Thursday, April 26, 2018

the track is marked--Penn Relays, here I come.

April 26, 2018

Arrived on campus at 6:20 for a short workout. Warmed up and stretched pretty well, even did a few drills. Then, I did a couple of 100-meter strides on the first turn, followed by a couple of fast 50-meter takeoffs (6.2 and 6.1). I am glad the track is marked at every 50 meters.

Penn Relays, here I come!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Perhaps more realistically

April 25, 2018-took off

Tues, April 24, 2018-Arrived on campus at 6:15 AM for a short workout.  I warmed up, lubed up with Icy Hot, and then stretched well.  I was ready to go at 6:40 AM. 

I wound up doing 2x100, 2x150, 1x100. 

The 2x100 were supposed to serve as warmup for the 150s.  They were 13-high, 12-mid.  2:00 rest between....

The 2x150 were supposed to be fast but relaxed, not frenetic.  I think I accomplished that with my two 19-mid efforts.  

I finished up with an accidentally effortful 100 (12-high).  The 12-high would ideally be the speed of my third 100 of my 400-meter leg of the 4x4.

first 100: 12.6
second 100: 12.6
third 100: 12.9
fourth 100: 15.0

Perhaps more realistically:
first 100: 12.6
second 100: 12.6 (25.2)
third 100: 13.8
fourth 100: 14.9 (28.7)

Monday, April 23, 2018

in tow for a bit of encouragement

April 22, 2018-

On this sunny, 45-degree morning  I decided to get in a workout at Swarthmore College, there for the weekend with my wife for CPI (Council on Presidential Initiatives).  After a 7:00AM warm up and stretch in the fitness center at The Inn at Swarthmore, I made my way to the track for a workout I did on this day last year: 3x400, with a 10-minute break between runs.  My target pace was 60.  I managed 61-high, 61-low, 60-low.  This is about what I did last year (and the year prior), except Bruce and Rob were in tow for a bit of encouragement. 

April 21, 2018

Did an easy 3.3M run (26:45, 8:06 mile pace) around Swarthmore College campus/town.

Friday, April 20, 2018

thanks mostly to my concussion

It's been almost three weeks since I've posted, thanks mostly to my concussion.

Thurs, 4/19-Snuck in a treadmill workout: naughty.
mile: 8:30
stretch: 4:00
mile: 7:30
lift: 4:00
mile 6:30
lift: 400
stretch: 4:00

Wed, 4/18-took off. Symptomatic!

Tues, 4/17-Snuck in a workout. Cool and windy. Warmed up and stretched at the Y. Then, I went to Hillsborough HS.

The workout was 9x100, 6 on the curve, 3 on the straight. I took 2 minutes (walk 100) between repeats and four minutes between the curve set and straight set. I used the fly and passing zones for the curves, as I was trying to simulate the off curve at Franklin Field.

Mon, 4/16-took off. Symptomatic!

Sun, 4/15- Snuck in a treadmill workout at the Y with V: naughty.
mile: 8:30
stretch: 4:00
mile: 7:30
lift: 4:00
mile 6:30
lift: 4:00
stretch: 4:00

Sat, 4/14-On this 75-degree day, I walked part of the trail, with V running. I later went to the track for a workout. This hard head couldn't resist. The track was overflowing with youth from a local track club, so I had to wait until the track was nearly cleared. I did manage to warm up while during the goings on.

The workout was 6x150 in sub 20.
19.9, 19.7, 19.7, 19.8, 20.2, 19.6

Fri, 4/13-took off. Symptomatic!

Thurs, 4/12-???

Wed, 4/11-??

Tues, 4/10-

The workout was a strength training and intensive tempo workout of 6x200 at the same pace as the 2nd 200 meter split of your current 400 meter race time, with four minutes' recovery between efforts. It was time to get ready for lactic acid-inspired booty lock (ass-id, stylized).

I hit:


Oh, yeah, went to Somerset Urgent Care and was diagnosed with a concussion.

Mon, 4/9-???

Sun, 4/8-

Was supposed to go to a meet at TCNJ (which had been moved from Saturday to Sunday) for the 100, 200, and 400, but it was cold. Also, I didn't like the published lane assignment I had for the 400: lane 8! So, I  met up with the crew at Germantown Academy for a time trial and baton exchanges instead.

The time trial was missing John Curtis, who had a meet in NC. We did have a full house and then some, with young newcomer Ricky Goettel having to share lane 2 with Phil Reilly. I had lane 1. Rob was in lane 3, and Bruce, Chuck K., and Daryl covering the other lanes. Chuck S. would start us, and Wayne Foulke would yell out the 200 meter splits.

After a decent warm up, I just wanted to get the time trial over with. I got out pretty well, despite the blocks slipping. Even though I caught Phil by the 100-meter mark, I could see early on the Ricky was going to be hard to catch. As we approached the 200, I heard Wayne say 24, which I took to be for Ricky and that 25 or so was for me. As he hit the homestretch, I could tell the wind was a real factor. And then I hit it. OMG! It stood my straight up. The last 100 must have taken 15-16 seconds. Thus, my 56.xx. Ricky managed 52-high. Envious.

After a few minutes, a few of us helped Rob's daughter run a 400-meter time trial herself.

We were then ready for baton exchanges. With Ross unavailable for Penn Relays this year, the team would be Wayne, Rob, Chad Levitt, and me. After some discussion, we decided the order would be Rob (who wanted to start and only hand off the baton), Wayne (who wanted to run a different leg than usual), me (I was open to whatever), and Chad (who, since he hadn't run a 4x100 MR in eons, should simply pass the baton or receive it, but not do both).

We went on our merry way practicing. Unfortunately, on the penultimate handoff from me to Chad, I tripped, perhaps on the back of his heel, and hit the cold ground pretty hard. Like any self-respecting runner, I got up and kept at it, doing another exchange with him and several more with Wayne.

I didn't realize until later than I had been injured. By late-morning, I was lethargic and could barely do yard work. And it is scary to think I had rented a chainsaw, which I could barely carry across the yard and up and down the ladder I was using! OMG! At any rate, by late afternoon I was in a fetal position, thinking perhaps I was suffering from food poising or a nasty stomach bug. By evening, I was vomiting, with nothing in my stomach other than the pastry from the morning and the volumes of liquid I had consumed post workout.

(I returned to work as usual on Monday, and I felt like crap. Same thing on Tues. I suspected a concussion, which was confirmed when I went to an urgent care center Tuesday afternoon.)

I'm still trying to recover and gain my composure for this time next week: Penn Relays!

Sat, 4/7-took off

Fri, 4/6-took off

Thurs, 4/5-3x150 in 22-low, 21-low, 20-low and 3x100 in 14-mid, 13-mid, and 12-mid

Wed, 4/5-

mile: 8:30
stretch: 4:00
mile: 7:30
lift: 4:00
mile 6:30
lift: 400
stretch: 4:00

Tues, 4/4-???

Mon, 4/3-???

Sun, 4/2-???

Sunday, April 1, 2018

strength training and intensive tempo


Saturday-Met up with the crew at Germantown Academy. We have some good numbers today, about 13 or 14, including a few new faces interested in membership: Chad, Dan, and another guy.

The workout was a strength training and intensive tempo workout of 6x200 at the same pace as the 2nd 200 meter split of your current 400 meter race time, with four minutes' recovery between efforts. It was time to get ready for lactic acid-inspired booty lock (ass-id, stylized).

We'd have three groups: 28/29, 30/31, and 32/33. (Midway through the workout, the 32/33 would late break off to do twice as many reps, but at a slower pace with a 200 jog recovery. Andrew said they were moving too slowly on the 200s to justified a 4:00 recovery. Fair enough!)

28/29: John, a younger guy connected with Chuck K. whose name I can't remember but who's come to work out with us before, and me.

30/31: Bruce, Rob, Ray, Kevin Cooke, Dan, Chuck K.

32/33: Andrew, Chad, Chuck S. other guys

I hit:



Very easy mile in 9:00, lift and stretch for four minutes, easy mile in 8:30, lift and stretch for eight minutes

Thursday-Rise and shine.

Went to the track at 6 AM this morning for a medium intensity workout of 300s and 200s. The initial plan was to do 3x300 and 3x200, but I felt sluggish enough to scale things back to two of each.  With the track still partially covered, I ran in lane three and managed 2x300 in 46 and 45 and 2x200 in 30 each. I took three minutes' rest between the 300s and two minutes' rest between the 200s.


Same 'ole: easy mile in 8:30, lift and stretch for four minutes, easy mile in 8:00, lift and stretch for four minutes, easy mile in 7:30, lift and stretch for four minutes.

Tues-Went to the track at 6 AM this morning for a medium intensity workout of 5 x (150, 60sec rest, 100, 60 sec rest). The idea was to maintain the same pace throughout the workout on minimal rest of 60 sec.

22-mid 150
60 sec rest
14-mid 100
60 sec rest
22-mid 150
60 sec rest
14-mid 100
60 sec rest
22-low 150
60 sec rest
14-high 100
60 sec rest
22-mid 150
60 sec rest
15-low 100
60 sec rest
21-mid 150
60 sec rest
13-high 100
60 sec rest


easy mile in 8:30, lift and stretch for four minutes, easy mile in 8:00, lift and stretch for four minutes, easy mile in 7:30, lift and stretch for four minutes.