Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dark, dampness

Thurs, 10/29-

Took off. Too much to do.


Wed, 10/28-

Went to campus for 8x200 with 3-min/200m walk break in the dark, dampness of 6:30AM. Goal was 31 sec.

I hit 30-mid, 30-low, 30-low, 30-low, 30-low, 30-low, 29-high, 28-high

Tues, 10/27-

For the first time in months, I parked at the Y, ran 4M around the area (to CVS and back), and stretched/lifted for 15 min afterwards. 4M run at 6:00AM was 29:55 (8:00, 7:35, 7:15, 7:05).

Mon, 10/26-

Went to Mountainview Park. Running late, I committed to only 4M. (8:00, 7:35, 7:10, 6:50). 29:35

Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Sun, 10/25-

Went to campus for a track workout, assuming we were on for GA. Turns out a few distance guys showed up. 

Inspired by John D'Anjou's 4x400 in 68 sec with a 3-min rest followed by 4x200 in 28 sec with a 2-min rest, I went for 4x300 in 48 with a 3-min rest followed by 30 sec with a 2-min rest. I went 49-mid, 48-mid, 47-high, 48-low. I then went 30-flat, 30-mid, 30-low, 30-flat.

I then took a work-related conference call in my office.

Sat, 10/24-

Went to Duke Island Park for a run with V. We did 4.98M in 52:15.






Fri, 10/23-

Went to Mountainview Park at 6AM for a 4.7M run. 34:00

Thurs, 10/22

Went to the Y. Some lifting, some running. Not much.

Wed, 10/21

Went to campus for a workout of 8x150s with a 2:30 rest. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cannot recall


After going to Skillman and trying to get in a run, I turned around and headed to the Y; it was far too dark and foggy, even with a headlamp and lighted vest. I arrived at the Y at 6:10, leaving me only about 30 minutes for a workout. After being interrupted by a gym enthusiast, I lost some time. I managed .8M at about 7:30 pace, 4:00 of lifting; .8M at about 7:00 pace, 4:00 of lifting, and .5M at faster than 6:00/mile pace.


Went to Mountainview Park for 5M in 37:50.


Went to GA. Met up with Chuck K, Chuck S, John D'Anjou, Bruce, and newcomer Leroy Miles. We did 2x300, 2x200, 2x150. 4:00 rest for the 300s, 3:00 rest for 200s, 2:00 rest for 150s. 

49, 48

30, 30

21, 21


Ran 3M with V. (10:48, 10: 15, 10:02)


cannot recall


cannot recall


Went to campus for a workout. Did 6x200 in 31/32.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

even with the mask.


Went to the Y for a 60-min workout of 5 x (1 mile + lift/stretch).

mile 1: 7:55

mile 2: 7:40

mile 3: 7:20

mile 4: 7:05

mile 5: running late; did only .5M (3:05)

Felt good, even with the mask.

Monday, October 12, 2020

slept my run (time) away.

Mon, 10/12-

Ran on the trail on this rainy, windy, residue-from-the-hurricane-points-South at 10:30 this morning. Crossed over the bridge and ran the loop near the park structures and garden, then returned to the trial. The trail was full of puddles! All told, I managed 4.85M in 36:35. 8:40, 7:45, 7:35, 7:00, 5:35 (.85M)

Sun, 10/11

Met up with the guys (Chuck K, Chuck S, Wayne, Bruce, Bob) at GA. Chuck K, Wayne, Bruce, and I did some repeats. They scheduled for 6x200 in 31/32, and I was slated for 6x300 in 48/49, running the first 200 with them. They'd take 3:30 rest (200m walk), and I'd use about 3:15. 

effort 1: 32 for Wayne, with Bruce a second of two off. My 300 was in 48-high

effort 2: 31...My 300 was in 47-high

effort 3: 31...300 in 48-low

effort 4: 31...300 in 47-high

effort 5: 30...300 in 47-high

effort 6: 30...300 in 46-mid

Bruce and Wayne were consistent, with Wayne posting 30s over five effort; his last effort was 100m. With the exception of the first effort, Brice hit 31s and 30s. Getting back into the swing of things, Chuck took things easy, but ran an extra 200.

I felt good about the workout!

Fri, 10/9-

Took the day off. Early start to the morning with a 4:30AM call. Went back to bed and slept my run (time) away. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Thurs, 10/8-

Went to the trail for a 6AM run. It was quite dark, and my headlamp bobbed annoyingly. Under time constraints, I managed 4.25M in 30:55.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

goal pace

Wed, 10/7

Went to campus and did 8x200 with a 2-min rest; goal pace 31.

31-mid, 31-low, 31-mid, 31-mid, 31-low, 31-low, 31-low, 30-low

Tues, 10/6

Went to Mountainview Park for a 5-miler. Ran 36:50. 8:20, 7:40, 7:20, 7:00, 6:30

Mon, 10/5

Went to the Y for mile/lifting.

7:55 mile/4:00 lifting

7:35 mile/4:00 stretching

7:15 mile/4:00 lifting

6:55 mile

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Locked up

I arrived at The College of New Jersey at about 11:15AM with 3x400 in 60 seconds on my mind. The temperature was a very doable 63 degrees.   

Rep 1: I got out okay, crossing the 100-meter mark in 15.  I relaxed on the backstretch, reaching the 200 mark in 30. I crossed the 300 in 46. As I hit the homestretch, I tried not to overuse my arms.  I crossed the 400 in 62-flat.

I walked for 10 minutes (800m)

Rep 2: Feeling fully recovered, I decided to get at the next 400.  I reached the 100 in 14/15 and the 200 in 30.  I looked at my watch at the 300 mark and saw 45.  I tried to relax over the last 100, finishing the lap in 61.5.

I walked another 800 meters in 10 minutes.

Rep 3: I was ready to go. I reached the 100 in 14 and the 200 in 28/29. I looked at my watch and saw 44 at the 300 mark. I finished up in 59.5.   

My butt was locked up afterwards, though.  

I was pleased with the workout.

If I do this workout in the near future, maybe I'll try either 4x400 in 62 or 3x400 in sub-60.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A five miler

Sat, 10/3-

Went to Mountain View Park at 6AM for another five mile, this one in 36:25 (8:00, 7:40, 7:20, 7:00, 6:25)

Fri, 10/2

Took off

Thurs, 10/1

Went to Mountain View Park at 6AM for a five miler in 36:10.

Wed, 9/30

Took off

Tues, 9/29

Went to Mountain View Park at 6AM for a five miler...36:05

Mon, 9/28

Duke Island Park...five miles 36:00