Wednesday, May 15, 2024

this workout went a bit better than expected.

Wed, 5/15-

The plan was to do 8x200 in 32, with a 2-min rest.

Even in the light rain, this workout went a bit better than expected. 

31-low, 31-high, 31-high, 31-mid, 31-mid, 31-mid, 30-mid, 29-low. A solid average of 31!

I think I could add a second per effort and take 1-min rest and be ok. 

Perhaps for Sunday I could step things up with:

6x200 with 3 min rest...three in 32 and three in 30, followed by 6x100 with 2 min ret...three in 14-mid and three in 13-mid


I could do sprint work, like 150s and 100s at 400 pace

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