Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Me versus my hamstring.

Tuesday, 9/21. Today at Henderson we got the standard 5K workout: 5x1000 at 5K pace with a 200 meter jog in-between. I got there a tad early so that I could get a couple of extra minutes of stretching in since my hamstring is not 100%. My runs were: 3:36, 3:26, 3:31, 3:27, 3:16. We took turns leading these. I led the fourth, which was probably my most comfortable run. I went out a little hard (my first 200 was :35) and had to slow up. Even though my hamstring felt sore, this workout was a good one. For perspective, on 9/7/10 we did 5x1000 and ran 3:47, 3:38, 3:30, 3:28, 3:23. The average was 3:33, which is 6 seconds slower than today's average. My pace for my most recent 5K race was 3:33, or 5:44/mile. My average 1K for the workout was 3:27. Does that mean I can run this pace in my next 5K? That would be 17:15! I'd actually like to get down to 3:20 pace so that I can break 17:00 (5:28/mile). I felt good about being able to keep up with Scott Burns, who ran 16:45 at Teri's run on 9/10. That's a good sign. We'll see. Me versus my hamstring...and the course, of course.

Monday, 9/20--easy 3.75 in 28:45. My left hamstring is bothering me. It's sore and tight. I hope I didn't overdo it this past week.

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