Monday, October 29, 2012

on this heavy-leg day

10/29--took off. Hurricane Sandy is here.

10/28/12--Hurricane Sandy is on its way.  Rainy.  Windy.  Cool. 

For yet another week I did what has become a familiar 9.1: I ran the normal route I take to get to Goose Creek (2.15M), did the 3 loops around GC (1.55M), and then, instead of taking the same route back home, headed straught up Shiloh and to my house (.9M). I did this twice for a total of 9.1M.

After Saturday's Sit-'n-kick workout, my legs felt tired and heavy.  My pace was a bit sluggish.  First loop in 33:50--3:50 (.5), 7:50 (1), 12:55 (1.7), 15:55 (2.1M, entering park), etc. Second loop in 31:50 for a total run of 65:40. 9.1M at 6:59 pace.
Loop 1: 4.55M in 33:50 (7:26 pace)
Loop 2: 4.55M in 31:50 (6:59 pace)
9.1M in 7:13 pace.  I'll take this on this heavy-leg day.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another preseason workout

Saturday, 10/27/12--On tap for today was another preseason workout: Sit 'n Kick Reps--5x (400m . . . rest 60-sec . . . 200m) with a 1200m jog between sets. The workout as designed for a 2:00 800m high school runner is 5x (400m @ 64 . . . rest 30-sec . . . 200m @ 28), then jog 1200m between sets. Since I am not able to run 800 meters in 2:00, I modified the workout accordingly, figuring I'd run 66 for the 400s and 31 for the 200s. My runs on this 65-degree, slightly windy day, however, were more impressive:
66,31 (8:50)
66,30 (8:20)
65,30 (8:35)
65,30 (8:40)
I was pretty pleased with this preseason workout, particularly since my 1200m recoveries averaged only about 8:33.   I also felt pretty strong.  I ran hard but I didn't feel like I was pressing the whole time.   I'd like to hit 65s amd 30s the next time.   As I have been doing the last couple of weeks, I will continue to devote one day per week to 800m training.      

Friday, 10/26/12--Took off.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Could there be a distance runner in me somewhere?


I overslept today, but still managed to get to Ashbridge & New Streets in time enough.  I debated whether I was going to make a go of it, and decided that I needed to if I am going to have any shot at getting better!  I actually arrived in time enough to stretch for 1 minute.  Just as the crew was about to pull off, I heard someone mention that the top group would be doing the 7.9M at marathon pace, which meant 6:40 per mile.  My gut reaction was to tighten my shoe laces, as my feet felt like they were swimming in my shoes.  (Most of the time I simply slide my feet into my already-tied shoes.)  By the time I started, the group of nearly 20 had gapped me by 50 meters and the top group of 6 or 7 by even more.  I blew by the dozen or so by the first quarter-mile and spent the remaining run trying to catch the top group, or more accurately, trying not fall too far behind. 

I reached the legitimate 4M mark (where the larger, ground-size planter is) in about 26:20.  This was 6:35 pace.  Not bad!  The group was more than .1M ahead of me, though. I kept digging, trying not to get discouraged that I wasn't cutting into the group's lead.  My legs were certainly weakening and were jello by the time I reached the big hill.  Actually, by that point, which is the 8th mile, I had make up substantial ground, cutting the distance in half.  In fact, I finished within 10 seconds of the group.  Those cats finished in 52:27, I overhead Manion say, and I finished in 52:35.  This was my most impressive 7.9M by far.  6:39+ pace!  I remember way back when I struggled to finish this route, let alone in sub-7:00 pace. I am indeed pleased and couldn't be happier that I rushed to get to the country club parking lot by 5:40AM.

Could there be a distance runner in me somewhere?  Come out, come out wherever you are!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

some of us took it a step further

10/23--Today Kevin really differentiated the workout and some of us took it a step further. 
Option 1: 2x5K with a 400 jog recovery
Option 2: 5x1000 with a 200 recovery, followed by 4x400
Option 3: I can't remember
Option 4: I can't remember

I wound up joining Ed and John Callaghan for our own option: 2400m, followed by 4 x 600/200 jog/400.  I started the 2400m a lap later and ran 5:55 at the mile and 7:23 at 2000.

Monday, October 22, 2012

This suited me just fine

10/22--took the day off

10/21--Like I did last week, I ran the normal route I take to get to Goose Creek (2.15M), I did the 3 loops around GC (1.55M), and then, instead of taking the same route back home, I headed straught up Shiloh and to my house (.9M). I did this twice for a total of 9.1M.

First loop in 32:55--3:48 (.5), 7:45 (1), 12:30 (1.7), 15:30 (2.1M, entering park), 19:10 (after loop 1) , 22:50 (after loop 2), 26:20 (after loop 3; exiting park), 32:55.  Second loop in 30:43 for a total run of 63:37. 9.1M at 6:59 pace. 

Loop 1: 4.55M in 33:00 (7:14 pace)

Loop 2: 4.55M in 30:43 (6:44 pace)

9.1M in 6:59 pace.  This suited me just fine on this windy day.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

still in distance mode

Saturday, 10/20--8x400 solo.  My plan was to run #s 1,3,4,6, and 7 in 75 seconds and #s 2,5, and 8 in 70.  I wanted to be conservative, given that I am still in distance mode and haven't done any speed.  I had planned to keep to 2:00 or less rest (100m walk, 100m jog) and I DID!  YES! 
My runs were: 75,70,74,74,70,73,73, and 63.  The 63?  I just wanted to see what I had in the tank and in the legs.

My plan is to try to keep the 2:00 (or less) constant and to bring down the 400s to 70 (for s 1,3,4,6, and 7) and 63 (for #s 2,5, and 8).

Friday, 10/19--same as on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was on my way

10/18--Arrived early enough to stretch!  Whew!

Did the course in reverse.
About a mile in I learned that we would be doing a 5-mile pick-up in the middle of the run.  This, I said to myself, will be tougher than last week's run and the one the week before last.  The warm up leading to the hard run was comfortable but brisk enough with anticipation.  I hung back a bit.  And then it happened like that: they took off.  At leat if I knew where the starting mark was I would have had a fighting chance of staying with them for at least the first mile.  I trailed the top guns--I mean guys--from the outset and the distance between us kept increasing over the miles.  I worried that I was going slowly.  As it turned out, they were moving.  I ran 31:30 for the middle 5 miles. My pace was 6:18!  Theirs averaged about 6:00!  I didn't feel as dead as I did two weeks ago, but I was tired.  I caught up with them with less than a mile to go.  By that time, we were "jogging" at probably 7:20 pace.  We finished up the 7.9M in 53:30, or 6:46 mile pace overall, my best 7.9M yet. 

10/17--I went to the gym, running late as usual.  I decided to alternate between running and lifting.  Surprise, surprise!  I ran a 6:52 mile on the 16-laps-to-the-mile track, lifted on two machines, did a 6:42 mile on the treadmill, lifted on two more machines, then returned to the track for another mile in 6:30.  I was on my way.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I feel like an old man.

10/16--Got to Henderson early, around 5:30.  Can you believe it?  Warmed up over two loops around the block.  Tried to get a good stretch in.  My body is not quite where it should be.  I feel like an old man. Kevin announced that the workouts were 8x800 with a 200m jog in-between or 6x800 with a 200m jog in-between.  Before I knew it the top group was off!  I found myself weaving in and around in the dark with the remaining 50.  I felt terribly off and like I was going fast...but I wasn't.  3:03.  The second one wasn't much better: 3:01.  I broke 3:00 on the third one--2:59.  I then realized that I needed a breather.  I stretched for a little and missed the fourth one.  I jumped back into the workout with a 2:57 (my fourth).  I then joined the top crew for the last 3.  I was right in there for the first one: 2:43.  The next one, run in 2:45, saw me take a step back.  The last one, my #7, escaped me.  The recovery was so fast that I was way behind from the get-go.  I managed 2:47.  I understand that the guys were right around 2:40.

This was one of my worst 800m repeat workouts! 

10/15--easy run of 4.63M in 35:25--7:39 pace.  Ran straight to Goose Creek Park (.93M), did 3 loops (1.6M), took the long way back home (2.1M).--

10/14Busy day; day got away from me.  Back is bothering me.  Stiff; feels like a damaged nerve.  No running today.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

modified and improvised

10/13--Had planned to do the 11.4-11.5M run involving Goose Creek.  Given time constraints, I modified and improvised.  I ran the normal route I take to get to Goose Creek (2.15M), I did the 3 loops around GC (1.55M), and then, instead of taking the same route back home, I headed straught up Shiloh and to my house (.9M).  I did this twice for a total of 9.1M.

First loop in 33:00--3:48 (.5), 7:45 (1), 12:30 (1.7), 15:30 (2.1M, entering park), 19:10 (after loop 1) , 22:50 (after loop 2), 26:25 (after loop 3; exiting park) , 33:00, Second loop in 30:43--33:00, 36:25, 39:55, 47:10 (entering park), 50:40 (after loop 1), 54:10 (after loop 2), 57:35 (after loop 3; exiting park), 60:35, 63:43.  9.1M at 7:00 pace

Loop 1: 4.55M in 33:00 (7:15 pace)
Loop 2: 4.55M in 30:43 (6:45 pace)
9.1M in 7:00 pace

For the record...
2.1M to entrance of Goose Creek
.53M each loop of Goose Creek
.93M from exit of Goose Creek to my mailbox
10/12--took the day off.

10/11--Arrived at the country club late. 
Saw the crew, 20-deep, beginning the 7.9M loop as I approached.
Went after them.
Began to cut into the lead of the folks trailing.
Started passing some at the .6M mark.
Was told that the guys at the front (Scott, John Callaghan, John Manion, and Kevin) were moving at a fast clip, trying to run in the 6:40 range for 7 of the 7.9 trip. 
No wonder I could no longer see them.
I kept passing people for the next 2M.
About 4M in I caught up with Pete, John and another guy whose name I am embarassed to say I cannot remember after these years (You stink!)
I was at 27:30 at the exact 4M mark
Kept going, trying to keep the pace.
Was running by my lonesome once I hit the Henderson tennis courts.
Made my way through the industrial area and North Hills neighborhood.
The hill was a bear!
Reached the top at 51 and change.
Finished up in 54:40.
6:55 pace over 7.9M.
As it turned out, the guys at the front ran 52:00 and change, beginning in the 6:40s and working their way down to the 6:20s.  They took the last mile easy, about 7:15 pace.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I ran solo.

10/9/12--Happy b-day, Grandma! 
On and off rain.  Cold (40-45 degrees).  Windy.  Despite these conditions, I headed to Henderson to meet a few dozen other crazies.  The workout choices were: 3 miles, 400 jog rest, then 2 miles OR mile, 800, mile, 800.  After some reluctance, I decided that I would give the first a shot.  The first three miles right behind Rachel would prove formidable.  I started to suck at the 2-mile mark so I stopped (12:20).  After a 400m jog, I broke into an 800 (2:50).  After another 400m jog, I began my 2 mile.  This time I would not be duped.  I ran evenly: 1:30, 2:59, 4:30, 6::00, 7:30, 9:33, 11:55.  I felt good about this, considering I ran solo. 

10/8/12-- I ventured to the Y at 6AM for a running/lifting workout, alternating between the two using both the 16-lap-to-the-mile track and treadmill.  I decided not to do full miles.  Instead, when it was time to run on the track I did 12 laps on the track (.75) and when it was time to run on the treadmill I did .75M.  The times ranged between 5:15 (first) and 5:05 (fifth). 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kind of creepy

10/7--Sunday--got up at 5:30AM and began my run at 5:50, since Bria and her team had to be at the soccer field at 7AM for an 8AM game.  I just did 4.25M in 32:00.  The run was lonely, boring and kind of creepy, particularly since black cat crossed my path.  Cooler--50 degrees.  7:32 pace

10/6--Saturday--8.0M, about 7.5M (54:30) of which was on the boardwalk, in 58:15.  The wind was swirling and a little wicked here and there.  Warm--70 degrees or so. 7:17 pace.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I am better for God's divine intervention

Thursday, 10/4--Met up with the crew at the country club. We did the 7.9M course in reverse. Tempo would begin a couple of miles in. There were about 20 of us, and  about 7 of us (John Callaghan, Kevin, John Manion, Ed, Joe, Rachel, and me) broke off pretty immediately.  I guess we were planning to run the 4-mile tempo (in the middle of the 7.9M run). The pace was solid from the beginning.  Coming off North Hills the pace quickened as expected. We were at 13:30 into the run. Rachel, Joe and I hung with the guys for the first half-mile. And then it happened: they gapped us, hitting the mile at about 6:10 to our 6:20.  They increased the pace in their second mile, running, as I later learned, 5:56.  Rachel, Joe and I  dropped the pace, running the second mile to 6:08.  John, Kevin, Manion, Ed were 22-23 seconds ahead of us.  I was working hard and doing okay, trying to push the pace in fact.  My legs were starting to feel it.  I heard Rachel and Joe say that they had only planned to "tempo" for 3 miles.  I wanted all four.  God must've heard me because lo and behold, Ed suddenly dropped back from the lead group and joined me for the rest of the third mile.  Mile 3 was run in 6:10.  When Rachel and Joe stopped, along with Ed, who needed to head to his car near the Boro Y, I was left alone but only for a second!  Out of nowhere emerged John Callaghan, who, like Ed, joined me, asking whether I was going to finish the tempo.  I told him yes, even though I was beginning to struggle.  By the time, I turned the corner to head towards West Chester U, I was sooo tired.  As we passed the night I fell back for a moment,telling John to go ahead. He looked at his watch and said "we had 400 meters" to go. With those words, I began to compose myself.  John then said 200 to go, ad I was good.  We finished in 38:15.  Kevin K and John Manion finished not that far ahead of us, perhaps in 37:45 or so.  So, that means my 4-mile tempo was from 13:30-38:15, or 24:45, which is about 6:11 pace. Moving at 8:00 pace, we then jogged the last portion of the course--about 2M--to the country club. We finished up after 56:30.  I am better for pushing myself and mainly for God's divine intervention.  He's the reason.

On 8/15, We were about 13:55 into the run when we began tempo.  The 4-mile tempo went from13:55-40:15--or 26:20, which is about 6:35 pace. We then jogged the last portion of the course.
Wed, 10/3--Running a bit late, I made my way to the Y at 6AM for a running/lifting workout, alternating between the two using both the 16-lap-to-the-mile track and treadmill.  Similar to last week, I believe, I decided not to do full miles.  Instead, I did 12 laps (.75M) on the track (3 times) and .75 (2 times) on the treadmill.  The times ranged between 5:03 (first) and 4:50 (fifth).  4.25M

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Syracuse Festival of Races

Tuesday, 10/2--Today's workout was one of two choices: 3x1.5M with a 400m rest (or was it 200m?) OR 3x1200, 100m jog, then hard 400, followed by 300m jog.  I opted for the latter.  My hamstring was bothering me, on account of the driving I did this past weekend right after competing, followed by yardwork when I got home.  I ran alone, as the strongest runners did the former workout or some derivation thereof.  I did not feel sharp, but I didn't feel awful either--just tight. 

My runs:

Monday, 10/1--Early morning recovery run of 5.1M in 39:40.

Sunday, 9/30--A few weeks ago, I decided that I would join my team in Syracuse for the Festival of Races.  This would be my first time, but hopefully not my last.  I was inspired by others but rather underwhelmed with myself. 

DJ and I visited Colgate the day before (I figured I'd incoporate the trip into mine to Syracuse), and drove an hour to Syracuse afterwards. 

After a rocky start to the morning, we arrived at the start of the course with more than an hour to spare.  A couple of the guys piled into my minivan.  I warmed up with Chuck and another teammate and began my stretching routine.  My tense, tight legs managed to become limber and loose in a matter of minutes.  Once at the line, I could see how fit and ready everyone was.  The race was real.  And then the gun went off.  Some guys shot out of the cannon, gunpowder at their backs and in my face no less. 

I remember hitting the 1K mark in 3:20-something and definitely reached the mile mark at 5:33.  I was behind my pace for the day's race, but I was ahead of where I was at this point for Teri's Run a few weeks ago.  I felt good, although DJ told me that I looked like I was way in the back.  Go figure.  At the turnaround point, I tried to extend my stride a little.  I knew I was decelerating, but I was trying to fight it.  I heard 11:20 at the 2-mile mark.  It was official--I was certainly off-pace...and by quite a bit.  I tried to--and this the humbling part--to stay with the guy next to me whose singlet indicated that he was in the 50-55 year old group.  He eventually dropped me.  I did battle it out with another guy from this age group, and I prevailed.  With 5 minutes to go in the race, I knew that my energy was waning fast.  I was depleted and just wanted to finish the dame race.  With a quarter-mile to go I could feel the slight uphill buckle my quads. 

I tried to push towards the line, hearing many footsteps behind me chomping at the bit.  I ran 17:59, which pales in comparison to the 41-year old man who won in 14:25.  No less impressive was the female race, which was won in 16:50 by a 41-year old.  An 88-year old man won his age group and set a world record in 26:00+.  There were so many amazing times posted by masters folks that I was in awe.  DJ was even more absorbed.  I will be referring to the leader board for some time to come.  I was moved.

Little did I know that a flip of the coin would put me on the A-team (since Gene and I had posted the exact same time for our most recent 5K).  Gene would finished a mere 5 seconds behind me.  Something tells me our fitness levels are about equal!  Either that or we both had off-races, "good" off or "bad" off.  Honestly, i was hoping to run 17:30.  I suppose it would help if I did more long runs and did the Tuesday workout with some heart.

It was also great to see the team be all together, too.  I believe there were 13 of us there.  I plan to give it a shot next year.