Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Tuesday, Jan 20, 2018

Four days out from Millrose, I decided to head to campus at 6AM for a workout of 6x150 with 3 minutes' rest (walking 150 meters back to the 150 start rather than jogging 250 meters).  The goal was to do the first two in sub-22, the second two in sub-21, and the third two in sub-20, or 55-second 400 pace).

#1: 21-mid
#2: 21-low
#3: 20-mid
#4: 20-low
#5: 19-mid
#6: 19-low

Given the dusting of snow on the ground, I wasn't able to see the starting mark. Therefore, I could have been 5-10 meters off, or .7 to 1.2 seconds off. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Trail by fire

Monday, 1/29-took the day off!

Sunday, 1/28-

Went to the canal trail on this rainy day for an easy 4.25M run in 32:35. 17:00 2.12M down and 15:35 2.12M back. Then I went to the Y for a few minutes of lifting.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Night at the Races: 800 meter style

On Thursday, January 25th, I left work at 4:45 to head to The Armory for my first 800 of the year, my first in a year! The meet started at 7:00. I arrived at just before 6:00. Having paid online, the  registration was easy. I saw a long list of people registered for the 800, probably about 75 or so names! I was top 20 or so on the list, which started with sub-2:00 runners, including aspirational figures Mark Williams and Peter Brady.  My focus was on Sherman Lau of Central Park Track Club. He and I had faced off a few times in the 4x400, 600, and 400, and I thought I had a step on him. Given how well he's run in the mile, 1000, and 600 this season, I knew I'd be taking a back seat to him. I just didn't expect the seat would be that far back!

When it was check-in time, I learned I was in heat 2 (of 6), lane 10 (of 13). The times in my heat ranged from 2:00 to 2:10. I was seeded at 2:08. I was in Sherman's heat.

At the start, four of us were placed "up;" the rest of us were on the back line.  My plan was to run 30.5, 31.5 (62), 32.5, and 33.5 (66) for a 2:08.  The gun went off, and I got out well. On the backstretch, I found myself in lane 2 trying to make up ground and cut into lane 1.  I did! I was in fifth place, with Sherman right in front of me. The time at the 200 was 30/31.  I got passed. I was trying to stay patient and run my race as I hit 62/63 at the 400 meter mark. I told myself that I was still on pace to hit 2:08.  That's when I got stuck.  I wanted to say out loud "MOVE."  I started losing ground to everyone, who seemed to be maintaining their pace as I moved in the wrong direction: backwards. I saw 1:35/1:36 at the 600 meter mark.  I needed a 32/33 last 200.  A repeat of the third lap and then some, the last lap sucked.   And there it was 2:11.11, on account of a 35-second last lap. That'll never do!  Yuck! I got 20th overall out of 80 competitors.

Dinkins, Delvin              Unattached             2:11.11   2 
        30.866 (30.866)  1:02.649 (31.783)  1:35.776 (33.127)  2:11.104 (35.329)

This sit 'n kick workout kicked my butt and sat me down!

January 26, 2018-

After the board meeting (2:00-ish), I headed to the track on this 53-degree day for a workout:

Sit 'n Kick Reps: 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 60-sec . . . 150m @ 21) with a 1200m jog between sets.  My staple caveat: The workout as designed for a 2:00 800m high school runner is 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 28), then jog 1200m between sets. Since I am not able to run 800 meters in 2:00, I modified the workout accordingly. I had to get some hard work in or else I will lose my momentum.

One other modification: I decided to walk my rest time of exactly 8:00 between sets rather than jog 1200 meters (8:30-9:00 min). Ideally, my marks would be 64 and 21. More realistically, I could see 64 and 22 or 65 and 21.

The first 400 was in 64-high and pretty hard with the headwind.  One minute rest.  The 150 came in at 22-mid. 

The second 400 required more effort than it should have, even though 64-low was the number. One minute rest.  The 150 came in at 22-high.   

I ran the third 400 felt about the same; 63-high was the bill.  Feeling tired, I also dropped a 23-low for the 150.  I was struggling.

I planned to run 64 and 22 for repeat #4.  Instead I ran 65-mid and 24-low. Argh!

Repeat #5: 64-mid and 22-mid.

This workout was a realistic appraisal of where I am. I just don't feel fast or strong right now. Even though I am thinking of slowing up the 400s in favor of a harder 150 or 200, I feel like I should be able to hit 64 and 21. 

This sit 'n kick workout kicked my butt and sat me down!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Which I did

Tues-Jan 23, 2018

Went to Hillsborough HS to do a quick workout in preparation for a meet on Thurs: 4x200 with 60 seconds' rest.  Due to the rain, I went to the Y first to warm up.  I then drove to the track and got to work.

My goal was to run 31, which I did for all four.

Mon, 1/22/18-took off

Monday, January 22, 2018

snow melt

Sunday, 1/21/18-

Following the snow melt, I went to the (wet) canal trail on this 45-degree morning for a few miles. 2.07M down (16:25, 7:56 per mile pace) and 2.07M back (15:05, or 7:17 per mile pace) for 4.14M in 31:30, or about 7:36/mi pace.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Two weeks out

Jan 20, 2018

Two weeks out from Millrose, I decided to take advantage of the 50-degree day by going to Hillsborough HS at 11:15 for a workout of 6x150 with 2 minutes' rest (walking 150 meters back to the 150 start rather than jogging 250 meters).  The goal was to do the first three in 21-mid and the second three in 20-mid, or 55-second 400 pace.

#1: 19-mid
#2: 19-high
#3: 19-high
#4: 20-low
#5: 20-mid
#6: 20-low

These were faster than I anticipated, despite the patchy slush in lane 1. Two reasons for the speed emerge: 1) I took 3 minutes between repeats (on account of being distracted by a runner on the track who sought my advisement), and 2) I had a decent tailwind. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

in the area

Mon, 1/15/18

Went to the Y at 9:50AM with V.  Ran an easy 4M in the area: S. Branch, to Beekman, to Triangle, to CVS (15:30, or 7:45 per mile pace) and back (14:40, or 7:20 per mile pace).  30:10, or 7:32/mile pace. Then, I lifted went into the Y for a little lifting and stretching.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Canal trail

Sunday, 1/14/18-

Went to the canal trail on this 20-degree morning for a few miles. 2.07M down (16:20, 7:53 per mile pace) and 2.07M back (14:40, or 7:05 per mile pace) for 4.14M in 31:00, or about 7:30/mi pace.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I have lost a step or two

Sat, 1/13/18-Went to the Y at about 11AM to warm up for the workout, which I'd do at Hillsborough HS. 

Went to Hillsborough for 200s on this windy, 30-degree day. The plan was 8x200 with 60 seconds' rest, with the goal 31-sec pace.


35-low (wind monsters got me!)

Fri, 1/12/18-took off

Thursday, 1/11/18--I left work much earlier than usual (4:15) to meet to head to The Armory.  I arrived early at about 5:45 and changed in the parking lot.  I  headed upstairs to the venue at about 6:00.  HS students were still practicing on the track. They were dismissed at 6:30, at which time those waiting to compete in the evening's meet were permitted to warm up. The meet was to start at 7:00. I stood in line beginning at about 6:30 to verify my registered and get my number.  

The events for the evening were simple enough: 1000, 600, 4x400, and 3000, women before men and fast to slow. I was happy to join a few of my teammates there: John Curtis, Wally Hernandez, Chuck Kruelle, and Carl Stocking.

I did a mile.  I stretched much like I had for the Sprint Night in December.  I felt a little sore.   

I waited around a bit and realized there were three heats of the women's 1000 and five heats of the men's.  I had warmed up too early. The women's 600 went off at about 7:45.

Eventually, our event was called and we checked in.  It was well after 7:45 at this point. With a pre-registered seed time of 1:30, I was placed in heat 3, lane 4. There were nine or ten of us. Men hit the track at 7:55.

When our heat for the 600 meter was up, I felt a little sluggish. I tried to turn my thoughts positive.  There were eight of us, all on the curved line. When the gun went off, I was not very aggressive at all.  I went out as if it were an 800.

I was in fifth place at the 200, which registered 31-mid.  OMG!  I surged at the 300 mark.  Coming up the homestretch and closing in on 400 meters, I saw 59, 60, 61 (high). I was in third place. Knowing I should have hit the 400 two seconds faster, I started to push, going to my arms, trying to get my knees up and pressing with my toes.  I felt myself gaining on the group.  I kept driving.  I saw the clock as I hit the top of the straightaway: 1:24, 1:25, 1:26, 1:27, 1:28, 1:29, 1:30, 1:31...1:32.29 it was.  This was .8 second slower than last year. I was of course hoping to better my time, comparable to what I ran three years ago.  I went out too slowly! A little more umph on that first lap, and I could have run 1:30.  

Armory 600-meter race January 11, 2018
Dinkins, Delvin           46 Unattached             1:32.29   3 
        31.454 (31.454)  1:01.807 (30.354)  1:32.286 (30.479)
Even though I underperformed, I felt good about the even pace, particularly since I ran 31.454 (31.454) 1:01.807 (30.354) 1:32.286 (30.479). I have some work to do. I have lost a step or two because of the weather. The treadmill work I have been doing has not been enough. It wasn't great to be passed on the homestretch. I know I am a second or so off where I should be for the 400 and two or three off where I should be for the 800.  

Because Carl's plantar facia was plaguing him, I stepped in for him for the 4x400, with only 12 minutes' rest. Whereas John led off in 54.22, I anchored in 65.5. 

Greater Philadelphia TC  'A'                        4:07.13  
           54.221 (54.221)        1:55.789 (1:01.569)        3:01.597 (1:05.809).       4:07.128 (1:05.531)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

break between efforts

Thurs-off. Armory tonight.

Wed, 1/10/18-Went to Y. Ran a mile. Stretched.

Tues, 1/9/18-Went to campus. Ran 4x22 sect (150s) on the Curve treadmill; the track was 100% covered still. Did a little lifting.

Mon, 1/8/18-Went to the Y. Alternated between treadmill and weights. Easy. Too easy.

Sun, 1/7/18-Went to the Y. Parked. Ran 2 miles in 10-degree weather. Too cold. Gloves failed. Returned to Y for lifting.

Sat, 1/6/18-Did 5x600 on treadmill at Y.  3:00 break between efforts.

Fri, 1/5/18-Off

Thursday, January 4, 2018

I felt like a fool

Thurs, 1/4/18-Inspired by Mark Williams's 1/2/18 treadmill workout of 2 x mile at 5k pace (5:13) with 2 min rest and 4x400 at mile pace (68) with 1 min rest, on this snowy, blustery morning I went to the Y to give my version a shot.

After a pretty good warm up, I hit the treadmill for the mile, with setting on 11.2, or 5:21 per mile pace. This was too fast. I didn't want to blow my legs up, so I stopped at .55M, took a two-minute rest, then did another .45M. Taken together, I covered the mile in 5:30. 

I then wound up doing two more .5M, each in 2:42, taking a two-minute rest between efforts. 

I then did 4x.25M, one on 12.0, one on 12.4, one in 12.8, and one in 13.3. The times were about 1:16, 1:14, 1:12, and 1:10.

All in all, I felt like a fool with the treadmill nearly out of control!

Wed, 1/3/18-

Went to the Y in the early AM to do a little running and a little lifting, circuit style. Easy.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Not bad, considering

January 2, 2018-

Went to the Y at 6:00 AM for a lactate threshold run on the treadmill, preceded by a decent warm up. I covered 2M in 12:00 exactly. I set the treadmill on 10.0 (6:00/mile) for the first mile and 10.2 (5:53/mile) for the second mile. Not bad, considering my consumption yesterday! :)

January 1, 2018-Took the day off. Went to Philly area to spend the day with friends: four "man dates," ten hours (not including travel from and to NJ). What a great day to connect with some of the guys.