Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Crazy hard!

Tues, 11/27-

Arrived at Pingry at 6:10AM for a track workout.  The real version of "Russian" intervals consists of 5 x (3x300m @ 48 with a 30-second/100m jog-rest between runs and an 800m jog/rest between sets.)  This means 5 sets of 3 300s in 48 seconds, with 30 seconds' rest between runs and an 800 meter jog between sets!  Crazy hard! 

On this 38-degree morning, I decided to do 200s instead of 300s.  My plan was to take exactly 60 seconds between runs and jog the 800 between sets in 6:00 or less.  My goal is to build towards the original workout described above.  With my goal being 32s for the 200s, here's what I managed:

Set 1: 33-low, 60 sec rest, 33-mid, 60 sec rest, 33-low  
Set 2: 34-mid, 60 sec rest, 31-high, 60 sec rest, 31-mid
Set 3: 32-high, 60 sec rest, 31-high, 60 sec rest, 32-low
Set 4: 31-high, 60 sec rest, 32-low, 60 sec rest, 31-high
Set 5: 31-low, 60 sec rest, 30-mid, 60 sec rest, 30-mid

These results are nearly identical to last year's on this day.

Hopefully, this Russian meddling will lead to medaling at nationals!  Haha!

Mon, 11/26-

Ran 4M in 29:05, then lifted for 15-20 minutes at the Y.

Friday, November 23, 2018

I walked for a mile

11/23/18-Went to Skillman Park for a short recovery run.
Mile 1: 8:14 pace
Mile 2: 7:53 pace
Mile 3: 7:27 pace
3.5M in, I stopped to walk. I walked for a mile.
Ran last mile in 6:45.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

admitting to myself I had failed

Thurs, 11/22-Somerville Turkey Trot. I arrived a bit before 8:00 AM on this blistery, 22-degree morning.  After registering, I jogged most of the course (2.3/2.4M).  I then stretched a bit, mainly in my car, but not too much.  Icy Hot was helpful, as were my two pairs of long tights, gloves, and hat.  The race went off promptly, 600+ of us in tow.  I tried not to go out like gangbusters, especially since the first third of the first mile was uphill.  I didn't want to blow out my legs!  Like last year, a half-mile in, I found myself among the top 10 runners. At the mile mark, I was in seventh place. It was at this point that I discovered I was running well below my target pace. Seeing 5:50s, I then became terribly discouraged. While on Southside Ave., I started hearing the demons: stop, stop, stop. 

I was running stride for stride with another runner. We turned onto Nimitz, and moments later I stopped. I stayed put for about a minute, deciding what to do: walk back in shame and return to running in much the same state. After about ten or fifteen people passed me, I decided to give it a whirl, admitting to myself I had failed. I managed to pass several  en route to a 19:30 on the 3.20 course.  The winning time of 16:02 was impressive, as was the relatively close second in 16:15. 

I received my medal for winning my age group and took my butt home!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Twenty turns

Wed-took off. Previewed Flemington 5K course, which featured almost twenty turns over almost 3.2M. I will probably run the Somerville Turkey Trot, though.

Tues-4M run in 29:36 (7:24/mile pace)

Mon-took off

Sunday, November 18, 2018

I feel good!

Sun 11/18
Thought about doing Neg-split reps 2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m). Goal for 2:00 800: @ :32+14 (=:46 300m) . . . 66+14 (=1:20 500m) . . . 48+14 (=62 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets.

I then decided against it, given my upcoming 5K. I decided to back off on the repeats by 100m each. This meant doing 2 x (22, 400, 300). I would nix the neg split part and just maintain pace. I'd retain the 2-min rest between efforts and shorten the rest between sets to 900m jog in 7:00.

Treating this as my last 5K workout of the season, a kind of moderate, transitional workout, I did not wish to push it. Thus, my goal was to run 32, 68, and and 49.5. 

Set 1: 33-low (16/17), 67-mid (16/33/50/67), 49-high (16/32/49)
Set 2: 32-low (15/16), 66-low (16/32/49/66), 49-low (16/32/49)  

I feel good!

Sat, 11/17

Did a 5.74M run in 40:00...about 6:58/mile pace.

M1: 7:24
M2: 7:06
M3: 6:52
M4: 6:48
M5: 6:48
M6: 6:45 pace

Fri, 11/16

Took off

Thurs, 11/15

30-min run was on the docket this morning. I did 4M in 29:24 (7:06/mile pace)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

At least I got free chocolate milk and a frozen turkey for second place!

Wed, 11/14-

Did a 5.74M run in 39:40...about 6:55/mile pace.

M1: 7:25
M2: 7:05
M3: 6:51
M4: 6:48
M5: 6:40
M6: 6:40 pace

Tues, 11/13

On this cold, rainy, wintry day, I took a page out of Peter Brady's playbook with 12x400, assuming a 200m jog/rest equal in time as the 400m run. Peter and his friend ran these babies in 75 seconds. Running alone and being not as good as Peter, I set my target at 79...and thus my rest at about 80. Three weeks ago, I managed 80, 80, 81, 81, 81, 80, 79, 80, 79, 78, 78, 74

Today, in the cold rain I did 79, 79, 80, 79, 79, 79, 79, 78, 79, 78, 77, 72. I did better in the rain.

Mon, 11/12-took off

Sun, 11/11-

Ran the Somerset Turkey Trot at Colonial Park in Franklin Township. A couple hundred people competed on this brisk morning. 

After being gapped by about 20 meters over the first 100 meters, I would not recover. Over the first mile, the gap stood at about 40 meters. It opened to about 80 meters at about mile 2. By the time we reached the third mile, it stood at 150 meters. 

Mile 1: 5:43
Mile 2: 5:53
Mile 3: 6:00+

I finished up this long, 3.18M course in a disappointing 18:30. At least I got free chocolate milk and a frozen turkey for second place!

Friday, November 9, 2018

awfully sore

Fri, 11/9-

Another easy two-mile run...in 15:10. Back still a little sore.

Thurs, 11/8

Easy two-mile run...15:30. Back is really sore.

Wed, 11/7-

Joined the XC team for a workout. Got there late and had too short a warmup and stretch. The team's workout was two sets of 4x400, with 100-meter jog (about 45 seconds) between efforts and a 3:00 rest between sets. Their times seemed to range between 72-76

I joined them for the second set. Running at the rear of the pack, I managed 74, 73, 76, 75. My back was awfully sore on the third and fourth ones.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

and back

Tues, 11/6-

Easy 30 min run to CVS and back. 29:50.   

Monday, November 5, 2018


Mon, 11/5-

Scheduled was a 45-min easy run. I did my usual 5.72M route from the Y. I started at 7:45 pace, dropped it to 7:30 pace on the second mile, then hovered in the teens (7:15ish) for the rest of the run. I finished up in 42:05. About 7:22/mile pace.

Sun, 11/4-

Scheduled was a 45-min walk/run. I headed to Duke Island Park for this. I started at 7:52, went down to 7:45, dropped way down to 7:15 and maintained. The pace of the last mile for this easy run was sub-7:00. I covered 5.67M in 41:55, about 7:23/mile pace.

Sat, 11/3-

On tap today? 20x1 min running up a shallow hill, with a walk back down to origin as the recovery. I went to Colonial Park for this baby! I used the hill closest to the tennis course, switching the angle after each set of five. I covered .17M on the first effort. Efforts 2-5 covered .18M. Efforts 6-10 covered .19M. Efforts 11-15 went back and forth between .18M and .19M. Efforts 16-19 covered .20M, with the effort 20 reaching .21M in not 60 but 62 seconds. The walk-backs (which involved a little jogging) were 3:00.

Fri, 11/2-


Thursday, November 1, 2018

loop around the park

Turs, 11/1-
Early this morn at Mountain Park I did 5x1000 with a 3:00 stationary rest after each effort. On this 50-degree day, I was glad it wasn't windy and thankful for the light that emerged by 6:45 AM.  

I warmed up 1.25M in 10:00, doing a full loop around the park. I stretched lightly.  

I ran with a goal of a 17:30 5K in mind. My runs were: 
3:30-17:35 pace
3:25-17:10 pace
3:28-17:15 pace
3:23-16:55 pace
3:15-16:15 pace