Monday, October 12, 2015

felt good.

Monday, 10/12-took off.  In Connecticut visiting Wesleyan University.

Sunday, 10/11.  Met up with Bruce, Duncan and a few others at Radnor HS for a workout.  We got a bit of a late start, in part because of the lacrosse games on campus.  Bruce wanted to do shorter stuff, so we tried our luck at a modified sit 'n kick workout (400 + 200 or 150).  He preferred a target pace of 70 for the 400s.  Bruce wanted to start out easy to avoid a shock to the body, though.  We therefore did the first 400 in 1:20.  We walked a lap, then began in earnest.

#2: 70 400; 21 150
#3: 67 (we bagged the 150, knowing we were already running late)
#4: 66
#5: 61 (Bruce at 63)

This workout felt good.

We jogged 800 between 400s for a 7:00 rest.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Push Delvin!!
    That was a good workout. I'll come back to it and see if I can improve on it.
