Saturday, June 30, 2018

at least

Sat, June 30th--

Ran the gravel path, or at least most of it, with my wife. 3.5M

Fri, June 29th

Went to Hillsborough High School to do Sit 'n Kick Reps. It was about 85 degrees and humid. The ideal/goal is 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 28) jog 1200m btw sets. Being able to do this as written sets me up to run about 2:00 in the 800m.  My plan was to run 66 and 30, with 60 sec rest between these two and 1200m between sets. I figured that I could be a few seconds off pace. Boy was I! I knew from the first rep that it was going to be a long workout. My 1200 jogs in between hovered at 9:15. My runs were: 
65-high, 33-high

Thurs, June 28th-took off

Wed, June 27th-Did 2M in 16:00 at Monhonk Mountain House (Admin Retreat)

Tues, June 26th-Did 4M in 35:00 (17:30, 15:30--two loops through the mountain and around the property) 

Mon, June 25th- Ran 4.2 miles on the trail

Sunday, June 24, 2018

John's shirt came off. You know we meant business now.

June 24, 2018

I met up with the crew (Chuck S., Rob, John, Bruce and, surprisingly, Wayne) today at Germantown Academy at 8AM. After putting on three pounds in as many days while in Maryland, I needed a workout in a bad way. On tap, per Phil's plan for Rob, was 8-10 x 200 at about 800 meter race pace, with 2:30 rest between each effort. Rob said he'd shoot for 32s. I figured I'd do the same since 32 seconds is my 800-meter race pace...on a good day! Given the generous rest for the pace, I wound up going a bit faster on most repeats.

30-high (Bruce's shirt came off!)
30-mid (Uh oh! John's shirt came off. You know we meant business now.)
30-low (My shirt came off!)

With everyone else finished, John and I tacked on a 150m pick-up in 21-low (7.5 first 50m, 7.0 second 50, 6.5 third 50). I then did another 150 by my lonesome, sub-20 the goal. I hit 20-flat.

Off we went for coffee and treats!

In and around

Sat, June 23-Did an even slower 4.25M at 8:30 AM in and around National Harbor area. Back is still bothering me still. 36:40

Fri, June 22-Did a slow 4.25M (approx.) at 9AM in and around National Harbor area. Back is aching a bit. 35:30

Thurs, June 21. Got in a little workout before we headed to National Harbor.

The plan was Pick-up reps, which in original form is 8x 400m @ 70 w/90-sec Int and #s 2,5,8 @ 63.  I typically give myself twice the allotted recovery.  Given my current fitness, I modified the workout further by doing 300s as opposed to 400s, but at the original pace as the planned 400s.  This meant 52-mid and 47-high. I took 2:00/100 between repeats. 

300 #1: 51-low
300 #2: 48-low 
300 #3: 51-high
300 #4: 52-mid
300 #5: 48-mid 
300 #6: 52-low
300 #7: 52-mid 
300 #8: 47-low

This moderate 300s workout went okay, but I felt a little more sluggish than I would've liked.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

There is something amiss

Wed, 6/20/18-Went to the YMCA at 6 AM for a workout.

8:30 mile
4:00 lift/stretch
7:30 mile
4:00 lift
.5M at 6:40 pace (3:20)

Tues, 6/21/18-
Worked half-day.
Hung out at home for a couple of hours.
Felt lethargic.
Headed out with V at 3:40 for the first Germantown Academy Meet, temperature above 90 degrees. Had registered for the 100 meters and 200 meters beforehand.
Warmed up pretty good, but still felt in a fog.
Was assigned heat 4, lane 2 against two girls and three other guys.
Ran a catastrophic race with wind at my face: 12.97, a masters worst.
Decided to leave soon afterwards.

As I wrote to Chuck K:

After a catastrophic 100 meter race, I knew it was time to head home.... After now a string of bad races, I am wondering if there is something amiss. Post-concussion symptoms?  I may be just tired, even somewhat burned out right now. Who knows? 

I, too, MAY be finished for the summer. We'll see. It's weird for me to say, but I'm kinda looking ahead to 5K training.  

Monday, June 18, 2018

Mid-Atlantic Championship Meet: This meet was for the birds.

Monday, 6/18/18-took off. Had a massage this afternoon at Hand and Stone. Cool!

Sunday, 6/17/18-recovery run on the "alternative" side of the trail...16:30 down (2.07M), 15:45 back (2.07M)...33:15

Saturday, 6/16/18-Mid-Atlantic Championship Meet. I arrived at Widener University at 12:25; I thought I was late. Given the fact the the meet was a combined one for youth, open, and masters, I wound up being quite early, even if the start time was 10:00. At any rate, not really knowing how slowly the meet was moving, I warmed up and was ready to race by about 1:30. The 400 didn't go off until about 3:00. I was in the masters heat...heat 4, lane 4. John was to my right in lane 5. My race plan was to run the first 50 meters hard as I had done in practice and then float on the backstretch.  I relaxed my arm carry on the backstretch to conserve energy. At precisely the 200 mark (I heard Anthony say 26...), I began to push some. Coming off the turn, I had pulled even with John.  We moved stride-for-stride on the homestretch, John trying not to give much. I could feel myself struggling some, but I knew I was good with about 30 meters to go. 55.54...55.70. The times were not at all what we had hoped for. My goal was not to beat John; it was to beat 54.00. I was disappointed, as was John. We didn't go out hard enough, and we weren't strong enough over the second 200.

And then there was the 100. I waited until 4:45 for this race, which didn't go well at all. The highlight of the race was seeing newcomer Dan Eposito run well...and well ahead of me. His time, 12.10, matched my masters best! My time of 12.59, run from lane 6, is perhaps a masters worst. Was it the false start charged to two of the six in the field? The tired legs from the 400? No. It was because I wasn't fast on this day! At least I got a chance to chat with my former sprinter Dante Coles, there watching his young daughter compete for Hershey Blaze.

Since the meet was dragging, I decided to head out. This meet was for the birds.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

When June 2018 becomes May 2012

Look at May 10, 2012...and go from there.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

hard first 50

Fri, June 15-took off

Thurs, June 14-Went to the track at 6:30 AM for an easy workout of starts: 100m, 200m, and 400m. 3 attempts each. Also did a few drills.

Wed, June 13, 2018-Took off (I think)

Tues, June 12, 2018-easy 6:30 AM workout of...

  • 8x150...hard first 50, float 100: 22-mid, 22-low, 21-high, 21-mid, 21-low, 20-high, 20-mid, 20-low (close to race pace on last one). 3:00 rest.

Mon, June 11, 2018-Went to the Y for:

  • 9 min mile
  • 4 min lift/stretch
  • 8:30 min mile
  • 4 min lift
  • 4:00 half mile

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Ran some

Sun, 6/10-Met up with the crew at GA at 8Am this morning. We wound up getting a late start, however. Thus, instead of running 4x200 and 4x150, we ran just three sets.

The target pace for the 200s were supposed to be slightly slower than 400m race pace; the 150s were supposed to be at race pace.
200s: 28-flat, 27.5, 27.6 (walked a 200m in 4:00)
150s: 19.7, 19.5, 18.9 (walked 250m in 5:00)

Sat, 6/9-Ran part trail with V. Ran mile, walked some, ran mile, walked some, ran half-mile.

Fri, 6/8-took off

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Thurs, 6/5/18-

Leaving home at 5:55 AM and arriving to campus at 6:20 AM, I got a bit of a late start for the Russian intervals planned for this morning. As designed for a high school 2:00 800m runner, Russian intervals consist of 5x(3x300m @ 48 w/jog 100m at 30-sec) with an 800m jog between sets. My plan was to do "modified" Russian intervals: 5x(2x300m @ 48 w/60 sec rest (100m jog)) with an 800m jog between sets. I walked my 100m rests, making them 70 seconds. My 800 meter jogs were between 6:30 and 6:45.
My runs:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

the first of its kind I've done in some time

Wed, 6/5-Went to the Y. Did a little biking, lifting, and running. Light.

Tues, 6/4-53 degrees this morn.

Had my heart set on doing a modified sit 'n kick workout.  Instead of 5 sets of a 400, followed immediately by a 200, I decided to do a 300, a minute rest, followed immediately by a 150.  My recovery would be 900 meters instead of the customary 1200 (for the 5 x (400, 200)). 

My target pace was sub-48 for the 300s and sub 22 for the 150s.

For the most part, I was off throughout the workout, the first of its kind I've done in some time.

Set 1: 300 in 47-mid; 150 in 22-mid
Set 2: 300 in 48-low; 150 in 22-mid
Set 3: 300 in 48-low; 150 in 22-low
Set 4: 300 in 46-high; 150 in 22-mid
Set 5: 300 in 47-low; 150 in 21-mid

Monday, June 4, 2018

Today was nothing short of crappy!

Mon, June 4-I had planned to do a track workout, but it was raining. I went to the Y instead for 3 x (7:30 mile, 4:00 stretch/lift). Of course the rain stopped as I approached the Y.

Sun, June 3-took off. Alumni Weekend.

Sat, June 2-took off. Alumni Weekend.

Fri, June 1-left work early (almost 2PM) for 25th class reunion. Had signed up to compete at the John Hay Distance Festival at West Chester Henderson. With Bria in tow, I got clogged in traffic. Made my way to hotel and then dashed off to the venue. Had to have teammate Chuck K. register me for the 5:45 PM, as I was headed to arrive at 5:15 or so. On this 90-degree day, I warmed up and stretched nicely. I was groggy but otherwise okay. I bumped into a few EA (Episcopal Academy) folks...

I learned I was in heat 3, lane 7 for the 400. There was one person to my outside in lane 8 and four to my inside. The race was awful. I ran like crap. My back was sore, and I felt it the last 100 meters. I remember seeing the time 40.xx at the top of the homestretch. The last 100 must've taken me 16 or 17 seconds to run! 57.40 is slowest time I've run as a master, excluding the mark at this meet last year when my blocks slipped from under me and I nearly fell. OMG!

Things continue to suck as I took the 40 minutes after the 400 to prepare for the 200. I was assigned lane 1 in heat 3. Thinking I could redeem myself, I tried to get my mind prepared. I felt super sluggish during the race, like I was in a fog. This explains my 26.13, the slowest 200 I've ever posted as a masters runner. I felt so flaccid, out of shape, out of form. Today was nothing short of crappy!

I need an intervention.

Thurs, May 31-took off

Wed, May 30-Brief track workout of 2x150 in 21-mid and 20-mid and 2x100 in 13-mid and 13-low.

Tues, May 29-left hotel at 3AM on shuttle...6AM flight.

Mon, May 28-New Orleans. Ran a mile on treadmill. Stretched. Then did 300m equivalents on treadmill on its highest setting, 5:00 min/mile.

Sun, May 27-New Orleans. Ran a couple of miles, then lifted a little.