Friday, June 30, 2023

Upcoming Meets

6/30-Mile to Vare Gym, lift, mile back. Weird knee issue today.

6/29-Workout 2x200 in 32 (3 min rest between efforts); 2x150 in 22.5 (2:30 between efforts); 2x100 in 14 (2:00 between efforts). Results: 31-mid, 31-mid; 22-mid, 22-low; 13-mid, 13-mid

Upcoming Meets

7/5 USATF-NJ All Comers Meet, 5:30pm, Peddie School, Hightstown, Awaiting Approval, Events include Race Walking, 1500M, 800m, 400M (Cancelled)

7/12 USATF-NJ All Comers Meet, 5:30pm, Peddie School, Hightstown, Awaiting Approval, Events include Race Walking, 1500M, 800m, 400M, Shot Put

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Mon, 6/26-Ran to Vare. I was locked out because I forgot my ID badge. I just stretched there at the entranceway, then ran back home.

Tues, 6/27-Today's 7:00am workout was 6x150 with 3:00 rest; 2@23, 2@22, 2@21. Hit the times. 

Wed, 6/28-Ran to Vare, stretched, lifted, then ran back home

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Could it be a return?

Sun, 6/25-Had a nice turnout today at the track; 20 of us! I had decided yesterday that I would do broken 400s: fast 250, rest 60 sec, then 150. Two sets, with 12-minute recovery! Several years ago I managed 33.xx, then 21.xx...for roughly a 55 sec 400. Today I was aiming for a more modest time: 36.xx for the 250m, plus 23.xx on the 150. I hit 36-low, then 24-low, followed by 36-low, then 23-low. 

Even though I had completed hat I set out to do, I tacked on additional effort. After about 10 min, I then hopped in a 300 with Daryl at an easy 56 seconds. Then, after about another five minutes, I joined Alison for a 50. 

My achilles was sore this morning, but a little massage with tiger balm made the difference! Could it be a return? 

 Sat, 6/24-Mile stretch, mile, stretch 

 Fri, 6/23-Ran to Vare, stretched, lifted, then ran back home

Thursday, June 22, 2023

In Portugal

Thurs, June 22, 2023-Back in PA. Achilles on both legs rather stiff. Today's 7:00am workout was 6x150 with 2:30 rest; 2@24, 2@23, 2@22. Hit the times. 

 Wed, June 21, 2023. In Portugal. approx 2.5M run in 21:00. Stretched in fitness room. 

 Tues, June 20, 2023. In Portugal. approx 2.5M run in 21:00. Stretched in fitness room. 

 Mon, June 19, 2023. In Portugal. Achilles! Walked some on treadmill, then did 2x1 mile, one approx in 8:15, one approx in 7:45. Stretched between each effort. 

 Sun, June 18, 2023. In Portugal. approx 2.5M run in 21:00. Stretched in fitness room. 

 Sat, June 19, 2023. Arrived in Portugal. No workout. 

 Fri, June 18. Achilles on both legs rather stiff. Today's 7:00a workout was 6x200 with 3:00 rest; 2@33, 2@32, 2@31. Hit the times. Left for Portugal late afternoon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bad day. Stress.

Wed, 6/14-Didn't sleep well. Bad day. Stress.

Tues, 6/13-Went to track. Stretched. Tried my luck at 6x150 in 23. The first few were stiff as hell, achilles wise, but the last few were a bit better. 

Mon, 6/12-Jogged to Vare, lifted, jogged back

Sunday, June 11, 2023

stretched that darn thing!

Sun, 6/11-I putzed around a bit, trying to decide what I would do. There was a good size group today. John and Andrew decided on a 300 at 90% effort, meaning about 45 for John and 49 for Andrew. (Andrew had already run two 800s with the distance groups.) I ran the first 100m with them. I was clumsy with it, favoring my achilles, but I got through it. They would then go on to do several 150s pickups. After some additional stretching, I put on my spikes to try my luck at some 150 pickups with them. I managed to keep up. They were in the 23-range.  

Sat, 6/10-Jogged to Vare, lifted, jogged back. Iced plantar and stretched that darn thing! Graduation time!

Fri, 6/9-Jogged a mile. Stretched some. Jogged another mile. (track)

Thurs, 6/8-Jogged to Vare, lifted, jogged back

Wed, 6/7-Jogged a mile. Stretched some. Jogged another mile. (track)

Tues, 6/6-Jogged to Vare, lifted, jogged back. 

Mon, 6/5-drove scooter to Vare to lift.

Sun, 6/4-met up with teammates. Jogged a mile and stretched. Did a few strides by running with Rob across the last 100m of his 300s, 200s, and 150s. Not great. Stiff as hell!

Sat, 6/3-Jogged to Vare, lifted, jogged back. 

Fri, 6/2-Jogged a mile. Stretched some. Jogged another mile. (track)

Thurs, 6/1-took off. Iced plantar.