Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I am still chasing the perfect Sit 'n Kick

Wed, 6/19/24

Met up with Alison for an 8:00am workout at the track. It was 75 degrees, but it felt warmer...and a bit humid.

Per my plan, I want to kick myself in high gear to start the summer with a bang. I decided to do Sit 'n Kick Reps to test my strength.  This workout, which is designed for a 2:00 800m high school runner, consists of 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m in 28), with a 1200m jog between sets. Since I am not able to run 800 meters in 2:00, I always modify the workout accordingly: 5 x (400m @ 68 . . . rest 60-seconds, 200m in 30), with a  1200m jog between sets in 9:00. The choice of targets 68 and 30 was proportional to the targets in the original workout, 64 and 28. In the past, even when I was stronger and faster, I'd wind up doing the 400s faster and not being able to transition properly to what were supposed to be even faster 200s. For example, I'd hit 64 but only manage 31, not 28. OR I'd hit 62, but do 150s in 21/22 rather than 200s. 

On this day, Alison would join me for the second 200m of my first four 400s and the first 100m of my first four 200s. 

The first 400 was lopsided, a 33-second first 200, followed by a 36-second 200... for an off-pace 69! (33/36). 60 second rest, then a 30-second 200! 1200 meter jog in 9:00.

The second 400 came in at 67-mid.  60 second rest. The 200 was 31-low.  I jogged 1200 meter in 9:00. 

I ran the third 400 in 67-mid, owing to a more balanced run of 33/34.  The 200 was another 31-low.  

My fourth 400 was another 68-low.  I rested 60 and then popped another 31-second 200. I walked and jogged 800m for 9:00.

And then there was my final 400. I wondered whether I had it in me to hit 68 and 30.  I did, per the workout!  68 (33/35), followed by a 30-low 200, owing to a negative split. 

So this workout went fairly well.  I am still chasing the perfect Sit 'n Kick workout, though. I'd like for the full set to be 68 and 30. Perhaps in better shape I might get to 66 and 29. (The next step after that would be 64 and 28. Haha. Wishful thinking!)

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