Tues, 11/27-
Arrived at Pingry at 6:10AM for a track workout. The real version of "Russian" intervals consists of 5 x (3x300m @ 48 with a 30-second/100m jog-rest between runs and an 800m jog/rest between sets.) This means 5 sets of 3 300s in 48 seconds, with 30 seconds' rest between runs and an 800 meter jog between sets! Crazy hard!
On this 38-degree morning, I decided to do 200s instead of 300s. My plan was to take exactly 60 seconds between runs and jog the 800 between sets in 6:00 or less. My goal is to build towards the original workout described above. With my goal being 32s for the 200s, here's what I managed:
Set 1: 33-low, 60 sec rest, 33-mid, 60 sec rest, 33-low
Set 2: 34-mid, 60 sec rest, 31-high, 60 sec rest, 31-mid
Set 3: 32-high, 60 sec rest, 31-high, 60 sec rest, 32-low
Set 4: 31-high, 60 sec rest, 32-low, 60 sec rest, 31-high
Set 5: 31-low, 60 sec rest, 30-mid, 60 sec rest, 30-mid
These results are nearly identical to last year's on this day.
Hopefully, this Russian meddling will lead to medaling at nationals! Haha!
Mon, 11/26-
Ran 4M in 29:05, then lifted for 15-20 minutes at the Y.