took off!  Tired; had too much early AM work to do.

Thurs, 10/13-Same "new" Thursday route of 6.5M.  47:59 at 5:35 AM.

Wednesday, 10/12-Running late 4.0M around Rustin and neighborhood.

Tuesday, 10/11-Went to Henderson HS for the 5:50AM workout.  The workout was 3 x 1.5M or 2 x 1.5M with a 400m jog between reps.  I felt sluggish today and it showed.  I started out with the "fast" pack, which split into two packs.  We'll call them the first group and the second group.  I stayed with the second group, and I managed only a mile on the first effort, running 5:57.  I joined the second group again, having taken a much needed break, but it was much longer than theirs.  I stepped in and ran 1.25M this time, coming across the mile in 6:00 and finishing up at 7:25. Again, I took a break, but it was shorter than the previous one.  I am pleased that I ran the entire 1.5M on the last effort.  I hit 5:50 at the mile and finished up at 8:40. Not bad.  Too bad this was likely the pace of the top group!

Monday, 10/10--Aww smack.  I cannot recall.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ran almost 13M today!


Ran almost 13M today! Went to the YMCA with my wife.  Ran 6.5M (2M on the track in 15:15, 1M on the treadmill in 7:52, 2.5M on the track in 18:50, 1M in 7:52 on the treadmill).    Then, did in reverse the 6.2M run I've taken to the YMCA.  45:45 for the 6.2M.  12.7M!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

this comes close


I am back at it! I went to Goose Creek Park to do some Yasso-style 800s on this moderately humid 60-degree morning.  I started at 8:45 AM.  I jogged the mile down to the park and stretched for about 12-13 minutes.  My repeats began at 9:10 AM.  The plan was to do 8x800 in 2:40 or better, with a 2:40 rest.  I started from the bulletin board and stopped at the opposite exit, for a full .49M; we'll call it an 800! 
2:45 (Waking up)

I think this comes close to my best 8x800 series.  Even though I am not feeling 100% well, this workout felt pretty damn good.  It seemed easier than the others of its kind.  I jogged the mile back home.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I might pop something

Wed, 10/5/16-Ran the 6.5M route in reverse (right from driveway onto Plumly, right onto Plumly, left onto Oakborne, right onto Concord, right onto Old Westtown, right onto Westtown, right onto Street Road, right onto Shiloh, right onto Plumly, left into driveway.  48:15.  Felt easier.  Ran comfortably over first few miles.  With three miles to go, (at the 3.5M mark) I was at 26:30.  I covered the last three miles in 21:45, or 7:15/mile.

Tuesday, 10/4/16-Got up and headed to WC Henderson.  Started to jog and bagged it.  I was so stiff and sore I thought I might pop something.  

Monday, 10/3/16-Recovery run of about 3M around the neighborhood.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

I am disappointed. I really thought I had a shot.

Sunday-Michele's Mile
Arrived at about 8:40 in plenty of time to warm up with Bria.  We did not attend the 8:30 chapel service.  We checked in, pinned our shirts and then warmed up. 
Was 61 degrees or so when we arrived.  Wet outside from several days of rain.  A little humid.
Headed to the track area at 9:20.  Everything was running behind; the kids' races hadn't even started.
Lined up for the 5K at about 9:50.  
Got out well, but was never in the lead. 
Jeff Coote and I ran stride-for-stride over most of the first mile.  Two other guys, Parick Desabato and Michael Deasey family, were out front.  
Reached the 1000m in 3:28 (on pace)
Coming down the hill towards the first mile, Jeff pulled ahead, energized by his cheering classmates.  He really gapped me.  I found myself in fourth place.
Reached 2000m in 7:00.  (on pace)
I stayed within 30 meters of JC for the next mile. 
Hit the 3000m mark in 10:40. (a 3:40 1K, 10 seconds off pace) 
Reached the 2-mile mark in 11:37 (12 seconds off.), 20 seconds slower than two years ago but 8 seconds faster than last year.
JC extended his lead to 50 meters at the 2-mile mark.  I took it back down to 30.  
Hit the 4000m mark in 14:45 (a 4:05 1K, 35 seconds off)
It was over the final 1000m that he extended his lead to 120 meters. 
JC began to battle with Michael Deasey.  That guy wound up stopping not once but twice on the freshman football field to vomit.  Jeff passed him and I did as well.
Once I neared the track, I knew a sub-18:00 would not be possible.  
Couldn't cut the distance over the final 325 meters.
Ran 18:24.  ARGH.  3rd place.  First place ran 16:32  JC ran 17:59.  The gentleman who feel ill still managed a sub-19:00.

I am disappointed.  I really thought I had a shot at breaking 18:00.

I am happy for Bria, who took it fairly easy but ran 24:11 to win her age group.  

I was also happy to see that we had close to 50 more people running this year, including my teammate Duncan Smith, who happened to be in the neighborhood from sunny California this week.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

stay in the mix

10/1/16-Went to the Y, ran a mile, stretched well, then ran .25.

9/30/16-took off

9/29/16-took off

9/28/16-ran easy 5.0M in 37:55.  


WC Henderson HS 5:50 AM.

The workout was 3 x 1000/600 or 4 x 1000/600 (half-marathon and marathon).  We'd take only 100 meters after the 1000 and 300 after the 600.   

I was supposed to do only three.

One of my goals today was to stay in the mix with the top group.

Run #1:  3:29, 2:00.  I stayed with the top bunch nicely.
Run #2:  3:25, 2:08.  I stayed up there on the 1000, but faded on the 600.
Run #3: (1:45), 1:59.  I was spent on the 1000, stopping halfway through and several second behind.  I jumped back in for the 600 and did okay.
Run #4:  3:21, -- .  I figured I needed to run the 1000 since I faltered on the last series.  I stayed with Ed on the 1000, seeing John Manion stopped halfway through and others even earlier.  I pulled ahead of Ed coming down the last 100.  I did not do the final 600.

9/26/16-took off

Ran about 10M today! Started with a fairly easy 6.2M run.  The route I took included heading to my near-town 3-mile mark at the corner of Union and Westtown (23:25).  I made a left at Union, a right at Bolmar and continued onto Montgomery.  I headed past Henderson's field hockey fields and tennis courts and made a right.  I continued on the route we normally take on Thursdays.  I eventually made a left on Fern Hill and then a right to head towards West Goshen Park.  I took a left onto Paoli Pike and hit the doors of the YMCA in 45:45.  The overall pace for the 6.2M was 7:19.  I was just about 7:50/mile for the first 3M and completed the balance, 3.2M, in 6:55 per mile.

I stayed at the Y for about 20, lifting and stretching.  I then hit the road to head home.  Instead of using the Airport Rd exit of the YMCA parking lot, I cut straight through to the exit nearest Fuggett Middle School.  I covered the 3.7M home in 28:45 (7:46/mile pace).  Ran about 10M today!