Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Could this be a promising sign?

July 31, 2018

On tap today was 6 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min jog recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile.  At this pace, I should have covered about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)

#1: 560 meters

#2: 565 meters  

#3: 560 

#4: 570

#5: 570  

#6: 580 

#7: 590 

#8: 600 meters 

I averaged about 10 additional meters per 2:00 repeat over last week's effort. And I didn't feel as winded as I did last week. Could this be a promising sign? 

Tomorrow is another 45-minute run.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Normal is such a relative term.

Monday, 7/30-

On tap this morning was a 45:00 run. Parked at the YMCA and then did a 5.8M route in 43:50.

Sunday, 7/29-

Scheduled for today was a 60:00 run. For this I went to Duke Island Park. I did two loops and made a third loop the 5K route...for a total of 7.4M. After I finished in 56:00, I tacked on an additional .6M for an even 60:00 (for a grand total of 8M).

Saturday, 7/28-

Today was supposed to consist of two workouts: an easy 30-minute run for the AM session and 10 x (1 min faster than normal pace/1 min slower than normal pace).

Headed to the canal path and did an easy run with V. She ran about 21:30 (2.12M), and I kept going for a total of 3.4 in 32:30.

In the afternoon, I continued my work. I headed back to the canal path despite the humidity. I jogged to the stone paver area of the path and stretched for a few minutes. I then started with the 1 min slower than normal pace. (I'm still wondering which normal pace the plan refers: race normal, steady state run normal, etc. Normal is such a relative term.) After a minute, I kicked into faster-than-normal-pace. And so forth. I took this gig to a few hundred meters beyond the road and turned around. I wound up finishing at around the mile marker, shy of the stone pavers.

In the future, I will start at the bridge (the one that connects to Colonial Park) with 1 minute hard, and I'll turn back around when I hit the street.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

I'm just not there...yet.

Thurs, 7/26-Workout was supposed to be 30-minute run, with last 10 minutes at half marathon (Threshold) pace. I started at the Y and made my way to CVS (2.05 M) and back. 2.1M in 30:30.

First corner to Beekman: .77M (6:30)
Second corner, Beekman and Triangle: 1.4M (11:25)
CVS corner: 2.05M (16:05)

...and then I made my way back.

I reached Beekman and Triangle in 20:30 (2.65M). I figured I'd go the rest at half marathon pace, which wound up being about 7:08/mi pace for the remaining 1.4 miles. My half marathon pace should be much faster, but I'm just not there...yet. In fact, seems I slowed down some.

4.10M total in 30:30.

Wed, 7/25-45-minute run. 2.85M down the canal path towards Bound Brook (to the structure beyond the church grounds)...in 23:00 back to Millstone...in 21:30. 5.70M in 44:30.

Tues, 7/24-in Boston. Took off.

Mon, 7/23-in Boston. Took off.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Let the transition begin

Sunday, July 22-Let the transition begin

On tap today was 6 x 2:00 at 5K goal pace with a 2-min jog recovery between efforts. My goal is sub 18:00, about 5:47 or less/mile.  At this pace, I should have covered about 550-560 meters per repeat. (42 seconds per 200 meters)

#1: 550 meters

#2: 555 meters  

#3: 560 

#4: 560

#5: 570  

#6: 570 

#7: 560 

#8: 600 meters 

For perspective, here is last September's version...

#1: Ran an entire 600m in 2:04.  I was wondering whether I should do 600s or stick with 2:00.  I chose to stick with 2:00 so that I could do the workout as designed, but also make my way to being about to do 2-min 600s with a 2:00 jog recovery comfortably.  2:00 600s is much faster than my goal pace.  My goal is 17:30, which is 5:38/mile.  At this pace, I should have covered 571 meters per repeat.

#2: 585 meters in 2:00

#3: 580 meters in 2:00

#4: 580 meters in 2:00

#5: 575 meters in 2:00

#6: 575 meters in 2:00

#7: 580 meters in 2:00

#8: 600 meters in 1:57 (I could have kept going to cover another 10 meters of so to get to 2:00)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fitbit ain't one bit fit!

Sat, 7/21-After taking off a few days, I figured I'd do a substantial run of 60 minutes today, per my 5K plan. First generation Fitbit in hand (or on arm more precisely), I hit the canal trail for this effort. I took the stretch of trail opposite of the parking lot in Milltown. A few minutes into the run, I was reminded why I don't like to use the Fitbit I have: it never measures correctly. I know what a mile feel like, but the Fitbit doesn't. My particular version measure .9 mile for every mile I run. What's more, it is inconsistent. For example, I reached 3.38M, turned back around, followed the exact same path back to the start for the identical distance, and the Fitbit registered 3.17M. 3.17! What happened? Ridic. And, of course, the 3.38M was really 3.7 or so. So, I hit this mark in 30:30, and figured I'd head back in 29:30 for a total of 60 minutes. I finished up at 59:25 instead.

30:30 down (8:15/mi pace)
28:55 back (7:49/mi pace)

FitBit wouldn't know as much. Fitbit ain't one bit fit!

Fri, 7/20-took off

Thurs, 7/19-took off

Wed, 7/18-took off

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I took the race in an passable time

Tues, 7/17-

Here is a workout (from Anselm LeBourne's Facebook page) that I confessed I'd like to try:
3 X 3 X 200m 1st set (31-32) Rest 70 seconds with a 3 minute break, 2nd set (29.5-30.5) Rest 90 seconds with a 4 minute break, 3rd set (28.5- 30) with a 90 seconds Rest. Their times were 32.2, 30.2, 31.2, 29.4, 30.1, 29.0, 30.1, 28.4, 29.5.

My plan today was to try it. However, as I was warming up I realized how heavy and sluggish I felt, particularly in the soupy humidity, even at 7:30 AM. Thus, I decided to modify it to 3 x 3 x 150. 1st set: 23.xx with 70 seconds' rest between efforts and a 3-minute break after the set; 2nd set: 22.xx with 90 seconds' rest between efforts and a 4-minute break after the set; and 3rd set: 21.xx with 90 seconds' rest between efforts.

Times were: 23.4, 23.7, 23.6; 22.6, 22.6, 22.6; 21.4, 21.5, 21.6.

I think it's just about time to make my transition to distance, but I may take off up to a week first, though.

Mon, 6/16-took off

Sun, 6/15-Went to the Y for 4 x (mile, 4:00 lift/stretch)
Set 1: 10:00 mile on treadmill, 1:30 stretch, 2:30 lift
Set 2: 8:30 mile, 1:00 stretch, 3:00 lift
Set 3: 7:30 mile, :30 stretch, 3:30 lift
Set 4: 6:40 mile, 2:00 lift, 2:00 stretch

Sat, 6/14-Made my way on this 90+-degree to PA to compete in the second of three open meets at Phoenixville HS. I arrived at 6:20/6:30 for the meet, which was to begin at 7:30. After a few minutes, I connected with Wayne Foulke and his son Alex. (Justin Poley would arrive later, as the plan was for us to hang out after the meet.)

On tap? 100 and 200, with hopes to run 12.2 and sub-25. I felt pretty good during my warm up. I did some 50 meter pickups and some starts. Eventually, the clerk registered the entrants, beginning with the youngsters and continuing up to the teens and adults. Although somewhat haphazard, the process seemed to work okay. 

With just four in my heat, I had lane 3; lanes 1, 2, 3, and 6 were occupied. I took the race in an passable time, 12.21. Justin arrived soon afterwards. Here's a video of the second half of the race, thanks to Wayne's wife.

I was happy to see the temperature fall off some as the night approached. 

At about 9:00, my 200 race was up. In heat 5, lane 3, I found someone to my inside and three to my outside. I mistook the teen to my right in lane 4, assuming I'd outmatch his speed since he seemed to be so casual during the lane assignments and at the start. He shot out like a canon, posting 22.xx. Also a surprise was the young woman in lane 6 who went stride-for-stride with me down the homestretch. I tightened up over the last 15 meters or so to see her get me at the line. I was nonplussed by the race, a 25.20. Argh. 

At least Justin and I got to hang out afterwards....

Friday, July 13, 2018

a workout (from Anselm LeBourne's Facebook page) I'd like to try

Here is a workout (from Anselm LeBourne's Facebook page) I'd like to try:
3 X 3 X 200m 1st set (31-32) Rest 70 seconds with a 3 minute break, 2nd set (29.5-30.5) Rest 90 seconds with a 4 minute break, 3rd set (28.5- 30) with a 90 seconds Rest. 
Times were 32.2, 30.2, 31.2, 29.4, 30.1, 29.0,. 30.1, 28.4, 29.5.

Pretty much right on time...

Thursday, July 12, 2018-Sharpened up with a short sprint workout: 4 x 150. The target was 21-mid for the first two and 19-mid for the second two.
#1: 20-mid
#2: 21-mid
#3: 19-mid
#4: 19-high

Pretty much right on time...

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

the heart of

Wed, 7/11-

Last day in Charleston, SC. Ran from French Quarter Inn to and around The Battery...around 3M in 25:00.

Tues, 7/10

Took off.

Mon, 7/09-

Ran from French Quarter Inn to and around the heart of Charleston, SC. 4M in about 34:00

Sun, 7/08

Ran from French Quarter Inn to and around the heart of Charleston, SC. 4M in about 34:00

Sat, 7/07

Went to Hillsborough HS track for a brief workout before heading to Charleston, SC. Did 4x150 and 4x100. The idea was to do the first 150s at 7.5 sec per 100m, the second two 150s at 7 sec per 100m, the first two 100s in 6.5 sec per 100, and the second two 100s in sub-13.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

I looked at my watch

July 5, 2018

I arrived on campus at 7:25AM with 3x400 in 60 seconds on my mind. Although the temperature was doable, it was on the humid side.   

Rep 1: I got out okay, crossing the 100-meter mark in 14/15.  I relaxed on the backstretch, reaching the 200 mark in 30. I crossed the 300 in 46. As I hit the homestretch, I tried not to overuse my arms.  I crossed the 400 in 61-high.

I walked for 10 minutes.

Rep 2: Feeling fully recovered, I decided to get at the next 400.  I reached the 100 in 14/15 and the 200 in 30.  I looked at my watch at the 300 mark and saw 45.  I tried to relax over the last 100, finishing the lap in 61-flat.

I walked another 10 minutes.  

Rep 3: I was ready to go.  I reached the 100 in 14 and the 200 in 29. I looked at my watch and saw 44 at the 300 mark. I finished up in 60-flat.   

My butt was locked up afterwards, though.  

I was fairly pleased with the workout.

If I do this workout in the near future, maybe I'll try either 4x400 in 62 or 3x400 in sub-60.

July 4, 2018

On this crazy humid day, V and I went to the trail for a run, using the side heading toward Franklin Township's Colonial Park. I reached the 2.12M mark in 17:00. I headed back and came across V at 20:30. I walked with her for a tenth of a mile or so. When we reached the stake that indicated I has 1.5M to the parking lot, I started running again. I picked up the pace over the last mile in particular, covering it in about 7:00.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I downshifted

Tuesday, June 3-

Went to Pingry's track at 7:30 this soupy morning for a workout. The initial plan was to do neg-split reps 2x (300m-500-400 w/neg-split last 100m).  My goal was :33+15 (=:48 300m) . . . 69+15 (=1:24 500m) . . . 50+15 (=65 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets.

(Goal for 2:00 800: @ :32+14 (=:46 300m) . . . 66+14 (=1:20 500m) . . . 48+14 (=62 400m) 2-min btw reps/jog 1200 btw sets.)

The workout did not go as planned.

Set 1: 33+16 (=:49 300m); 34/69+17 (=1:26 500m); 34/51+17 (=68 400m)
Feeling like the heat and humidity had gotten the better of me, I downshifted to something more manageable: 150s and 200s. Since I had covered 900 meters of hard running, I figured I'd do about 900 meters work of 150s and 200s at about 800 meter pace. I'd do a 150, rest 90 seconds, then do 200, rest 2:00, then do a 150, and so on.

150: 23-mid
rest 90 seconds
200: 31-flat
rest 2:00
150: 23-low
rest 90 seconds
200: 31-low
rest 2:00
150: 22-high
rest 90 seconds
200: 27-low
rest 2:00

Monday, June 2

Went to the Y at 7AM for a brief workout of treadmill action and lifting.
6:00 on treadmill at 8:00 pace
4:00 stretch/lift
6:00 on treadmill at 7:30 pace
4:00 lift
6:00 on treadmill at 7:30 pace

Sunday, June 1

Took myself to Hillsborough HS's track for the dirty dozen. I didn't set out to do the dirty dozen on this soupy morning, but they kept calling me.

Initially, I thought I'd do 8 150s, four sets of two at 22, 21, 20, and 19. I then said I'd do 9 of them: 3@22, 3@21, and 3@20. I moved into the workout. As I approached the third set, I told myself to consider tacking on a fourth set. And I did...once I reached rep #8. I was feeling reasonably good despite the heat.

set 1: 22-mid, 22-low, 22-low
set 2: 21-low, 21-mid, 21-mid
set 3: 20-mid, 20-low, 20-low
set 4: 19-mid, 19-mid, 19-high

My walk-rest back to the 150 mark ranged between 2:30 and 2:45.