Tues, 11/29-
Jogged a mile. Made my way inside the MS. Stretched in the orchestra room, then made my way out to do 5 hill repeats on the pavers leading up to the tennis pavilion. The length, according to my watch, was .12M+/200m, if you start from the street. I covered the distance in 39/40 sec. My recovery was jogging back down in 1:20/1:30.
Mon, 11/28-
Mile (1.08) to Vare (8:30). Stretched and strength work. Mile (.97M) back to Jennings (7:45).
Sun, 11/27-Away at Glasbern Inn
Went to the fitness center with V. Warmed up a mile (8:00). Stretched some. Did another mile (7:30). Barbell and plyo work.
Sat, 11/26-Anniversary
Met up with the guys on Saturday instead of Sunday. John, Bruce, Leroy, and I did 9x150 with goals of 3@24, 3@23, 3@22.
Actual: 3@24-mid; 22, 23-low, 23-low; 21-low, 22-low, 21-low.
Fri, 11/25-1M, stretched, strength work at Vare. Mile return to residence.
Thurs, 11/24-5-mile turkey trot to benefit Face to Face. Forbidden Drive. Warmed up on the track, stretched inside, and then had V drop me off at about 8:45am at the corner at Chestnut Hill College, just up the street from the start. It was about 35 degrees. Just before the start of the race, I shed a bit more clothing. I also decided to keep my earbuds in, as I thought I would take it fairly easy. When the race started, I decided to see how the first mile went and then just try to maintain pace. Knowing I was not at all in much shape, my expectations were tempered. After a 6:51 first mile that felt pretty relaxed, I felt I was good. I got passed by many people, many of whom would find themselves behind me by the race's conclusion. Mile 2 was at 6:57. A quarter mile later, I saw teammate Carmen Zappile, who would win our age group. I saw 17:15/2.54M on my watch at the turnaround point. I crossed the 5M mark and finished in just under 34:00. I crossed the finish line in 34:22 for 60th out of 960 and 4th in my age group.
Wed, 11/23-took off