Saturday, February 22, 2020

pretty consistent

Sat, 2/22

Went to the track on this 50-degree day for:

1 x 350 Speed fast/rest 15 minutes

4 x 200 Speed 30 seconds/rest=5 minutes

I stopped at the 250m mark on the 350, even after what I thought was a pretty decent warm-up. I felt a little tightness in my left hamstring. I didn't want to take any chances. With a goal of sub-50, I did pass the 200 in 27 and hit the 250 in 34/35. Not bad. I rested for 10 minutes, then moved into my 200s. They were all pretty consistent: 29-mid! 

Fri, 2/21
Went to the Y at 5:30AM with the intention of warming up, stretching, and heading to the track. I decided to stay at the Y and to run 3 x 200 (speed 34-33-32/rest=3 minutes) on the treadmill in my trainers. I didn't feel like going back to the car to get my flats. I wound up doing 3x200 in 33.

Thurs, 2/20
Went to the Y at 5:30am, warmed up, stretched, then headed to the track for:
4 x 300 (Event Run) speed 48/rest=5 minutes
(Didn't have time for 3 x 200 Speed 34-33-32/rest=3 minutes)

I managed 49-mid, 49-mid, 49-low, 48-mid.

Wed, 2/19

Went to the Y, warmed up, stretched, lifted, headed home.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

On the nose

Tuesday, 2/18/20-

On this Head of School "holiday," I needed to head to campus for an interview. I arrived early to get in a workout on this 50-degree day.

The plan was:
1. Warm-up: 1 mile 
2. Flexibility Exercise/stretching
3. 8 x 200 Speed 32 seconds rest 3 minutes

I had no time for weights. 

The 200s felt pretty easy, especially since this was my third straight day on the track. 

200s: 32-low, 31-mid, 31-mid, 31-low, 31-low, 30-mid, 30-mid, 29-low. 3:00 rest on the nose!

Monday, 2/17/20

I made my way to Hillsborough HS's track for a workout on this 45-degree day. 
The plan was:
1. Warm-up: 1 mile  
2. Flexibility Exercises/stretching
3. 2 x 500 Speed 64 seconds 400/rest=15 minutes
4. 3 x 200 Speed 34-33-32 seconds/rest=3 minutes
5. 8 x 10 second rope jumps/rest=10 seconds. Repeat.

My first 500m effort was a little flat. I stopped at the 400 in 65-low. I decided I would take only 12 minutes' rest as a result. I took up the next 500, hitting the 400 in 64-low. I would not continue on to the 500. Instead, I set my mind on the 200s. I decided I would do four, not three. They were in 33-mid, 32-mid, 31-low, 30-mid. I then did jump ropes.

Sunday 2/16/20

Met up with a few of the guys at GA for this first post-hamstring pull workout. John and I decided we'd do 200s, just to ease me back in. 

The plan was:
1. Warm-up: 1 mile
2. Flexibility Exercises/stretching
3. 8 x 200 Speed 32 seconds rest 3 minutes 

We wound up doing only 6. I hung behind John the entire time. The first effort was off pace, at 33-high/34-low. The others hovered in the 31-second range.