Sunday, September 28, 2014

but I decided against it

Sept 28, 2014--8x600 at Downingtown East High School with Justin, who was nursing a sore hip from soccer play.  Warmed up 1 mile. Ran a pretty good for this rather moderate workout. Did 200 walk rest in 3:15 between 600s, the target for which, on account of Justin's hip,  was 2:00. 

Run 1 (Justin led)--2:00
Run 2 (I led): 2:02
Run 3 (J): 1:59
Run 4 (D): 1:58 
Run 5 (J would run 400): 1:57
Run 6 (D; J-400): 1:54
Run 7 (J would run 400): 1:56
Run 8 (D-both of us ran 600): 1:56 

My idea was to go run between 38-40 per 200.  I could have done a couple more, but I decided against it.  I was thinking that, with a 3:15 rest, I could probably start at 1:55 and work my way down to 1:45.  This would be a hard workout.

.5 mile cool down.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I'd hit about 10M.

Sat, 9/27-

The plan was to do 11.4M, but when I arrived at Goose Creek Park two miles into my run, I saw that the park was overrun by cars and people preparing for the duck boat race.  I did my usual three loops around the park, and headed back towards Rustin's property. About 4.7M into the run, I just stopped.  The watch read 35:00.  I wasn't tired, per se, just pensive.  I walked for a few minutes, thinking about things and enjoying the beautiful day.   At the marker I use for my 800m repeats on the XC course, I began to jog.  I ran a half-mile, then decided what I would do: begin at my "favorite" telephone pole across from my street and do three loops around the XC.   With each loop measuring close to 1.6M, I'd cover between 4.7 and 4.8M (in 36:20).  With the initial 4.7M and subsequent .5M, I'd hit about 10M.  

Now I have to start planning for my workout with Justin tomorrow.

Went to...

Friday, 9/26--took off

Thursday, 9/25--Raining.  Went to Y.  Did 6x1 mile with 4:00 rest period of stretching in-between.

Mile on donut track-6:45

Wednesday, 9/24-

4.3M Rustin-plus loops

Tuesday, 9/23-

Went to Henderson.  The workout was 4x200 easy, followed by 1.5M at close to race pace, followed by 800m faster than race pace, followed by 4x200.

My first set of 200s was in the low 40s.
My 1.5M was in 8:53
My 800 was in 2:42
My last set of 200s: 37, 35, 33, 31.

Monday, 9/23

Went to the Y.

Mile in 7:00, lifted for 4:00, mile in 7:00, lifted for 4:00, mile in 7:00.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I got my wish!

Sun, 9/21-

800s over rolling hills.  The last time I did this workout I said I wish I had someone to run with me.  I got my wish!

Justin and I met up at my house at 8:30AM to do 8x800 at my 5K goal pace of 17:15.  This means my 800s had to be in about 2:45.  The rest was supposed to equal the running time, but we took 3:00 instead.   Anyway, as was the case a few weeks ago when I did this workout, we used the XC course across the street from my house, with its rolling hills, to give my feet and knees a break from the pounding on track and street surfaces.  

It was cool enough (about 63 degrees), but rather humid.   

The 800m distance that I ran was from the telephone pole at Plumly and Shiloh Roads to the very top/end of the stretch of corn fields that lead to the paved path.  I'd run from one end to the next, take my rest period, and run from that end back.  My first 800 was from 
the telephone pole at Plumly and Shiloh to the end of the corn field.

My runs were: 2:47, 2:45, 2:39, 2:39, 2:33, 2:35, 2:34, 2:29.  This series compares very favorably to what I did two weeks ago and two years ago.  The first three runs were about the same.  However, I averaged about 8.5 seconds faster per repeat over the last five!  Quite honestly, I could have gone a bit faster on the first two.  Today, I was probably capable of running 2:40 for the first four and then 2:35 or better for the final four.  

UPDATE: Bad news.  I remeasured the 800m section.  I was too generous in accounting for the hills.  Turns out the actual distance is more like 750 meters.  Accounting for the rolling hill, I'd say the effort is more like 775 meters.   Need to add 5 seconds to my times.  Bummer.

Sat, 9/20--ran about 7.8M in 59:50.  I did the 5.7M loop and then did a Rustin-plus loop.  Would have done the full 11.4M, but I was running late.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What did I do?

Friday,9/19-took off.

Thursday-9/18-8M run.  The workout during the run was 12x:45 with :15 rest.  I felt good about this run.  I stayed within general striking distance of the top group.  Manion, for instance, finished 50m in front of me.  There were two others, Scott Purcell and someone else, in front of him.  We finished the workout at the 3.7M mark.  We rested for a brief period, and then began our jog, hitting the 4M mark in just under 28:00.  I eventually cut off, needing to head home.  My run was 7M in total.

Wednesday-9/17-What did I do?

Tuesday-9/16-The 5:50AM workout at WC Henderson was 4 or 6x1000 with a 200m jog recovery.  I figured I'd do 4; I wound up doing 5, doing the first four, skipping five, and doing six.

Monday-9/15-Dropped off my car at WC Tire....Ran back...20:20.

Sunday-9/14-Ran 11.4M.  Took the first loop easy in 8:00 pace; the second loop was in about 7:30 or so.  86:30 (45:00/41:30)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

We did ok. We did ok.

Sat, 9/13/14

Met up with Justin today at Downingtown East HS.  Of the three proposed workouts, we decided on 10x400 w/ a 400m jog rest.  As for speed, we decided to do the first one to see how Justin felt.  I led in 75 seconds.  He was fine with this pace.  Justin led the second in 73.

#3: 73
#4: 73
#5: 73
#6: 73-Justin skipped
#7: 73
#8: 73
#9: 71
#10: 61, yes, 61! -Justin joined me on the final 200m. (14-high/29-high/45/61)

We did ok.  We did ok.

All by my lonesome

Friday, 9/12-

Took the day off, guilt-free.  Yippie!

Thursday, 9/11-

Met with with the crew in town.  Got there late.  No time to stretch.  Got out of the car, and we were off for the 7.9M run.  Workout was a 4-mile tempo beginning at about the 2-mile mark.  The top group seemed to be moving at a pretty good warm-up pace, leaving the rest of us in their wake.  I felt sluggish, but I tried not to let that get in the way of my determination to do the tempo run.

I reached the "start mark" for the tempo at 14:35.  I was all by my lonesome for a while; the top group was nearly out of sight by this point (they probably reached the corner a minute earlier), the second wave was behind me by 5-10 seconds, and many of those farther behind me elected not to do the tempo.  

The first mile I took kind of easy.  I could see that I was making up ground on Pete (Henderson's girls' tennis coach/PE teacher).  The first mile was in about 7:05.  I'd drop down for the rest.  I caught Pete at about the 2-mile mark.  He then peeled off.  My second mile was about 6:50.  My third mile was in 6:30.  I could see someone else from afar who probably fell from the top group.  I'd catch him during the last mile, which was in about 6:15.  I reached New Street, the stopping point for the tempo portion of the run, in 41:15, which means I did the tempo run in 26:40.  I averaged 6:40 per mile.  Marcy, who's now quite the powerhouse, finished a mere 30 seconds or so after I did.  I EXAMINED THE ROUTE AGAIN AND SEE THAT NEW STREET MARKS 4.10M, NOT 4M.  THUS, I WAS PROBABLY AT 40:45 AT THE 4-M MARK (ABOUT 6:23/MILE PACE).

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Same 'ole

Wednesday, 9/10/14-Went to the Y at about 6:00.  Alternated between mile and upper body lifting (3x).


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I felt pretty good afterwards.

Tuesday, 9/9/14-
Got up at 5:23 AM.
Left the house at 5:32 AM.
Warmed up.
We were told to do 4x200 with 200m jog in-between.  The 200s were supposed to be more of a stride.  I did the first two in about 42 seconds, but then I pulled off the track to use the restroom.  By the time I came out, the first group was finishing the last 200.
After the 200, we were to do a hard mile, followed by a faster-than-the-mile's pace 800, followed by 4x200.

Mile: 5:45 (1:21, 2:48 (1:27), 4:15 (1:27), 5:45 (1:30))...400m jog
800: 1:21, 2:42...400m jog
4x200: 37, 35, 33, 31...200m jog

I felt pretty good afterwards.

Monday, 9/8/14-
Was running short on time, so I did just a Rustin-plus loop in 18:00.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

This Beautiful Afternoon

Sunday, 9/8/14--

Justin came down this afternoon at 5:45 PM for a nice workout.  The choices were 6x800 or 5x1000. Justin chose 5x1K.  After a nice warm-up on this beautiful afternoon, we made out way to Rustin HS's XC course for the workout.  

My runs were:
3:38 (Justin 3:50)
3:37 (Justin 3:58)
3:25 (Justin 3:59)
3:34 (Justin 4:02)
3:16 (Justin 3:50)

Our breaks were: 3:35, 3:45, 3:55, 4:05

I felt good about the workout. Afterwards, my legs actually felt okay.  Then again, each of my first four runs should have been 10 seconds faster on average.

Saturday, 9/7/14--

3 Rustin loops= ~6.5M in 49:12
loop 1: 17:30
loop 2: 33:50 (16:20)
loop 3: 49:12 (15:22)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I felt good about this.

Friday, 9/5--took off

Thursday, 9/4-Met up with the crew at 5:40 AM for the 7.9M loop.  We were responsible for 12 sets of 1 min hard running/1 min casual pace. As usual, the workout portion of the run commenced about 1.65M miles into the run (13:05).  I hung close to the "top" group, which wasn't really a top group today, as several folks were doing a lesser workout because they planned to compete on Friday.  I reached the 4-mile mark in about 28:30.  I thought I'd get there before 28:00.  By this point we still had 4 sets to go.  Knowing I had to head back, I did the 11th one and, shortly thereafter, turned on, well, Turner Lane.  This is nearly the 5-mid mark.  I made a left on Goshen, which feeds into E Marshall.  I took Marshall to High St, on which I made a right to get to West Virginia.  Then I was onto N. Darlington and back to Ashbridge.  Total distance 7.1+M.   52:00.

Wednesday, 9/3-Went to the Y.  Alternated upper body work and mile runs at 6:50 pace (3).

Tuesday, 9/2-Went to WC Henderson HS at 5:40 AM.  The workout was a 5:00 tempo, followed closely by a hard 1200m, followed by 4x600.

Like last week, I hung back on the tempo, covering 1200 in 5:00.  After all the 5:00 tempo was supposed to be at a pace we could hold for up to an hour.

After a minute or so, Kevin called all 50+ of us to the line for the 1200.  From the outset, I was aggressive.  Within seconds, I realized that J. Ryan, Scott Burns, and John Manion were the only cats in front of me.  I was 75 seconds at the 400.  I hung right behind Manion as Ryan and Scott increased their distance with every stride.  I was at 2:32 at the 800.  Feeling strong, I overtook Manion with 250m to go.  By this time, the other two were close to 50m ahead.  3:48 was my time.  Not bad.  I felt good about this.

The 600s were downright ugly.  In fact, the first was in 2:20, the second and third were actually 500s, and the fourth was in 2:00.

Monday, 9/1-Labor Day.  Tried to do my 5.7M loop, but the humidity sapped me.  I managed about 4.75M.

Sun, 8/31-Tried to do a long run, but the humidity stunted me.  I managed only about 4-4.25M.