Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Busy and tired.

Wed, 5.22.24

12x150 at 800m race pace goal...60 sec rest (24-flat=2:08; 24.5=2:11ish; 25-flat=2:14ish)

25-low, 24-high, 24-mid, 24-low, 24-low, 24-low, 23-high, 23-mid, 23-mid, 23-low, 22-mid, 22-mid...for an average of 23-high

Felt pretty good about the workout, even though I was a little tight. If I do this workout again soon, the goal will be 23s across the board.

Tues, 5.21.24

Took off. Busy and tired.

Mon, 5.20.24

4.5M loop in 35:20

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