Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I've got to get myself in gear.

Tuesday, 9/27--HUMID! Kevin announced that the workout would be 1600, 800, 1600, 800 with a 200 jog in-between. Right before we began the 800, he said we'd do 1200, followed by 800 and a 1200. I would eventually fall off the pace. I wound up doing the last lap of the last 1200 alone. My runs: 5:52, 4:18, 2:55, 4:17. Not pleased with this one. I've got to get myself in gear.

Monday, 9/26/11--went to Y. Alternated between 7-min miles on the treadmill/indoor track and lifting.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

just did not feel up to it

Sunday--planned to run what's become my usual 11.5 on Sunday, but just did not feel up to it. I was running at a good pace of 7:15 for the first few miles, then I dropped the pace to 7:00. I hit the 5.75 mile mark in 40:50, took a sip of gatorade as I passed my mailbox. I continued and then stopped at about 7 miles. I walked for a bit and then finished the last .5 mi.

Barney workout!

Tuesday--for the "top" group, the workout was 5 mile tempo run on the track. I began, but I simply wasn't up to it to be honest. I did a mile (5:57), stopped, waited for 800 meters, then hopped back in for a mile. I stopped, waited another 800, then hopped back in for 1.5 miles, thinking it was the group's last. As it turned out, it wasn't. Oh well. Cooled down. Barney workout!

Wednesday--4.4 easy run. 30:45.

Thursday--3 miles. away.

Friday--4.4 easy run 31:10

Saturday--fartlet...42:45 min over 5.9 miles. 1 mile warm up (8:15), moved into 3 min/1 min pattern over 3.9 miles (26:00), cooled down 1 mile (8:30).

Monday, September 19, 2011

I like this weather

Monday--easy run of 4.4 in 30:50. (7:01 pace). The cool of the morning was upon me. Boy do I like this weather.

Sunday--did what has become my usual 11.5 mile run. Set the pace with a 7:15 first mile. Dropped pace to 7:05. Hit 5.75 mark in 40:30, 7:03 pace. Did the second 5.75 in 38:50 (6:45 pace) for a total of 79:20 (6:54 pace). Last mile in 6:40.

Saturday--fartlek. .95 warm up, moved into the XC course (4.8M), and cool down .95.
.95M--8 min
4.8M--33 min (3 min hard, 1 min easy alternating)
.95--8 min


4.8M--6:53 pace; sub 6 min pace for 3 min segment; 8 min pace for 1 min

Friday, September 16, 2011

Quick lift

Friday, 9/16--drove to the Y for a quick lift.

Thursday, 9/15--Borough run with the gang. We did the standard run through town. We began at about 7:15 pace. Ed and John picked it up at about the 2 mile mark. I stayed back with John Callaghan and then we picked it up at the 2.1-2.2 mile mark. We dropped the pace down to the 6:30-range. When we finished, the thought was that we had averaged 6:28 for the final 5.9 miles. According to my calculations, we were at about 10 seconds per mile slower--6:38. Ed and I finished up in 53:50; John and John finished in 53:30...on account of traff.ic separate and a stronger last .5 mile on Ashbridge

Wednesday, 9/14--4.4 easy run (2 Rustin loops) in 31:00. 7:03 pace

Tuesday, 9/13--5-6 x 1000 w/ 200m jog at Henderson HS.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fall 40-mile per week plan

September 12, 2011

Took off.

Fall 40-mile per week plan:

Mondays--short lift/swim at the YMCA
Tuesdays--interval workout at WC Henderson--6 miles
Wednesdays--4-4.4 miles easy, 28-31 min--7-7:05 pace
Thursdays--7.5-8 mile run in WC Borough--7-7:05 pace
Fridays----4-4.4 miles easy, 28-31 min--7-7:05 pace
Saturdays--35-40 mi/5-6 mi fartlek; lift at YMCA
Sundays--11.5 miles/80 min long run--begin at 7:15 pace, then drop to 7-7:05 pace, then drop to sub 7:00 pace for last mile

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Commit to the Race or Else!

Sunday, 9/11--personal, introspective, contemplative run in honor of the victims of the attacks on 9/11 and continuing campaign against terrorism.

I hit the road and did the 11.4-11.5M in 80:00 at about 7:00 pace, which is faster than my long run training pace. I ran through the Rustin site and down to Goose Creek Park, did three laps and headed back the way I came. I made my way to the stop sign next to my house, reaching there in 41:00 (30 seconds faster than the last time) and turned around to do another 5.75. I began with a 7:20 mile and never looked back. Most of the run was probably in the 7:05 range, but the last mile was well under 7:00...around 6:25. I know because there was 1 mile to go and the watch read 73:35, and I finished in 80:00. 41:00/39:00; 7:07-7:10 average pace for first loop, and 6:45-6:50 average pace for the second loop...thanks to the last mile of 6:25. When I take out the last mile, the average pace for the second loop is 6:50-6:55. Good run!

Saturday, 9/10--easy run of only 3.7 in 25:55. This was 7:00 pace in the ugly humidity...even at 7:30 in the morning. I had to cut the easy run short by .3 because my wife had arranged for me to have a massage at a swanky spa. I wasn't going to be late at $120/hour plus tip.

Friday, 9/9--Teri's Run. Scheduled for 7 PM on a Friday night, this is always a fun run with a family atmosphere...in the Downingtown, PA spirit. DJ and I got there at a bit after 6:00 and met up with my buddy Justin pretty immediately. We also touched base with a few of my WC Racing Club comrads. We warmed up a loop around the course and began stretching. For whatever reason, I was a little leisurely in my warm up. I was not sure this was my way of relaxing or not commiting myself entirely to stave off (inevitable) disappointment. At any rate, we made our way to the starting line when it was time. Before I knew it, the gun was off. I was surprised to see DJ and Justin dash ahead of me less than a half-mile into the race. I guess they were trying to avoid the crowd. I overtook them a minute or two later before reaching the left turn. I found myself in the company of Ed and John Manion. I could see that the other John was at least 15 seconds ahead of me. I was awfully surprised to see 5:39 at the mile mark (my records indicate I was at or below 5:30 last year), considering I was hoping to hit 5:25. Then I started to worry: this race sucks and I am not going to reach my goal, so stop trying; what's wrong with me because I thought I was in better shape than I was last year and would 10-15 seconds faster at the mile mark; will I be able to mentally deal with this early race setback. I found myself easing into the pace but not being overly aggressive or aggressive at all actually. I started getting those ugly thoughts in my head like I did last year. I got to the turnaround point--halfway--at 8:50 (my records indicate I hit 8:30 last year). I saw DJ and Justin after I made my turn and cheered them on them. Then, the ugly thoughts seemed to disappear. I found myself pacing off Ed and realized that, although he usually outperforms me on Tuesday morning, he was struggling on this day. With about .75M to go, I overtook Ed. I could sense his and others' footsteps. With about a half-mile to go, a runner--a girl--came upon me. Though a bit sexist, it was then that I realized I was not moving very fast. I was not going to let her get me. She and I went stride for stride for a 1/4.  Turning left onto the final 250 meter stretch, she had a slight advantage. I went to my arms and pulled ahead of her and two others. I stopped at the finish line as opposed to running through it, so the girl came into the chute with me. I still got the win, not that it means much. I wound up winning my age group with a pedestrian time of 18:02. In the absence of the humidity I think I could have run in the low 17:00-range. The race was less competitive this year's and with a far fewer number of people. I guess the humidity scared them away. I got 30th last year with a faster time than the 17th this year with a slower one. My lesson: commit to the race or else. Shut up and Run!

Friday, September 9, 2011

a man of a certain age

Thursday, 9/8-- very light run of 15 minutes and brief stretching.

Wednesday, 9/7--scheduled for an easy 30-min run. Ran 4M in 28:30, or about 7:08 pace. Like last Wednesday, today my legs felt heavy. Why can't an easy run feel effortless? I guess the answer has to do with what happens when you're a man of a certain age.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I was working for the basic

Tuesday, 9/6--the workout was 6-7 x800 with a 200 jog in-between. It was 57 degrees with 20+mph wind swirling. I felt like I was working for the basic 2:53, 2:45, 2:45, 2:50, 2:45, and 2:42. I felt good and wasn't dead after the workout. In fact, I could've done seven and would have had I known they were planning to do seven. Most people did 6. Manion, Ed and a 20-something year old whose name I cannot remember wound up doing 7. Eventually, I’d like to do: 2:45, 2:41, 2:37, 2:33, 2:29, 2:25.

On Tuesday, 10/19/10: 6x800 with a 200 jog in-between each at Henderson in the mist and drizzle.
Run 1: 2:53: 41/44/44/44 (85/88)
Run 2: 2:47: 41/42/42/42 (83/84)
Run 3: 2:47: 39/42/43/43 (81/86)
Run 4: 2:44: 40/41/41/42 (81/83)
Run 5: 2:35: 37/39/39/40 (76/79)
Run 6: 2:30: 36/39/39/36 (75/75)

Tuesday, 9/28--6x800 with a 200 jog in-between. It was a humid 75 degrees with 25+mph winrd swirling. This made for a mess of a workout. I felt like I was working too hard for the measly
2:42, and

Monday, 9/4/11--Was scheduled for an easy 30-min run. Ran 4M in 28:12, or about 7:03 pace. 7:03 pace. Today my legs felt pretty good.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I found that I was unprepared

Sunday, 9/4--I set out to run the estimated 11.4-11.5M I did last Sunday, the day after Irene struck. It was windy that day, but otherwise good. I was able to run 81:20 for 7:05-7:10 pace, which is on the faster end of my long run training pace. Today was a different story altogether. I ran the same route (through the Rustin site, down to Goose Creek Park, three laps and headed back the way I came, and to the stop sign next to my house) but I found that I was unprepared for the humidity. It was 12-something and I hadn't eaten or had enough fluids. While I was running my target pace, I was having to work too hard and I did not feel well. I decided not to do the second half of the looping, out-and-back run. Instead I stopped at my house...at 5.7 miles in 40:48, or 7:10 pace. Last week, I reached the same point in 41:30 and turned around to do another 5.75 in 6:58 pace. So actually, on 9/4 I was running a bit faster during the first half of the run than last week.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

That was that

Saturday, 9/3/11--Ran 3 miles with my wife, followed by 4.4M fartlek: 3 min on, 1 min off. 14:15, loop 1 (6:29 pace); 14:35 (6:38 pace), loop 2. Total--28:50, 6:33M pace. Cooled down with 1.2M. THAT WAS THAT!

Making it feel easy

Friday, 9/2/11--Was scheduled for an easy 30-min run. Ran 4M in 28:50, or about 7:13 pace. (I did my 4 mile route in reverse.) Last Friday, I felt good at 28:10, or 7:03 pace. Like Wednesday, today my legs felt heavy; I wish this easy run felt easier.

I wish

Friday, 9/2/11--Was scheduled for an easy 30-min run. Ran 4M in 28:50, or about 7:13 pace. (I did my 4Last Friday, I felt good at 28:10, or 7:03 pace. Like Wednesday, today my legs felt heavy; I wish this easy run felt easier.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This took the wind

Thurs, 9/1

Met up with the crew at the country club. Got there later on time and actually had a full minute or two to socialize and stretch my sea legs. We had group of about 15 today. We did the usual "Borough run". At about the 2.15M mark, as we turned onto Rosedale, we picked up the pace. After a mile John reported that the pace was 6:42. After another mile, as I passed him, he said 6:20 or 6:22. I stayed strong on my way to Fern Hill, catching up to the other John, Ed and Scott. I fell back a little and connected with Ed, who revealved that we were doing the pick-up for remainder of the route, not the 3 miles I thought. This took the wind from beneath my wings. I pulled back some, knowing I had miles to go. The mile was in the 6:20-6:30 range. I kept the crew in sight as we neared North Hills. John caught up to me around then and I just paced after him. I let him get ahead of me, but eventually caught him at "the hill". I reached the top of the hill in 50:15. I finished up in 53:30, :50 seconds faster than last week's route.

7:15-mile 1
7:15-mile 2
:55-.15M (started the pick-up @ 15:25)
last .75-5:20 (This was in 7:06 pace)

53:30 (The 38:05 of pick-up running was about 5.7M; the pick-up pace was 6:40...due to the slower last portion of the run.)

The run was 6:46 pace.