Sunday, June 23, 2024

smitten with their tries

Sun, 6/23-A group of us tried our luck at 4x200 in 95% of 400m race pace, followed by 4x150 in 100% of 400m race pace. 4:00 rest across the board. 

For a 56-sec 400, my targets were 29.9 for the 200s and 21.0 for the 150s.

John Curtis 

Chuck Frohich

John Noon

Nick Damalas (did most of the first and third 200)

For the 200s, John led, running the first 100 well under pace, perhaps 13-mid. He'd let up over the last 50m to post between 29.2 and 29.5 on his efforts. I found myself as far as 10m behind until the last 50m, where I would come within 2-5 meters. Nonetheless, my times were 29.9, 29.8, 29.7, 29.6. John seemed a bit spent after the 200s, although he kept at it. I led the 150s, posting 21.3 and 21.1 on the first two efforts. John stepped away, later explaining that his knee was giving him trouble and that it's become more common once he hits 1000m on the track. I continued with 21.1 and finished the workout off with 20.3. 

For their part, Chuck and John seemed smitten with their tries. 

I've registered for the West Chester Henderson meet this Thursday, in advance of Mid-Atlantic Championships next Sunday. My thought is to get in a 400 or 800 at the Henderson meet, then scratch that event at the Mid-Atlantic meet since the schedule won't really afford both.

Sat, 6/22-Mountain house. Took off.

Fri, 6/21-3.44M to fitness center...avg 8:15 pace. Lifted. .56M back home...avg 8:00 pace.

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