Friday, December 23, 2016

I was also cautious

Friday, 12/23-took off

Thursday, 12/22-Went to Westtown's track at 3:30 to do a short workout of 150s.  Having run and lift several days in a row, I realized my legs would be tired.  Oh well.

After an 8:00 mile warmup, I stretched and got into the groove on this pretty mild, 50-degree but windy day.

I initially thought I'd do nine 150s, but I chopped that down to six since I was running an hour late on account of the barbershop being crowded.

The first two were supposed to be at 800-meter race pace (24, as in 2:08), the second two were supposed to be 600-meter race pace (22.5, as in 1:30), and the last two were supposed to be 400-meter race pace (21.0, as in 56).  I'd take a generous, but large unnecessary 3:00 between each repeat, with no additional rest between sets.

Set 1: 24-low, 25-low (strong headwind)...2:10
Set 2: 22-mid, 22-mid...1:30
Set 3: 19-high, 20-low...54

This was supposed to be a pretty easy workout, very tolerable.  Because my legs were sore, this workout became moderate.  I was also cautious, fearful of a muscle pull!

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