Wednesday, July 10, 2024

this is telling! Do better!

Wed, 7/10/24

Alison and I met up today to do 8x300* with 90-sec rest broken into 2 sets of 4 with 5 mins between sets. Target for me was coming through the 200 in 35/36 on first set and 33/34 on second set. This would mean 54s for the first set and 51s for the second set. The targets for Alison were 57s for the first set and 54 for the second set. (Alison would opt out of the second set due to discomfort in her calf.)


Set 1--(35) 53-high, (36) 54-high, (36) 54-mid, (36) 53-high

Set 2--(33) 51-low, (33) 51-mid, (33) 51-high, (32) 49-low

(Note: Alison, running in lane 3 and starting three seconds ahead of me, ran the first effort way faster than target pace, in 53.xx! Her remaining runs were in the 57-range.)

*This workout was inspired by none other than Mark Williams, who, on Sunday, 7/7/24, posted the following on Facebook: Goal workout this Sunday morning was 8x300 with 1 min rest broken into 2 sets of 4 with 4 mins between sets. Target was 32-33 on first set and 30-32 on second set.

Actual -

50.1 (33)

49.8 (33)

48.4 (31)

48.5 (32)

48.3 (31)

47.8 (31)

45.2 (30)

44.7 (29)

(It's humbling that my faster series was slower than Mark's slower series. Even if I'm just returning from vacation, this is telling! I would like to try this workout again on 60' rest or a bit faster than today's effort on 90' rest. In the end, I undershot this workout. My performance was no better than what I had done the last time I did 8x300. Moreover, there have been times when I alternated between 48/49s and 52/53 on 90 sec to 2-min rest. Do better!)

On 7/9/24, Mark then did 3x400 with 4 mins rest target pace was 58-60.

Actual - 58.6, 59.6, 58.5

Mark writes, "This is a Nick Symmons workout and he uses it as an 800 race predictor. the goal is to keep the 400 consistent and if you take the 2nd and 3rd 400 times that should estimate your 800 time."

(I would like to try this workout at 65-67 pace)

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